Kinnick North End Zone Remodel Update

Don't like it.
For two reasons, one... it appears the fans are being pushed further out away from the field and maybe that's an illusion but part of a good home field advantage is being right on the field and let's face it the team can use all the help they can get.

Two... I would rather spend the money on buying the coaches contact out. We can't fill up the stands now, why do we want more empty seats?
Initial reaction incredible! Hopefully the seats are the same as every where else now...I had never sat in north end zone until if you're over 6 foot that endzone is miserable for leg room!

Kind of stinks capacity is going to drop morehouse said. But maybe the south endzone will be next for upper deck?
It looks pretty awesome! Will be much nicer accommodations for that end zone. I also think they are doing a good job of keeping the decor of Kinnick while at the same time upgrading. This is something I don't think they did as well with Camp Randall. I actually think the sound will be contained more in the stadium since the corners are closed in more. Will also protect a bit more from the cold north wind coming through in those November games. I notice that they plan to start prior to next season and end by the 2018 or 19 season. Will the next 2 seasons be down the north end zone seating? Could make tickets tougher to get the next couple seasons.
Wow, that looks awesome! Those improvements for the N. Endzone are looooong overdue. The seat size is ridiculously small there, and the restroom and concessions are terrible. This will be a great addition!
Don't like it.
For two reasons, one... it appears the fans are being pushed further out away from the field and maybe that's an illusion but part of a good home field advantage is being right on the field and let's face it the team can use all the help they can get.

Two... I would rather spend the money on buying the coaches contact out. We can't fill up the stands now, why do we want more empty seats?

Did you watch any of the ISU / Okie State game? Lots of empty seats at Okie State. Lots of empty seats at Mich State last Saturday. It's not just Iowa my friend. The whole NCAA is trending the way of the NFL where tv dollars will dwarf attendance dollars.
Did you watch any of the ISU / Okie State game? Lots of empty seats at Okie State. Lots of empty seats at Mich State last Saturday. It's not just Iowa my friend. The whole NCAA is trending the way of the NFL where tv dollars will dwarf attendance dollars.

Yep, plus the seats that still sell are the box seats and club seats. They go for more money, there is a waiting list even when attendance was down.
Looks great to me if those are the actual drawings. Hopefully helps the acoustics in getting the stadium louder also. Hoping for the big screen up at the end like is shown.
Not bad, going to be higher than all the rest of the stadium though. I hope they have a plan for the rest of Kinnick to match or were gonna start looking like Penn State and Nebraska soon.

Was kinda hoping they'd wrap the press box around.
Capacity is going to drop??? This makes no sense to me. I want Kinnick to get up to the Lincoln Memorial range(87,000) which will probably never happen. Kind of sad.
I like how it looks. Don't think it will push seats further away from field. There isn't that much room behind the stadium to push things back.
They should have spent that money on ripping the benches out between the 20s and putting in actual seats. Kinnick is not a comfortable place to watch a game and Barta is too concerned about keeping capacity at 70,000

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