Josh Jackson with pick six

They are owned by the government and most Americans hate communism. Wisconsin is also a hotbed of communism so I hate everything from there other than Spotted Cow, Sheboygan brats and squeaky curds.
Above average ice fishing too, but yeah. I'm with ya.
Above average ice fishing too, but yeah. I'm with ya.
My goal in life is to never live in a place that has ice fishing ever again. Y'all up north are only about 6-7 weeks away from temps in the 30's. Oh well, at least September and that first week of October are usually pretty nice.
How could anyone hate Packers? lol
Because of their loser fan base

Can't come soon enough. Sitting on two feet of ice in the middle of a frozen lake watching the sun come up is zen baby.
It has been pretty hot and humid in Iowa this summer, but we've had a lot of rain in E. Iowa (especially this week.) It's suppose to be hot and humid till Monday, then drop down into the low 80's. Seems like winter just ended here because we had freezing rain and snow on April 18th which was kind of a surprise. I'm looking forward to Autumn's cool weather, but not old man winter
It has been pretty hot and humid in Iowa this summer, but we've had a lot of rain in E. Iowa (especially this week.) It's suppose to be hot and humid till Monday, then drop down into the low 80's. Seems like winter just ended here because we had freezing rain and snow on April 18th which was kind of a surprise. I'm looking forward to Autumn's cool weather, but not old man winter
I like winter strictly because I fish 2-3 days a week from December till the end of March. If not for that I’d rather not have it. I hate snow and wind, just want it cold enough for a couple feet of ice.

Fall is my favorite weather by far. Hoodie, jeans, and maybe a stocking hat in the morning...I could take a whole year of that.

100° and high humidity? Nope.

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