Kinnick North End Zone Remodel Update

Interior, the view looks pretty good. I would not want a seat in the upper deck, though. Too far away from the field. I hope it is not one of those decks that make you feel like you are going to fall forward right onto the next level. Think, the old MN dome, or the MSU upper deck.

I like the plaza effect. The MN stadium has one and its really nice. So does the Tampa Bay stadium...great place to have a burger and a beer and watch the warm ups.

I do NOT like the industrial look, as I would describe it, from the outside. Seems like mixed architecture and I am not a fan. Love the traditional look of Kinnick.

But, it is what it is and old guys like me probably have trouble with change. I used to like to sit on the grass in the south endzone for $2.
It looks pretty awesome! Will be much nicer accommodations for that end zone. I also think they are doing a good job of keeping the decor of Kinnick while at the same time upgrading. This is something I don't think they did as well with Camp Randall. I actually think the sound will be contained more in the stadium since the corners are closed in more. Will also protect a bit more from the cold north wind coming through in those November games. I notice that they plan to start prior to next season and end by the 2018 or 19 season. Will the next 2 seasons be down the north end zone seating? Could make tickets tougher to get the next couple seasons.
If we don't start playing better, tickets might be easier to get.
So was Saturday the first game where the north endzone project was 100%? The last game I went to still didn't have the bathrooms done or videoboard. What are people's opinions on final product?
Also interested to hear how things are in the North End Zone this year. Sat there last year and not having bathrooms on upper deck was a BIG bummer. Anyone? Elevators functional?
Also interested to hear how things are in the North End Zone this year. Sat there last year and not having bathrooms on upper deck was a BIG bummer. Anyone? Elevators functional?
Everything is up and running. It's pretty damn nice for end zone seats. Great sight lines, bathrooms and concessions. Perhaps the best end zone seating in all of college football? I can't think of any better. ;)
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Everything is up and running. It's pretty damn nice for end zone seats. Great sight lines, bathrooms and concessions. Perhaps the best end zone seating in all of college football? I kind think of any better. ;)
Thank You Hawk! I've got a seat for another game this year and wasn't relishing the stairs again! Go Hawks!
I just saw Docholihawk post on this page and thought he was back, then I noticed it was posted back in Oct 2016:(

I do love the north end-zones jumbo-tron, I kept thinking how great it would be to watch a movie on it.
Yeah...I'm going to be the party-pooper in this thread but....

This North Endzone re-do is one of the reasons I chose not to renew my season tickets.

Nice bathrooms? Why are the rest of the 95% of us (males anyway) still pissing in horse troughs?
Beer available? Why are the rest of the 95% of us not allowed access to beer?
Easy access to the food/drink lines? Great....try that elsewhere without standing in line for 20 minutes.
(As an aside, can't they improve the TVs you have to watch while standing in the concession lines?)
Exorbitant box-seat prices with views from an endzone? Really? People are suckers to pay for that.
Iowa elected to actually reduce the number non-box seat seats available?

A shame that Kinnick has further widened the chasm between the "haves" and "have-nots"

That is all....
Yeah...I'm going to be the party-pooper in this thread but....

This North Endzone re-do is one of the reasons I chose not to renew my season tickets.

Nice bathrooms? Why are the rest of the 95% of us (males anyway) still pissing in horse troughs?
Beer available? Why are the rest of the 95% of us not allowed access to beer?
Easy access to the food/drink lines? Great....try that elsewhere without standing in line for 20 minutes.
(As an aside, can't they improve the TVs you have to watch while standing in the concession lines?)
Exorbitant box-seat prices with views from an endzone? Really? People are suckers to pay for that.
Iowa elected to actually reduce the number non-box seat seats available?

A shame that Kinnick has further widened the chasm between the "haves" and "have-nots"

That is all....

That is the way all stadiums are going. There are less of the "have nots" showing up anyway, so they cater to who is show up and that is "the Haves".
That is the way all stadiums are going. There are less of the "have nots" showing up anyway, so they cater to who is show up and that is "the Haves".
True. The "have nots" are home watching it on their 60" in HD along with 4 or 5 other games that day.