JVB - Pocket Presence

Vandy throws a nice ball. He is still learning. I think he has done a nice job as a first-year starter. He missed a couple of blitzes Saturday but what I like about him is his desire to continue to improve. He will continue to get better and do what KOK asks of him ...
Vandy has the same exact passer rating right now,as Ricky did for last year- 157.
Ricky had a future NFL tight end out there all three years he played,sometimes two,in Reisner and Moeaki,which was a huge bailout option for him.

Vandy is playing great ball. He is the most accurate passer since Tate for sure,and maybe since Banks or Long. He threw 1 or maybe 2 offtarget passes out of 16 yesterday,total. Today I watch Tampa Bay QB,Josh Freeman not throw with Vandy's accuracy. It almost seemed weird to see an NFL qb completey miss a wide open receiver,because I am spoiled with Vandy and Jay Cutler,who are both golden arms.

The corner blitzes is a concern,but again, a guy like Russell Wilson was making his 46th start at QB last nite,and Vandy his 9th and in my book Wilson is the only QB who has played better than Vandy in the league,and Wilson was probably the leading candidate for the Heisman until last nite.
Cousins had a bad start to his season,and only in the last few games has started to get consistent. Vandy has had a better overall season.

Iowa fans are crazy,as some seem to have expected Vandy to be maybe top 3 in the country in passing,like most Keokuk/Iowa Prep QBs end up in the top 5 in the nation in passing their first year as a starter...hey why isn't he #1? Get going,kid!
Right now, I don't care if Vandy's better than Stanzi.

Vandy is a main reason why Iowa wins and loses games this year. If Vandy can be 'perfect', Iowa has a better chance of winning. I want Iowa to win.

I don't care that his passer rating is great against mediocre defenses. BTW, isn't an Indiana or Northwestern player up to the top of passing/receiving yards in the B1G every year? Don't you think those players would trade passing/receiving B1G titles for a trip to the Rose Bowl now, and again? Great defense does win championships.

To sum, I want Iowa to win. This year, for Iowa to win, Vandy has to be great. Besides, Vandy's going to have to deal with these issues if he wants to go pro.
I think that the cool thing is this ... the Iowa OL is capable of playing better ... a good bit better, in fact. The result of better OL play will be an increased ability to sneak TEs out rather than keeping them back to block. It also contributes to our ever-improving running game. As Hawk fans have witnessed through the past 2 games ... the increasing threat of the running game is paying significant dividends in terms of the play-action pass.

If Iowa can continue to have increasing success running the ball as the season progresses ... that makes Vandenberg more dangerous ... and, furthermore, it takes a little pressure off of him ... which will allow him to remain calm and confident.
What was Stanzis level? Losing at NW and Minnesota last year?

I don't get it?

Stanzi had some great games but he also had some terrible ones.

You can't compare the two based on wins when Rick had 10-20 future NFL players on defense at any given time and this defense cant hold anyone.

The defense is what won the majority of those games.

Vandenburg, with basically the same O, is putting up much better numbers against the same teams while having a much worse D.

double edged sword...i would also like you to explain "much better numbers"
Here is what I know, I don't get a sick feeling in my stomach when JV drops back to pass. This wasn't true for me with RS.

JV should have been picked for 6 on Sat. Which isn't true every week. RS seemed like he gave the other team a chance for a pick 6 each and every week.
JVB might be would be second team all big ten right now. He's what, 12 or 13th in the nation in passer efficiency and second in the Big Ten. He and Wilson have same number of TD passes (16) and JVB has one more INT than Wilson (4, to 3). JVB has second highest yards per game in Big Ten, second best passing efficiency rating in Big Ten.

I am not saying its a lock he'd be second team all Big Ten right now, but he is very much in the debate.

He is having one of the best seasons an Iowa quarterback has ever had, through seven games.

Is he perfect? No. Can he get better? Yes...which is real, real exciting.

Not exactly sure what people expected out of him through seven games (he has nine starts in his career)

easy now...

2nd team All Big Ten with Wilson, Shoelace, and Persa in the conference? His numbers are good now, but he won't have a chance unless we are 7-5 or better. (granted, you said "in the conversation")

I like JVB, but I'd have some trouble giving All Big Ten honors to a qb that led a 3 point effort...
Stanzi/Vandenberg debates are stupid and pointless.

I agree. Vandy is young, improving, doing a pretty good job. Let's let him finish his first year of starting before we rip him apart or crown him king of Iowa quarterbacks this centrury.
The problem with not recognizing the blitz and especially the blindside blitz is the possible consequence. I'm not just talking about sacks and fumbles. I'm talking about concussions and separated shoulders. Some QBs have a natural sixth-sense about these things. JVB apparently isn't one of them. Ergo, he's going to have to be coached up on this, as is the O-Line and RB's, or that kid is gonna take one wide open shot too many.
Comparing JVB and Stanzi is difficult because they have different strengths and weaknesses.

JVB is already a better shotgun and straight drop passer. As far as standing tall and throwing a football to a spot, he's better than Stanzi. He is improving in PA passing. This has benefited the running game and the improved running game has benefited PA passing. The two go hand in hand so both were struggling at the beginning of the season and both are improving now.

Stanzi was a better PA passer and I don't think JVB will ever even get close to being as good as Stanzi at throwing on the run. That's why roll-outs, bootlegs, and PA passing was so good for Stanzi. He was really, really good at these passes, which goes really well with a good running game. He was an outstanding compliment to the Iowa grind-it-out offense.

JVB needs to keep getting better at PA. To be honest, I don't have much hope that he'll ever be great at thowing on the move. I hope he proves me wrong. Right now I would call him terrible at those throws. If he can get to serviceable, that would be great.
Given what I've seen over 7 games, I don't think JVB will be better than Stanzi. He's not Christiansen either, but he's not al Big Ten material. At least not this season.

The 10 yard PA pass to McNutt that he grounded 5 yards in front of him was 6 points had he led him.

Based upon your comments, I wouldn't rate you as much of a judge.
easy now...

2nd team All Big Ten with Wilson, Shoelace, and Persa in the conference? His numbers are good now, but he won't have a chance unless we are 7-5 or better. (granted, you said "in the conversation")

I like JVB, but I'd have some trouble giving All Big Ten honors to a qb that led a 3 point effort...

Persa is questionable for saturdays game at IU. He did not play at all in NW's first 3 games,and was pulled out of the Illini game with an injury,then was pulled against Iowa and PSU due to injuries. He is not going to be all conference.

Wilson is starting to lose snaps to Drew Gardener ,the backup. If you are not a clear #1 on your own team,no all conference,probably.

Wilson and Vandy are the top two in passing. QB's make their bones on passing in this league.
Our running game has commanded almost zero respect until this past weekend. When a defense does not respect or fear the threat of a run play action is tough and not going to be consistently effective. That combined with the fact our TE's are not particularly dynamic receivers has crippled the Iowa play action game to a large extent.

While JV hasnt been particularly sharp this year throwing on the run I wouldnt sell him short just yet in this regard. He is certainly capable. Go back and watch the OSU game as a frosh.

He is sprinting to his left and fires a 25-30 BULLET to trey stross in the corner of the endzone. The accuracy and velocity of that ball was truly special considering he was sprinting to the left. He had a very small wondow in which to place the ball and fit it in the mailbox.
The sacks on Vandenberg weren't all his fault. They had little to do with pocket presence and more to do with Indiana executing well and the OL not protecting JV.
Comparing JVB and Stanzi is difficult because they have different strengths and weaknesses.

JVB is already a better shotgun and straight drop passer. As far as standing tall and throwing a football to a spot, he's better than Stanzi. He is improving in PA passing. This has benefited the running game and the improved running game has benefited PA passing. The two go hand in hand so both were struggling at the beginning of the season and both are improving now.

Stanzi was a better PA passer and I don't think JVB will ever even get close to being as good as Stanzi at throwing on the run. That's why roll-outs, bootlegs, and PA passing was so good for Stanzi. He was really, really good at these passes, which goes really well with a good running game. He was an outstanding compliment to the Iowa grind-it-out offense.

JVB needs to keep getting better at PA. To be honest, I don't have much hope that he'll ever be great at thowing on the move. I hope he proves me wrong. Right now I would call him terrible at those throws. If he can get to serviceable, that would be great.

OK, I give up. What's PA passing? I've seen the term used in here before and couldn't figure it out, and I'm usually pretty good at figuring out acronyms.
Those blitzes came awfully fast...as he was just setting up.

Dunno, but I think he's exceptional and is perfect for our offense.

Yep, and remember he DID get the ball out a number of times on blitzes and even scrambled a number of times for big plays/ yards. I think he is good and will be very very good by the time his senior year is done. 4 td's...12-16, very efficient.
The sacks on Vandenberg weren't all his fault. They had little to do with pocket presence and more to do with Indiana executing well and the OL not protecting JV.

i agree, those blitzes came very fast and there wasn't a lot of room for him to do much.

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