Jon - Regarding Brandon Wegher

Thats your opinion and thats fine. I'd ask you to review game film and watch the end of the season regarding hitting the hole etc. BW was first instructed to NOT FUMBLE period so he ran stiff and awkward in the beginning for that reason.He began to loosen up and be himself toward the end of the season. Also ARob has a one year led in the experience department so his vision advantage also went away IMO toward the end of the year. As I said I'm happy with all of them I just think BW has a little more threat to his game at this time. If JH comes back at least the same as his Frosh. year he had the best speed to the hole and power IMO.
IDK. We'll see. It is nice to have options thats for sure.

Arob was dinged up late in the year. That probably matters.
Arob was dinged up late in the year. That probably matters.
And BW's ribs were so sore he could barely breath for part of the season.
Jeebus is it wrong to have a different opinion?
We'll likely need them all to have the success most are looking for.
i heard bw3 is going to be a daddy...also i heard he had trouble with grades and have been told that he may go to SDSU? can anyone else confirm these? i really hope that these distractions dont effect him i like our three back system! great guys that know their role in a system. good problem to have.

These have been dubunked by Rob Howe. Except for the "daddy" part. He will be on the two deeps come the EIU game.
BW was a true freshmen A-rod was not big difference there it seems alot of people forget that. I think BW will seperate himself from the rest of the pack by mid season. Injuries will be the issue we dont need any for anyone of these guys. They are all very capable backs. Its going to be fun to watch all them when they get in.
Looks like im in the minority here. I think A Rob will be the starting RB throughout the season. Wegher is good don't get me wrong but thats just my opinion.

I completely agree with you here. Arob, to me, was the more consistent runner the entire year. I have no idea why he wouldn't be considered the #1 back heading into the year. I get that Wegher has potential, but I think Iowas offense will be better off having Arob in there on 1st and 2nd down, and having Wegher as a 3rd down back.
I don't see how BW is the starting RB when he wasn't last year. A-Rob was the better back when they both played. BW is great but I love to see him come in late in games, bring that energy, and deliver the KO to the other team.

Maybe because he ran for over 100 yards, and scored the winning TD in the Orange Bowl?

Whoever is the least dinged up the week of the first game, will get the nod. It could very well be Rogers, or Coker. My money is on BW. If all healthy, he is the best. Jewel is a wildcard. I like Arob, but if he is our starter behind the O line we have going into the first 4 games, I think they might be in a little trouble.
A healthy Jewel Hampton in 2009 and this message board would be deciding if he would have a better season than Greene, or who's the the number two if something happens. It's just a case of out of sight, out of mind.

That said, most of last year I thought A-Rob was a much better option that BW. However, BW improved alot and I think he's at a minimum equal to A-Rob. It's always been said the largest improvement you make in college is from your freshman to sophomore year. Advantage BW.
Since we are on the subjects of RB's thought some of you might like to vote on this poll. Jewel is at 22% which really surprises me considering he has sat out a whole year and we don't really know how he can come back from his injury.

Top Running Backs 2010 - Big Ten Network

That is a surprising number of votes. I'm going to guess that most are from Iowa fans as most fans probably do not know who Jewel Hampton is.

For the record, I voted for A-Rob.
I saw Wegher riding a mountain bike through the ped mall yesterday, he'll be starting by mid season. . .

oh crap. . . wrong thread.
I don't quite understand the whole slicing-up-the-small-pie talk. I am more interested in how creative O'Keefe can be in getting the most out of all these guys. With a new line, he probably will have more success early working the corners with these guys and spreading the field with screens and quick hitches than lining up and trying to knock guys off the ball in the interior of the line.

I say run a lot of quick hitting pitch plays and short passes early in the game. Use Wegher out of the backfield to get mismatches. Let Hampton use his speed to run off tackle and behind Riley and Julian. Then, when the defense is tired, bring in A-Rob for the shorten the game and pound the ground 5-8 yard approach.
if i have the same seats as last year with the same guy sitting behind me, i really hope wegher starts and dominates. all i heard last year from this guy was wegher sucks and a-rob is god's gift to football
It's interesting to have this "problem" of 3 running backs that all could potentially start.

A-Rob is probably the starter day 1 because of his durability and his fire & leadership. He hits the hole fast, but at times struggles to remain patient and let the holes open for him. But, he's probably the back with the best leadership skills, and everyone has said he can't be a starter, and his determination and fire will show up game after game as he hammers away at the defense.

Wegher will start the season number 2 (probable suspension for Hampton), but he will get more of his carries toward the end of the games, really letting him take off in the second half of games when the d-line is a step behind. One thing that I like about BW is that he's the most patient of the group. He will wait for those holes to come (sometimes last year they didn't) and his burst allows him to slip through those holes and break past the line. If our free linemen can get to the second level late in games, BW will have some nice runs.

Jewel is really the big dark horse. We saw a lot of potential as Shonn Greene's backup, but after the injury, will he be able to re-capture where he left off? Unfortunately for him, his little run in with the law will hurt him this year. He will have to fight for carries and when he's in the game, he'll have to show his worth. With our potential to throw the ball this year, he'll really need to prove he can block.

Now, If I were the coaches, I think that I'd run some hurry-up offense for short stretches of the game to keep the defense off guard. I would like to see some shotgun with 2 backs in the game. To keep the D guessing, you can keep 1 back in the backfield to block, while the other becomes a swing route, or dump-off potential. In this system, I'd probably rotate all 3 guys during that stretch to keep fresh bodies. Imagine a shotgun lineup of those 3 rotating, DJK & McNutt on the outside, with either Keenan Davis, Sandeman or a TE in the slot. In a no-huddle situation, that could really wear on a defense fast, and with our depth, we'd be able to keep bodies fairly fresh.
if i have the same seats as last year with the same guy sitting behind me, i really hope wegher starts and dominates. all i heard last year from this guy was wegher sucks and a-rob is god's gift to football

So you are saying a bunch of posters from Insider and Nation sit right behind you at the game?

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