Justin Hilliard

When you get a guy like that, he can encourage other highly touted guys to come to Iowa. I think if Iowa is undefeated going into Wisc game and CJ really likes it at Iowa, he'll be a Hawk. I think it really comes down to how CJ likes it freshman year.
If we could just make a video like the one Ames made for Iowa City we would have a much better shot at landing him. I just don't know if that video could be outdone.
Most on here know me as an insufferable optimist. So it hurts me to type this. But in addition to being an insufferable optimist, I am also an avid follower of Iowa football recruiting.

Which is why I put our chances at 2%.

Which is to say 0% with a margin of error +/- 2%.

He's one of Urban Meyer's five annual "personal recruits". Our landing Hilliard would be the national recruiting coup of the year. It's not going to happen.
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I don't think it will be OSU because I think if he was really committed to staying in state then he would have already selected the Buckeyes. And for whatever reason, I don't see him selecting a rival to Iowa in the same conference. I don't think it will be Michigan either. Michigan under Brady Hoke is not the Michigan of old. It still gets good players ... but still not the same team. And with the kid being from OSU, well, not many Buckeyes head to Michigan (it has happened; just not that often). I don't think it will be Alabama ... no idea why I think that ... I just do ... I think he ends up selecting Notre Dame or Iowa ...

I think Iowa must be a serious contender otherwise, why include the Hawkeyes? Why make them in your Top 5? My gut feeling says we have a real shot at landing him ... Just my random two cents with having absolutely no inside knowledge ...

I read it the other way. He lists Iowa to be nice. His brother is coming here. He probably knows the coaches pretty well and has an established relationship. He doesn't need to list a fifth prestigious school, especially if he thinks he is likely headed to one of the 4 on his list. So he throws Iowa a bone, because he and his family legitimately likes the coaches, but the allure of playing for a blue blood is too strong.
Oh wait you mean like this one that is on youtube?

..... I'm almost embarrassed to watch that. Sometimes I forget how dorky Iowans can be.
It would be nice to get him...but given our 5 star track record he would probably:
1. Never actually come to campuse
2. Transfer after a semester and go on to become the best LB of the last 20 years.
3. Graduate from UI but never play a down (Which isn't really a bad thing, these are still student athletes)
I think this kid is thinking of the NFL the most, based on his comments. So Iowa has to be in the mix, as well as Alabama. I think those are his top two with ND being right up there. Maybe kids are getting the message that Iowa sends players to the NFL.

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