KF needs a long look in the mirror


Well-Known Member
Another poster and I routinely get into arguments over the phone about KF. He believes that poor or good execution on Saturday is because of good and band coaching. A win is because of the coaches and so is a loss.

I believe that all KF can do as a coaching staff is put his team in a position to win the game. The execution is up to the players.

Yesterday KF failed.

How do you not snap the ball when you get a gift of a first down? They waited and waiter and waiter as if they wanted the play to get reviewed.

Why is it that Colin Sandeman, who is the king of fair catches needs 10 men surrounding him to do so? Why is the other team picking things up on film and exploiting them when it matters most? Why were we so unprepared for that play?

And finally - you lose this game because you miss a last second FG, that's the way it goes sometime, but to not even get the opportunity because of poor clock management is beyond me.

Those three plays lay on the feet of Ferentz, no question about it, and what's frustrating is that this has been a systemic problem under KF.

How many times have we watched QB's look to the sideline and not get a play and need to burn a timeout. That may be KOK and not KF, but he's still the captain.

Clock management has always been his achilles heal. Take the LSU Cap One Bowl. Drew Tate bailed KF out. How do you not know the clock starts running after that penalty?

How about the fact that teams (granted 12 yrs. later) now seem ready and willing to dink it down the field to score on us?

How about the fact that despite the personnel we have on the field, we still allow other teams to dictate that their fastest WR can be guarded by a LB. On the ball that Gilreath dropped, he had nothing but green ahead of him.

I love KF and there is no one I think would do a better job coaching the Hawks. But it's time to admit and I think it is fine to do so, that he is not a great football coach. He is a good football coach. Coaching 2 star players into the NFL is not enough to make you great. To be great, you have to have great games when the X is on your back, and that is a position KF has never seemed comfortable with.
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Another poster and I routinely get into arguments over the phone about KF. He believes that poor or good execution on Saturday is because of good and band coaching. A win is because of the coaches and so is a loss.

I believe that all KF can do as a coaching staff is put his team in a position to win the game. The execution is up to the players.

Yesterday KF failed.

How do you not snap the ball when you get a gift of a first down? They waited and waiter and waiter as if they wanted the play to get reviewed.

Why is it that Colin Sandeman, who is the king of fair catches needs 10 men surrounding him to do so? Why is the other team picking things up on film and exploiting them when it matters most? Why were we so unprepared for that play?

And finally - you lose this game because you miss a last second FG, that's the way it goes sometime, but to not even get the opportunity because of poor clock management is beyond me.

Those three plays lay on the feet of Ferentz, no question about it, and what's frustrating is that this has been a systemic problem under KF.

How many times have we watched QB's look to the sideline and not get a play and need to burn a timeout. That may be KOK and not KF, but he's still the captain.

Clock management has always been his achilles heal. Take the LSU Cap One Bowl. Drew Tate bailed KF out. How do you not know the clock starts running after that penalty?

I love KF and there is no one I think would do a better job coaching the Hawks. But it's time to admit and I think it is fine to do so, that he is not a great football coach. He is a good football coach. Coaching 2 star players into the NFL is not enough to make you great. To be great, you have to have great games when the X is on your back, and that is a position KF has never seemed comfortable with.

I like KF as well but 100% bad coaching yesterday, and instead of giving us some bs answer in the press conference say you made a mistake it is ok.
Tons of blame to go around. The 2 personal fouls called on Iowa, the false start on 3 and an inch, the offsides on kickoff.. etc... I could go on and on and on. This game is not on just 1 person. This is a team loss from top to botton. Every player and coach waking up today knows that. Just move on and give it a rest!!!

They all looking in the mirror today thinking just that.
I think Ferentz is a great football coach. Some people, and it appears you are one, don't have a full grasp of what he means to Iowa, and the respect he has from people everywhere in the football world.

Paul Burmeister works for the NFL Network, and is a former Hawk. He was in town yesterday for the first time in 7 years. I spoke with him after the game at length, and he even called in to Soundoff, was the last caller of the night.

He said he speaks to NFL people every single day. When people find out he played at Iowa, every single NFL person raves about Ferentz.

Here is where I think people make a huge mistake; just because Iowa has been successful the last 30 years, there is no guarantee that will continue in perpetuity.

As we have seen in men's basketball, a program that made it to 16 of 21 NCAA tourney's prior to the hiring of Steve Alford, you are a bad hire away from deep crap.

Iowa has had back to back great coaches...not good, but great coaches.

And some folks are acting like we are talking about perfect individuals...we are not. They make mistakes too. It's frustrating as fans, but that's what we are; fans.

Iowa is 20 and freaking 4 in their last 24 games...Outback and Orange bowl wins..one of the best 24 game stretches in school history...and some people are acting as if after one damn game, none of that matters.

That's horse pucky, and a lot of it. That's fickle fandom. That's Iowa fans becoming Nebraska fans, and its downright ugly.

Sure, be upset because your favorite team lost...I wasn't happy about it either. But don't throw the damn baby out with the bath water here. It's embarrassing
Kudos, Jon. I was disgusted with the remarks of most of the fans at my tailgate after the game. IMO it was a great game, with Wisconsin taking advantage of a few mental gaffes by the Hawks. Wisky is a very good team. Ask the Buckeyes.

Contrary to the prevailing view on this board, the world has not ended and there will be a game next Saturday.

Go Hawks!
I think Ferentz is a great football coach. Some people, and it appears you are one, don't have a full grasp of what he means to Iowa, and the respect he has from people everywhere in the football world.

Paul Burmeister works for the NFL Network, and is a former Hawk. He was in town yesterday for the first time in 7 years. I spoke with him after the game at length, and he even called in to Soundoff, was the last caller of the night.

I know you don't need me to have your back here Jon, but I heard Phil's call to Soundoff last night just as I was getting back to Des Moines after the game. The emotion in his voice when he talked about the praise KF gets from the NFL'ers was very obvious. He is VERY proud of his Hawkeye Heritage, even following the tough loss last night.
In recent years, Iowa has enjoyed outstanding football teams who on occasion stumble along their season path, it ain't the end of the world. As long as Kirk Ferentz is our coach, we will continue to excel. How many programs across the country would like to be in OUR shoes?

GO HAWKS, Beat Sparty!
I think Ferentz is a great football coach. Some people, and it appears you are one, don't have a full grasp of what he means to Iowa, and the respect he has from people everywhere in the football world.

Paul Burmeister works for the NFL Network, and is a former Hawk. He was in town yesterday for the first time in 7 years. I spoke with him after the game at length, and he even called in to Soundoff, was the last caller of the night.

He said he speaks to NFL people every single day. When people find out he played at Iowa, every single NFL person raves about Ferentz.

Here is where I think people make a huge mistake; just because Iowa has been successful the last 30 years, there is no guarantee that will continue in perpetuity.

As we have seen in men's basketball, a program that made it to 16 of 21 NCAA tourney's prior to the hiring of Steve Alford, you are a bad hire away from deep crap.

Iowa has had back to back great coaches...not good, but great coaches.

And some folks are acting like we are talking about perfect individuals...we are not. They make mistakes too. It's frustrating as fans, but that's what we are; fans.

Iowa is 20 and freaking 4 in their last 24 games...Outback and Orange bowl wins..one of the best 24 game stretches in school history...and some people are acting as if after one damn game, none of that matters.

That's horse pucky, and a lot of it. That's fickle fandom. That's Iowa fans becoming Nebraska fans, and its downright ugly.

Sure, be upset because your favorite team lost...I wasn't happy about it either. But don't throw the damn baby out with the bath water here. It's embarrassing

100% agree with the portion that I highlighted......However Deace is aboslutely correct when he says KF can do no wrong in your eyes. I have no problem with people asking the tough question sometimes. And I think this game is one of those moments.......
100% agree with the portion that I highlighted......However Deace is aboslutely correct when he says KF can do no wrong in your eyes. I have no problem with people asking the tough question sometimes. And I think this game is one of those moments.......

It's because KF has been a phenomenal football coach, and an even better person.

I was critical last night on Soundoff, saying this was a team loss, as well as in my column last night and I believed the coaching played a part. But I stop there, where others start talking about looks in the mirror and going soap opera and suggest Iowa needs wholesale changes, blah blah.

That's crazy talk, and I won't take part in that.
I think Ferentz is a great football coach. Some people, and it appears you are one, don't have a full grasp of what he means to Iowa, and the respect he has from people everywhere in the football world.

Paul Burmeister works for the NFL Network, and is a former Hawk. He was in town yesterday for the first time in 7 years. I spoke with him after the game at length, and he even called in to Soundoff, was the last caller of the night.

He said he speaks to NFL people every single day. When people find out he played at Iowa, every single NFL person raves about Ferentz.

Here is where I think people make a huge mistake; just because Iowa has been successful the last 30 years, there is no guarantee that will continue in perpetuity.

As we have seen in men's basketball, a program that made it to 16 of 21 NCAA tourney's prior to the hiring of Steve Alford, you are a bad hire away from deep crap.

Iowa has had back to back great coaches...not good, but great coaches.

And some folks are acting like we are talking about perfect individuals...we are not. They make mistakes too. It's frustrating as fans, but that's what we are; fans.

Iowa is 20 and freaking 4 in their last 24 games...Outback and Orange bowl wins..one of the best 24 game stretches in school history...and some people are acting as if after one damn game, none of that matters.

That's horse pucky, and a lot of it. That's fickle fandom. That's Iowa fans becoming Nebraska fans, and its downright ugly.

Sure, be upset because your favorite team lost...I wasn't happy about it either. But don't throw the damn baby out with the bath water here. It's embarrassing

Jon, There are very few on here questioning KF and staff's ability to coach and prepare players, and 20-4 over the last 24 games is an impressive record. There is only one poster that has suggested, and quite ignorantly imo, that Iowa look else where for the coach.

On the heels of 15 Int's Rick Stanzi commits himself to film study and ball security because its something he believes he needs to work on and improve. When you look at the losses the Hawks have suffered in the KF era, there are many that come, imo as a compilation of minor coaching errors, wasted TO's, allowing challenges, etc. Just as we expected Stanzi to improve his ball security in the offseason, I feel as a fanbase we have the right to expect the coaching staff to improve on their preparation and fundamental management, and to this point, this staff has shown they are either incapable, or unwilling to coach themselves and when you are facing a team that is equally as talented, and able, these mistakes stick out.

The we can't do better than KF response isn't applicable here.
Jon -

Don't misunderstand me to say that I want a change, I do not. I don't believe there is a better fit out there for the UI, nor do I believe there is a better coach.

All I am saying is that for him to be considered elite, mundane coaching mistakes like the ones yesterday shouldn't ever be an issue.
It's because KF has been a phenomenal football coach, and an even better person.

I was critical last night on Soundoff, saying this was a team loss, as well as in my column last night and I believed the coaching played a part. But I stop there, where others start talking about looks in the mirror and going soap opera and suggest Iowa needs wholesale changes, blah blah.

That's crazy talk, and I won't take part in that.

Excuse me Jon, but I am calling BS on this.

Asking someone who is the CEO of your company to take a look in the mirror when what should be elementary thoughts and decisions cost you a game is not going soap opera or suggesting wholesale changes.

It is asking for them to be better prepared. Nothing more, nothing less.

No one is questioning whether or not he is a great person or whether he gets the most out of his unheralded players.

They are simply asking when the entire bar, living room, or section knows something, why doesn't the coaching staff?

Furthermore, what is wrong with Nebraska fans? Because they expect and demand teams that are always challenging for the Big XII title and beyond? Setting really high expectations is not a bad thing IMO, and there is nothing about Nebraska that gives it an advantage over Iowa.

And if he came out and said, "you know I really made the wrong call at the end, and blew it on the fake punt." Everyone would be giving him a pass because we all know no one is perfect, including KF.
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Jon -

Don't misunderstand me to say that I want a change, I do not. I don't believe there is a better fit out there for the UI, nor do I believe there is a better coach.

All I am saying is that for him to be considered elite, mundane coaching mistakes like the ones yesterday shouldn't ever be an issue.

For what it is worth, I understood what you are trying to say.... Maybe I'm wrong, but I think Jon is reacting to a vocal minority of the fanbase. I didn't listen to soundoff last night, didn't want any part of it, so maybe I missed out on people calling for drastic change.
Excuse me Jon, but I am calling BS on this.

Asking someone who is the CEO of your company to take a look in the mirror when what should be elementary thoughts and decisions cost you a game is not going soap opera or suggesting wholesale changes.

It is asking for them to be better prepared. Nothing more, nothing less.

No one is questioning whether or not he is a great person or whether he gets the most out of his unheralded players.

They are simply asking when the entire bar, living room, or section knows something, why doesn't the coaching staff?

Furthermore, what is wrong with Nebraska fans? Because they expect and demand teams that are always challenging for the Big XII title and beyond? Setting really high expectations is not a bad thing IMO, and there is nothing about Nebraska that gives it an advantage over Iowa.

And if he came out and said, "you know I really made the wrong call at the end, and blew it on the fake punt." Everyone would be giving him a pass because we all know no one is perfect, including KF.

I think Ferentz is a great football coach. Some people, and it appears you are one, don't have a full grasp of what he means to Iowa, and the respect he has from people everywhere in the football world.

Paul Burmeister works for the NFL Network, and is a former Hawk. He was in town yesterday for the first time in 7 years. I spoke with him after the game at length, and he even called in to Soundoff, was the last caller of the night.

He said he speaks to NFL people every single day. When people find out he played at Iowa, every single NFL person raves about Ferentz.

Here is where I think people make a huge mistake; just because Iowa has been successful the last 30 years, there is no guarantee that will continue in perpetuity.

As we have seen in men's basketball, a program that made it to 16 of 21 NCAA tourney's prior to the hiring of Steve Alford, you are a bad hire away from deep crap.

Iowa has had back to back great coaches...not good, but great coaches.

And some folks are acting like we are talking about perfect individuals...we are not. They make mistakes too. It's frustrating as fans, but that's what we are; fans.

Iowa is 20 and freaking 4 in their last 24 games...Outback and Orange bowl wins..one of the best 24 game stretches in school history...and some people are acting as if after one damn game, none of that matters.

That's horse pucky, and a lot of it. That's fickle fandom. That's Iowa fans becoming Nebraska fans, and its downright ugly.

Sure, be upset because your favorite team lost...I wasn't happy about it either. But don't throw the damn baby out with the bath water here. It's embarrassing

There is nothing fickle about Iowa's football fans. We show up, spend the money, make the donations, sport the colors, everything and more any group of fans can be asked to do to support a program. When a person makes $3.2 million per year, he's fair game to everything, including fan overreaction. Let's not talk about Ferentz like he is working for free or for less than market value. The guy gets paid to do the great things you listed; but he also gets paid to deal with fan reactions.

You think you were critical of the end of the game last night, but you were not. You are too diplomatic and too close to the situation. The way the game ended yesterday was the result of utter and complete incompetence, panic and stupidity. Just because Ferentz was the person responsible for it doesn't make it any less atrocious. You can't just say it was a poor coaching decision and think you are even coming close to describing the stupidity of using the last timeout.
You think you were critical of the end of the game last night, but you were not. You are too diplomatic and too close to the situation. The way the game ended yesterday was the result of utter and complete incompetence, panic and stupidity. Just because Ferentz was the person responsible for it doesn't make it any less atrocious. You can't just say it was a poor coaching decision and think you are even coming close to describing the stupidity of using the last timeout.

We criticize differently. You use words like complete incompetence and stupidity, and look at my criticisms as being too diplomatic. I look at yours and think you're off your rocker ;)

I broke down the :14 seconds 4th and 1, why no extra play called, then another time out after a QB sneak several times, and said I just could not understand how it was not executed better than it was, and it's absolutely worthy of criticism.

I just choose not to use the same black and white words you do to describe a one off situation, as if that is what we see each week. Sorry
I think we saw for the first time the impact of missing someone like Norm, with his experience and presence. The defense was on their heels most of the game. In addition, special teams have been a huge concern this year and we have been lucky not to have them cost a game earlier and as someone else posted the coaches who now coord defense used to do just position coaching + sp teams.

It is an understatement to say this team misses Norm...his adjustments, his toughness, his personality and no part of the team misses him more IMO than the coaching staff. I cannot wait to see how this defense responds to having him back, if Iowa is lucky enough to have him back this year.

On a brighter side, outstanding job by the offense in continuing to respond to Wisconsin's drives/pts.
Excuse me Jon, but I am calling BS on this.

Asking someone who is the CEO of your company to take a look in the mirror when what should be elementary thoughts and decisions cost you a game is not going soap opera or suggesting wholesale changes.

It is asking for them to be better prepared. Nothing more, nothing less.

No one is questioning whether or not he is a great person or whether he gets the most out of his unheralded players.

They are simply asking when the entire bar, living room, or section knows something, why doesn't the coaching staff?

Furthermore, what is wrong with Nebraska fans? Because they expect and demand teams that are always challenging for the Big XII title and beyond? Setting really high expectations is not a bad thing IMO, and there is nothing about Nebraska that gives it an advantage over Iowa.

And if he came out and said, "you know I really made the wrong call at the end, and blew it on the fake punt." Everyone would be giving him a pass because we all know no one is perfect, including KF.

There is a few things wrong about what your saying here. You are not in a position to DEMAND National Titles and Big Ten Championships every year. You are more than welcome to have the Hawks having set the GOAL to win those things and even have the right to expect them to have a solid football team that wins games. GOAL SETTING is good, DEMANDING it is wrong and that is why nebraska or michigan fans can get that reputation. I had high expectations and hopes for this team this year, and they are still in reach, but losing to 2 teams in the top 25 this year isn't going to make me feel like the world is crashing down and that ferentz needs to soul search. People will highlight bad time management at the end of the game, and perhaps that has been poor on the coaching staff, but they have also had some success there when you thing MSU last yr and PSU the year before. Time to swallow it, we are still playing for a BIG TEN CHAMPIONSHIP.
I think Ferentz is a great football coach. Some people, and it appears you are one, don't have a full grasp of what he means to Iowa, and the respect he has from people everywhere in the football world.

Paul Burmeister works for the NFL Network, and is a former Hawk. He was in town yesterday for the first time in 7 years. I spoke with him after the game at length, and he even called in to Soundoff, was the last caller of the night.

He said he speaks to NFL people every single day. When people find out he played at Iowa, every single NFL person raves about Ferentz.

Here is where I think people make a huge mistake; just because Iowa has been successful the last 30 years, there is no guarantee that will continue in perpetuity.

As we have seen in men's basketball, a program that made it to 16 of 21 NCAA tourney's prior to the hiring of Steve Alford, you are a bad hire away from deep crap.

Iowa has had back to back great coaches...not good, but great coaches.

And some folks are acting like we are talking about perfect individuals...we are not. They make mistakes too. It's frustrating as fans, but that's what we are; fans.

Iowa is 20 and freaking 4 in their last 24 games...Outback and Orange bowl wins..one of the best 24 game stretches in school history...and some people are acting as if after one damn game, none of that matters.

That's horse pucky, and a lot of it. That's fickle fandom. That's Iowa fans becoming Nebraska fans, and its downright ugly.

Sure, be upset because your favorite team lost...I wasn't happy about it either. But don't throw the damn baby out with the bath water here. It's embarrassing

The OP never said he wanted Ferentz out, he even said he doesn't think that anyone else would be better than Ferentz.

But think he's right: to be a truly great coach, you have to win with the target on your back. I'll wait until the end of the year to draw conclusions, but this is starting to feel like 2005/2006 all over again.

Ferentz does do an EXCELLENT job of coaching up the "misfits" of the recruiting world and turning them into NFL players. Which is why those NFL guys rave about Ferentz. They don't give a rip if we don't win with a target on our back. All they know or care about is that our players come into the league better prepared than almost any other school's players, and the execs want them on their team. But that's just part of the equation for being a GREAT college football coach.
And let's not act like this is the first time the team has stood around waiting for the replay booth to call for the challenge, either. We do this ALL THE TIME.

For all that is great about this coaching staff, there are times when they repeat the same mistakes and never seem to learn from them. It is NOT unreasonable for fans to think we might stop making the same mistakes at some point.

Jon, you run a message board. Yet, after every loss, you basically have a hissy fit about how the fans overreact. Perhaps you need to take a step back on whether it's worth the effort to run a board if you are in turn going to overreact to the fans.
I just choose not to use the same black and white words you do to describe a one off situation, as if that is what we see each week. Sorry

You are absolutely correct in this Jon.

BUT, I think if you look at the losses in the KF era, you'll find these kinds of questions being asked in more of them than not. Just my opinion.

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