JVB - Pocket Presence


Well-Known Member
I'm not being critical ok. I know the guy threw four TD's yesterday and had a great day. I'm a huge fan and predicted he would be better than Stanzi by the time he's done...may have even already accomplished that which is debatable, but I think so. There, I've prefaced my comments with respect for JVB.

That being said, what's up with him totally missing two corner blitzes yesterday and eating the ball. It reminded me of Minny in 2009. I get sometimes you have to take the sack and live to play another down or punt rather than turn it over, but he appeared to not even sense either guy coming.

I'm also very surprised he we don't send our backs into the flats very often...or more often. With our vertical game, guys are dropping fast and the flats are open. Also, if you have Rogers/Coker/Canzeri in the flat when a corner blitzes, he's at worst one on one with a LB. I like that matchup, especially with Canzeri.

Thoughts on why we don't have more safety value type patterns for this very reason? I get the protection argument...but it's a dump off...you get the ball to them before the blitz gets to the QB.
Given what I've seen over 7 games, I don't think JVB will be better than Stanzi. He's not Christiansen either, but he's not al Big Ten material. At least not this season.

The 10 yard PA pass to McNutt that he grounded 5 yards in front of him was 6 points had he led him.
Given what I've seen over 7 games, I don't think JVB will be better than Stanzi. He's not Christiansen either, but he's not al Big Ten material. At least not this season.

The 10 yard PA pass to McNutt that he grounded 5 yards in front of him was 6 points had he led him.

JVB was awesome in the pocket yesterday. When the game was in doubt, he made all of the right decisions. They need to work on blitz recognition and he made a couple of inaccurate throws (two, maybe?), but look around the league and show me a QB that doesn't make any mistakes. He has command of the offense when he is in there, and is very confident making audibles at the line.

He probably won't be 1st or 2nd team all-league if Wilson and Cousins keep rolling (and especially if their teams win their divisions), but statistically he is #2 in the league right now: almost 250 yards/game and 16 TDs to 4 INTs. I don't know what else you can ask for. My major concern is that he shows that same level of performance on the road, but again, most Big Ten QBs are struggling on the road right now.
Yeah Olive - I think he has certainly been good, just not great, and again it is our fault for putting false expectations on him.

He leaves a lot of passes on the field I think, and he also has yet to win on the road. As soon as he starts hitting the easy passes and gets a road win under his belt, he'llbe significantly better.

He's fine, but he's not Stanzi or Tate or Banks.
Yeah Olive - I think he has certainly been good, just not great, and again it is our fault for putting false expectations on him.

He leaves a lot of passes on the field I think, and he also has yet to win on the road. As soon as he starts hitting the easy passes and gets a road win under his belt, he'llbe significantly better.

He's fine, but he's not Stanzi or Tate or Banks.

I agree that he isn't Stanzi, Tate or Banks yet because we haven't seen him do it in a huge game or on the road. But in terms of skill sets, I don't know that any of those three QBs pull off those two throws to McNutt on the end zone fade yesterday. He sees single coverage, goes right to Marvin, puts it in the perfect spot and it gets broken up. He sees the same coverage, audibles to Marvin again, and puts the ball in the exact same spot for a touchdown. I haven't seen an Iowa QB be that precise and ballsy in one sequence.
I agree that he isn't Stanzi, Tate or Banks yet because we haven't seen him do it in a huge game or on the road. But in terms of skill sets, I don't know that any of those three QBs pull off those two throws to McNutt on the end zone fade yesterday. He sees single coverage, goes right to Marvin, puts it in the perfect spot and it gets broken up. He sees the same coverage, audibles to Marvin again, and puts the ball in the exact same spot for a touchdown. I haven't seen an Iowa QB be that precise and ballsy in one sequence.

If he was as good at the easy throws as he is at the deep ball, he'd be unstoppable.
Those blitzes came awfully fast...as he was just setting up.

Dunno, but I think he's exceptional and is perfect for our offense.
JVB just locks on to a target too much.
He had to be when he got blitzed and sacked from his sight side.
He see's some good things developing sometimes and others not much at all.
There are alot of recievers open that just don't get seen.
WR's need to be taught better to read the blitz and break route to the hot slant.
Have to find a way to make them pay for tight coverage and blitzing.
However Wisc. didn't do a very good job of the hot read either, they just have a QB thats a good scrambler.
Given what I've seen over 7 games, I don't think JVB will be better than Stanzi. He's not Christiansen either, but he's not al Big Ten material. At least not this season.

The 10 yard PA pass to McNutt that he grounded 5 yards in front of him was 6 points had he led him.

I think he is every bit as good as Stanzi right now and throws a better ball the stanzi and stays away from pick sixes alot better to.
He's just got to learn to check for blitzers on his drop back instead of just trying to ID his receivers. I don't see why he won't get better at it as he gets more experience.
I'm not being critical ok. I know the guy threw four TD's yesterday and had a great day. I'm a huge fan and predicted he would be better than Stanzi by the time he's done...may have even already accomplished that which is debatable, but I think so. There, I've prefaced my comments with respect for JVB.

That being said, what's up with him totally missing two corner blitzes yesterday and eating the ball. It reminded me of Minny in 2009. I get sometimes you have to take the sack and live to play another down or punt rather than turn it over, but he appeared to not even sense either guy coming.

I'm also very surprised he we don't send our backs into the flats very often...or more often. With our vertical game, guys are dropping fast and the flats are open. Also, if you have Rogers/Coker/Canzeri in the flat when a corner blitzes, he's at worst one on one with a LB. I like that matchup, especially with Canzeri.

Thoughts on why we don't have more safety value type patterns for this very reason? I get the protection argument...but it's a dump off...you get the ball to them before the blitz gets to the QB.

JV is good. Better than Stanzi? In many regards, definitely. In some regards, not so much but darn close. If I had to pick between the two, I would take JV. Especially if I could run a no huddle or any offense that isn't out of the I formation.

We were talking about him missing the blitzes as well. Two of the blitzes looked to be in his face. Yet he missed them and got creamed. It did seem odd.
It's a pattern. Penn State also confused Vandy with blitzes and different coverages.

This year, Iowa needs Vandy to read blitzes and different coverages better. Vandy has a windup when he throws. This year, Iowa needs Vandy to get the ball out of his hand quicker.

Dear Santa, Iowa needs some WRs with game-changing speed.
He doesn't throw the TE's enough IMO.

Several times TE's were open yesterday and he completely ignored them.

Maybe because the WRs were also open, and, in contrast to the TEs, have shown the ability to catch the ball?

His QB rating was 290. The blitzes are a concern, but I can't really nitpick his choice of receivers.
Given what I've seen over 7 games, I don't think JVB will be better than Stanzi. He's not Christiansen either, but he's not al Big Ten material. At least not this season.

The 10 yard PA pass to McNutt that he grounded 5 yards in front of him was 6 points had he led him.

JVB might be would be second team all big ten right now. He's what, 12 or 13th in the nation in passer efficiency and second in the Big Ten. He and Wilson have same number of TD passes (16) and JVB has one more INT than Wilson (4, to 3). JVB has second highest yards per game in Big Ten, second best passing efficiency rating in Big Ten.

I am not saying its a lock he'd be second team all Big Ten right now, but he is very much in the debate.

He is having one of the best seasons an Iowa quarterback has ever had, through seven games.

Is he perfect? No. Can he get better? Yes...which is real, real exciting.

Not exactly sure what people expected out of him through seven games (he has nine starts in his career)
It's a pattern. Penn State also confused Vandy with blitzes and different coverages.

This year, Iowa needs Vandy to read blitzes and different coverages better. Vandy has a windup when he throws. This year, Iowa needs Vandy to get the ball out of his hand quicker.

Dear Santa, Iowa needs some WRs with game-changing speed.


You aren't happy with our receivers?

And the fact that JVB missed a couple of blitzes doesn't mean he was confused. It means that Indiana gambled a few times and won. On 95% of the snaps, JVB was in complete control.
If you say so, Vandy is good a picking up blitzes.

This year, our offense has to shine. I want our offense to be able to shine against good defenses. Not be easily covered - not become a non-factor.
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JVB might be would be second team all big ten right now. He's what, 12 or 13th in the nation in passer efficiency and second in the Big Ten. He and Wilson have same number of TD passes (16) and JVB has one more INT than Wilson (4, to 3). JVB has second highest yards per game in Big Ten, second best passing efficiency rating in Big Ten.

I am not saying its a lock he'd be second team all Big Ten right now, but he is very much in the debate.

He is having one of the best seasons an Iowa quarterback has ever had, through seven games.

Is he perfect? No. Can he get better? Yes...which is real, real exciting.

Not exactly sure what people expected out of him through seven games (he has nine starts in his career)
Perfection I guess. Really are some idiots on this board.
Don't know if you're referring to me, but I wish Iowa had as good a chance of beating teams with good defenses like Michigan State as easily as they've beaten teams with mediocre defenses like Indiana or Northwestern.
Don't know if you're referring to me, but I wish Iowa had as good a chance of beating teams with good defenses like Michigan State as easily as they've beaten teams with mediocre defenses like Indiana or Northwestern.
So you're putting all of that on JVB?? The post was about JVB, not the entire Iowa offense. Give him time to grow, 9 starts. I think you'll be pleased with him and the offense when the play UM and MSU at Kinnick. Not saying they'll win, but think they'll be shootouts.

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