Kansas/ISU. Did anyone watch?

Then John Walters in the radio broadcast would talk about how terrible of a call it was. I had to push snow last night and listened to the game on the radio. Talk about nails on the chalkboard.

LOL, and if the ref calls it Hilton would rain down the booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I've been pretty sick the last couple months. As much as I enjoy sports banter, having health scares and being in and out of doctor's appointments are no fun. ISU had a bit of a rough patch, but hopefully it made them realize they'll lose a lot of games with the shotty defense they were playing. So far so good, but the schedule doesn't lighten up any the next week or so.

Shotty D in the first half....ISU was better in the 2nd.
Then John Walters in the radio broadcast would talk about how terrible of a call it was. I had to push snow last night and listened to the game on the radio. Talk about nails on the chalkboard.

They weren't bad calls. In one instance Niang could have got called for 3 travels before he put the ball down.
Watched some of Xavier-Providence. For two top ten teams, I wasn't impressed. Both teams looked undisciplined.
This might make more sense if Iowa had actually beaten ISU.

Why? Because Iowa State barely won a HOME game over a month ago they're the superior team today? Only Iowa State fans believe they have the better team now. I'm glad we gifted that game to ISU. We wouldn't be a Big 10 favorite and national championship contender if we had won IMO.
I think Morris and Niang or co best players on the team. Look how bad the offense sputtered last night when Niang was on the bench. Even if he doesn't shoot, the ball needs to go through him on most possessions. Monte played the whole game and had to. He's irreplaceable on that team.

Hope you feel better soon. I guess Niang might be the better college player and Morris would be better at the next level. I can picture him like Rondo in the NBA but without the drama. Really like MMs game and I'm never going to get over the fact that he's related to Marble and didn't play at Iowa! Good guard play matters a lot in March
This might make more sense if Iowa had actually beaten ISU.

LOL, good old ISU grasping to the idea that beating a single team defines their season #SuperBowl.

I guess you would say that UNI, Baylor, Texas, and OU are all better than ISU right? Just when I think Clown fans are completely and utterly clueless, you go and prove that I am correct.
This might make more sense if ISU had actually beaten UNI.

No kidding, ISU fan is just a bunch of knuckling dragging idiots. I mean seriously it is BB, and if you win 1 or even 2 games on the road VS top 50 RPI teams, those wins are lauded and called great wins. Iowa is 2-1 Vs top 50 RPI teams ON THE ROAD. This is unbelievable good. ISU on the other hand is 1-2 vs top 50 RPI teams on the road, and will be 0-2 here soon when K-State falls out of the top 50 RPI. That they are even there now is a joke, they are 12-8 and
Niang might be the 3rd best player on the team. Morris is definitely the most valuable. He is so efficient in his passing, and seems to take calculated shots along with clutch decision making down the stretch. And dare I say McKay is as good if not better than Niang? He has lacked effort at times this year (like everyone on the ISU at this point) but man, when he is on, he brings so much to the team
I hope that your health scares are under control and treatment. When you have these it really puts in perspective these "trivial sporting events".

Please don't become a typical Clone azz Clown though and think that Iowa only wins because of the schedule. I know that is what they all say about football, so I'm sure they will be saying the same about BB as well. The fact is after Thursday's game Iowa will have a tougher conference SOS to date than ISU and probably every other Big12 team and will either be 8-0 or 7-1.

I've said all along I think Iowa had a very sound football team that benefited from a good schedule. They earned where they got last fall.

The basketball team has gone through quite a tough schedule and right now are deserving of the ranking they have. If they can win at Maryland, I don't see how anyone can downplay them or their schedule.
Niang might be the 3rd best player on the team. Morris is definitely the most valuable. He is so efficient in his passing, and seems to take calculated shots along with clutch decision making down the stretch. And dare I say McKay is as good if not better than Niang? He has lacked effort at times this year (like everyone on the ISU at this point) but man, when he is on, he brings so much to the team

That is crazy talk. I don't like Niang's antics but he's a really good college basketball player. Him and Morris are clearly their top two players and it isn't even close
I've said all along I think Iowa had a very sound football team that benefited from a good schedule. They earned where they got last fall.

The basketball team has gone through quite a tough schedule and right now are deserving of the ranking they have. If they can win at Maryland, I don't see how anyone can downplay them or their schedule.

Well if want to see how someone can downplay what Iowa has done, just go do some moderating at CyClownfanrastics. I'd bet you that 95% of Clown fans there would say Iowa is WAY overrated, the B1G sucks, and not only downplay them, but outright mock them.

Sorry, the clip doesn't post, but if you click the link, George takes about 6 steps. Ridiculous.

I only count 5 steps and maybe only 3 if he doesn't totally lift his second pivot foot!

Seems the refs are looking for it. Wonder what happens next? Does he stop doing it? Or do the refs stop calling it?
He obviously needs a running start to beat someone off the dribble. If he quits doing it, his PPG will go down by half!
I watched parts of the game and it's pretty much the same story. 1st half is close and constant booing from the fans. 2nd half clowns decide they need to play defense so they get aggressive but never foul because the refs are intimidated. They call it Hilton magic.
I watched parts of the game and it's pretty much the same story. 1st half is close and constant booing from the fans. 2nd half clowns decide they need to play defense so they get aggressive but never foul because the refs are intimidated. They call it Hilton magic.

I've talked about this with a co-worker. We've come to the conclusion that since they don't really have a bench the starters figure they have to stay out of foul trouble and the easiest way to stay out of foul trouble is to not play any defense. It's also less physically demanding to not play defense, so they don't need the rest that a good team that plays defense needs. Also, not working so hard on defense in the first half keeps them less tired and when you are tired you commit the silly fouls.

Then in the second half, each player has either one or no fouls and they can play harder with less chance of fouling out. They don't need as much rest because they didn't expend as much energy in the first half. This allows them to come back from deficits with the short bench they have.

I've watched several games of theirs this year and that seems to be the mentality of the players.
I watched parts of the game and it's pretty much the same story. 1st half is close and constant booing from the fans. 2nd half clowns decide they need to play defense so they get aggressive but never foul because the refs are intimidated. They call it Hilton magic.

I realize that you are trying to rip on Hilton here but I wish Carver had more of this supposed 'magic'. If the refs were getting intimidated by the Hilton crowd and calling the game in their favor, imagine if the refs on Sunday felt that way in Carver. Iowa would've won by 30. Hell, if they call even a decent game in the 2nd half Iowa wins by 20.

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