Kinnick North End Zone Remodel Update

Why break up the continuity of the exterior facade of Kinnick with this modern, glass-lined appendage, that's towering over the original stadium? I'd like it better if they just bowled in that end, but keep the exterior to match what the rest of the stadium looks like - brick, with arches leading into the stadium.

Put me down as a Do Not Like, at least from the architectural perspective.
Capacity is going to drop??? This makes no sense to me. I want Kinnick to get up to the Lincoln Memorial range(87,000) which will probably never happen. Kind of sad.

If we only had one football team in the state it would be. I mean, we basically have just one team now but you know what I mean...
I think it looks awesome. I guess I shouldn't be surprised by the negativity....always is. Looks great to me. They were talking about the capacity dropping just a little, Barta didn't want it below 70k. So, it will be fine.
They should have spent that money on ripping the benches out between the 20s and putting in actual seats. Kinnick is not a comfortable place to watch a game and Barta is too concerned about keeping capacity at 70,000

Amen...if they have to fill in the corners to keep capacity do it but I am tired of not being able to sit in a seat because not every fits in that 18 inches or whatever it is.
Capacity is going to drop??? This makes no sense to me. I want Kinnick to get up to the Lincoln Memorial range(87,000) which will probably never happen. Kind of sad.

I'd love to get the capacity up to 85-90k, but going 6-6 and not selling out 70k isn't going to bide well for higher capacities
I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it!!! Now, if they could just do something about the long lines at the concessions and restrooms.
I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it!!! Now, if they could just do something about the long lines at the concessions and restrooms.

They could add more kiosks selling 20 oz. bottles.

Oh wait...they get tossed on the field. My bad.

To be fair though, the Northwestern refs had plenty of time to pick the bottles up since they apparently weren't watching the football game going on right in front of them.
How pissed are the couple that just got approved to build their Kinnick replica house in Iowa City?

If you have the cash to build a 7,500 sq ft second home you probably aren't going to be to worried about having your architect make some changes. The guy building it owns a business installing geo thermal systems I'd imagine he has some bank.
Someone here who was supposedly in the know posted recently that the water tower was going to be coming down in the near future due to some hospital-related development in that area.
Well, if there's ever a time to protest...
I like the inside portion, but for the outside why not just make it a brick facade to match the rest of the stadium? Why would there be a need to see the bus terminal from the inside?
I like the inside portion, but for the outside why not just make it a brick facade to match the rest of the stadium? Why would there be a need to see the bus terminal from the inside?

Because when you look at the rendering you have the box suites that would are coming further toward the street/hanging over the street. If you put it all in brick, that street will look like a dark, dingy tunnel. The last thing you want is an all brick structure overhanging/that close to the street.

One side of the stadium that doesn't look like 1920 is just fine. Plus the architecture will blend in nicely with the surrounding amenities behind it, and with the hospital.
I'm on board with the blueprints and think it should look good. My only hope is they don't go too far overboard with the modernization of the exterior on the north side of the stadium that it begins to have the space ship feel like what they did to Soldier Field. They went a bit to far into the future with that one in my opinion.
They should have spent that money on ripping the benches out between the 20s and putting in actual seats. Kinnick is not a comfortable place to watch a game and Barta is too concerned about keeping capacity at 70,000

Rent a cushioned seat and seat back to make your seating more comfortable but really 3 hours when you have to stand and sit isnt that bad a deal.