Just difficult to get real excited

My brother in law really has the "on to the next" down pat. He could watch Wisconsin win the Rose Bowl and ten minutes after the game is over not be able to remember who they played.

When my nephew lost his final high school basketball game we had an hour drive back home and all they talked about was hunting and going to Cabelas.

I'm going to be a basket case when my youngest loses loses his final basketball game.

Unless, of course, they win it all!
I’ve gotten better at letting those things go the older I get. A big part of that has been coaching for several years and coming to the conclusion that sports ain’t everything, and also seeing the dark side of it. Most parents want it more than the kids and 99.9999% of high school kids won’t play in college or beyond, they just want to bond with their friends which is the best thing about sports imo.

This year was a perfect example. My son is an 8th grader, and in his grade we have some super super shitty parents. Screamers, yelling at every penalty, call, like really really embarrassing parents. Calling kids out on the field, that type of stuff.

Last year they went 7-0 in football and played really well all season long. Things just clicked. This year, they went 2-5 and you should have heard the stands, man. All from a bunch of fat idiots who’ve never stepped on an athletic field. I made the decision very early in that there was no way I was sitting in the stands with those assbags, so at games I got as far away from our crowd as I could and became a fence walker. And a funny thing happened. I found myself giving zero shits if they won or lost. And coming from me that’s a big deal. I simply enjoyed watching the game and watching my kid play even when they were getting pounded. For shit’s sake man, none of those kids are gonna earn a living out there and all they want to do is go out there with their buds and compete and have fun. Nobody’s gonna remember the 2nd quarter of a football game when they’re 34, and if they do they’re idiot uncle Ricos. As parents we think they give a shit waaaaay more than they really do.

The best thing you can do is go watch and stop giving a shit. Even if your kid is devastated by losses he’s gonna forget about it in a couple days and move on to the next thing in life. You both will thank each other later :)
Cell phone, the right app, a discrete ear piece , and your good!

Just don’t get caught saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Do your sir take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife............. guy standing up in the fifth isle....... “run, run, run, run run run, dammit it run!!! :eek:
"Now let us pray" is a good time to catch a few plays, did that a few years ago against Northern Illinois - or is that blasphemy?
I'm stoked for Sat, having a few friends over (spaced out of course), playing bags, smoking a brisket, TV outside on my hand-constructed patio I built over the summer, get the fire pit going - hope we get to see it, 5 days and counting!
You spelled corn hole wrong...
I'll definitely watch and I'll definitely have fun watching it, but I won't get real invested in wins/losses. This season is a neutered asterisk.
Yeah to me if Iowa wins a ton and has a great year I'll think different but if we lay some eggs especially early on I'll be in this corner of yours on it. God I don't want to be but this year being as messed up as it is it'd take a 2015 kinda run to get me all in just about.
I hope with the horses and experience we have at the receiver position that Brian surprises us all and come out and shows us an air express offense.

I was very disappointed that we didn’t see more of that with TWO NFL tight ends and what some thought was one of the best QB’s in the country.

Can our QB get the ball to the receivers will be the big IF this season. If he can it could be fun watching the ball in the air which in turn should open up HUGE run lanes for Goodson.

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