KF talks: No Huddle here to stay?

So why cant they get the play in on time? Did GD has that problem at Texas?

I dont think anyone thats not wearing a headset can say how much KF dictates what plays are being run or not.

Its just my thought that Kirk does veto some plays and thats why they couldnt get the plays in very fast.

My dad was an OC for a college in Iowa and he said his HC would hardly ever change a play that he called but when he did it would result in having to call a TO or delay of game or it would just barely get in(CDSB Cool Dad Story Brah).
So why cant they get the play in on time? Did GD has that problem at Texas?

I dont think anyone thats not wearing a headset can say how much KF dictates what plays are being run or not.

Its just my thought that Kirk does veto some plays and thats why they couldnt get the plays in very fast.

My dad was an OC for a college in Iowa and he said his HC would hardly ever change a play that he called but when he did it would result in having to call a TO or delay of game or it would just barely get in(CDSB Cool Dad Story Brah).

I think getting the plays in on time was more of a KOK thing. He was always on the sideline, and not in the booth. I doubt very much that KF is changing plays and causing the Delay penalty. Maybe I'm wrong on that, just don't think that is what's happening. I think moving forward that won't be an issue with GD and this offense.
I think getting the plays in on time was more of a KOK thing. He was always on the sideline, and not in the booth. I doubt very much that KF is changing plays and causing the Delay penalty. Maybe I'm wrong on that, just don't think that is what's happening. I think moving forward that won't be an issue with GD and this offense.

Well he may not be but getting the play in on time did not seem to improve last year so Im not going to blame KOK until the staff proves that delay of games in a 2 min drill are not a problem anymore.
I think the next couple years may define KFz more than any part of his tenure at IOWA. If he shows that he can change, grow and do things differently... and as a result put up a few more 8-10 win seasons... he'll have cemented his place as a great coach. Succeeding in a big way with two largely different staffs...and different approaches would be quite an accomplishment.

If he continues to play the risk averse, micromanaging coach who is anchored to his conservative ways...and couldn't manage the clock well enough to microwave a Quik Trip burrito... he'll validate the critics and end his career on the down side.

It will be an interesting run between now an 2015.

See Mike Bellotti vis a vi Chip Kelly (It worked at Oregon) saved Belloti's job.
If they can run a competent no huddle I would be all for it. The problem is that in the past when we went no huddle it wasn't any faster and just made our offense more confused.
If they can run a competent no huddle I would be all for it. The problem is that in the past when we went no huddle it wasn't any faster and just made our offense more confused.

I think last years team is clouding your head. It didn't look good, you are correct there. But previous years it looked really good. Off the top of my head, Pitt 2011 and MSU 2009 jump out as examples of an effective and efficient no huddle/two minute offense.
I think getting the plays in on time was more of a KOK thing. He was always on the sideline, and not in the booth. I doubt very much that KF is changing plays and causing the Delay penalty. Maybe I'm wrong on that, just don't think that is what's happening. I think moving forward that won't be an issue with GD and this offense.

Well he may not be but getting the play in on time did not seem to improve last year so Im not going to blame KOK until the staff proves that delay of games in a 2 min drill are not a problem anymore.

I'd add another point to this discussion.

With KOK, he knew situations where KirFer would veto a play and perhaps stay away from those plays. And in the event KirFer did over rule, I think KOK had some go to plays he knew would be ok.
Now, GD doesn't have that history with Ferentz yet and doesn't know what's going to be veto'd and what to call when it is.

I might not be on right here, but just an idea.
I'd add another point to this discussion.

With KOK, he knew situations where KirFer would veto a play and perhaps stay away from those plays. And in the event KirFer did over rule, I think KOK had some go to plays he knew would be ok.
Now, GD doesn't have that history with Ferentz yet and doesn't know what's going to be veto'd and what to call when it is.

I might not be on right here, but just an idea.

And a pretty good idea at that. Furthermore, the toughest thing about being a CEO, which KF certainly is, would be the necessity to trust those who work for you to make good decisions; it is tough because you know that if a poor decision is made by someone who works for you, the CEO still has to take responsibility for what happened. This typically works this way: The CEO takes the heat for bad decisions made by others and passes along the credit to those same people when things go well. Then, if poor decisions become a problem for, say, an assistant coach, that coach will be looking for a job. NB, Iowa changes in assistants the last couple of years. In this world of incredible complexity, a CEO no longer has the option to make too many of the decisions about how his/her organization runs. I have seen CEO's who are new to the role try to protect themselves by making all of the decisions...most of them are in the unemployment line.
does KF really know what play is being run each series? I know they used to '******' their first x-number of plays, but after that does the OC consult with KF before sending in each play? I guess I've never noticed...Surely during a timeout they do, but otherwise?
does KF really know what play is being run each series? I know they used to '******' their first x-number of plays, but after that does the OC consult with KF before sending in each play? I guess I've never noticed...Surely during a timeout they do, but otherwise?

Well he has a headset on so he can hear what play is being called. So he may very well just listen and then speak up if he hears something he doesnt like.

He knows what is being called before it gets to the huddle but how much he dictates there would be no way to know unless you were listening in on the headsets with the coaches and backup Qbs that sending plays in(maybe Diesel can get us a feed to that during the games. It would do wonders for the site).
Well he has a headset on so he can hear what play is being called. So he may very well just listen and then speak up if he hears something he doesnt like.

I could just hear that conversation now.

KF: Kenny, WTF?
KOK: Sorry, boss.
KF: It's ok, just don't do it again.
KOK: 10 seconds left, coach.
KF: Yeah, and?
KOK: 5 seconds left, coach, should we call a timeout?
KF: What for?
KOK: We are going lose yards!?!!?!?
KF: Yeah, but that's just football.
I could just hear that conversation now.

KF: Kenny, WTF?
KOK: Sorry, boss.
KF: It's ok, just don't do it again.
KOK: 10 seconds left, coach.
KF: Yeah, and?
KOK: 5 seconds left, coach, should we call a timeout?
KF: What for?
KOK: We are going lose yards!?!!?!?
KF: Yeah, but that's just football.

ohhh the stories that Qbs could tell. Think about what was being said on there during big wins and big losses.
ohhh the stories that Qbs could tell. Think about what was being said on there during big wins and big losses.

I thought you would get a kick out of that one. I am hoping that last season was the players not being familiar enough with the playbook. Probably not, but that is my hope.
I would have to think it would be to ones advantage to be a OC before being a HC. However I really dont belive KF is very involved in calling specific plays. Remember the MSU game where KOK huddled with the offense and called McNutts number. KF didnt even get in that huddle. I think what most of you dont like is he is conservative. If he tells the OC to sit on the ball he is going to do it. Huddle/ No huddle whatever. The osu game. If he says run out the clock. He may not call the play but we will run out the clock. Thats not going to change much. He will call what he thinks gives us the best chance to win.

This is my impression of the level of KF's involvement in the offense. I also believe he has a general theory of down and distance, field position, etc, that he expects his coaches to work within. But that is fully understood before the season ever starts and it does come from his conservative nature. KF has also had the benefit of some very good Norm Parker defenses to help with his conservative offensive game plan. The problem we have always had is when Iowa's defense is less than stellar, we can't rely on the offense to win games. It's always been a very unbalanced team, over KF's tenure, heavily favoring the defense.
ohhh the stories that Qbs could tell. Think about what was being said on there during big wins and big losses.

We are starting to get a sense of what this is like with all the mics being put on players and coaches. The NFL Hall of Fame has a great video based on things people say on the sidelines.

I would love to listen to a whole game through the HC or QBs ears.
Your dead on. I think he trying to do some things to improve the offense now, but if we dont Have a good Defense Im not sure its going to matter much. I like the coaching staff he has put togather on defense. Sure hope we find a couple DEs this year
This is my impression of the level of KF's involvement in the offense. I also believe he has a general theory of down and distance, field position, etc, that he expects his coaches to work within. But that is fully understood before the season ever starts and it does come from his conservative nature. KF has also had the benefit of some very good Norm Parker defenses to help with his conservative offensive game plan. The problem we have always had is when Iowa's defense is less than stellar, we can't rely on the offense to win games. It's always been a very unbalanced team, over KF's tenure, heavily favoring the defense.
Wasn't the word on the street that KOK and KF had pretty differing opinions on who should start between Stanzi and Christensen?

I'm not sure if personnel decisions fall under micromanaging (not sure if it is common for the Head Coach to be involved or if it is typically a unilateral decision by the OC) but I'm pretty certain KF has a say in who plays.
Wasn't the word on the street that KOK and KF had pretty differing opinions on who should start between Stanzi and Christensen?

I'm not sure if personnel decisions fall under micromanaging (not sure if it is common for the Head Coach to be involved or if it is typically a unilateral decision by the OC) but I'm pretty certain KF has a say in who plays.

Yes, you are right about KOK and KF differing on who should've started between Stanzi and Christensen. I remember listening to "Sound Off" after that game where Christensen was left in after Stanzi ran a series. Jon Miller opened the show with, "Jake Christensen has been given all the chances that any head coach needs to determine if a qb should be your starting qb. Jake Christensen has proven he's not a Big 10 starting qb."

Even Zabel agreed with him on that. When Jim Zabel doesn't think you should be a hawkeye starting qb, you should not be a hawkeye starting qb.

Thinking back that that time period, that decision from kf was one of the tipping points for him concerning what I think of him as a hc. I mean, it was so super obvious to everyone that Christensen should not have been in there!

KF and the corridnaters are involved in setting the depth chart. The position coaches decide who goes in on any given play. QB is the only position that I think is the exception to that. On the JC/RS deal I think KF must have been the only one that thought JC was the better QB. I know most of the WRs thought RS was a better passer back in the summer before the season. What I find interesting is the position coaches can overule the depth chart once a game is underway