Jon - b-ball recruiting contact question


New Member
Is there any difference between the amount of contact a coach can have with a player before he has signed a LOI and after he has signed a LOI?

We hear that Brust and Larson say Iowa can still recruit them. Are they just saying that or can the coaches contact them more and the coaches and players can get to know each other better if they are unsigned?

I'm not saying that is what happened, I'm just wondering.
Once the LOI is signed, it's technically tampering, but let's be honest, this happens all the time in college basketball.

Brust and Larson have been let out of their LOI, meaning they are free to be wooed by other suitors as long as it's not during the no contact period.

Tampering happens all the time in basketball, though, not a thing anyone is going to do about it. Sort of how there's a rumor of Basabe to Iowa even though he is signed to Siena...
Once the LOI is signed, it's technically tampering, but let's be honest, this happens all the time in college basketball.

Brust and Larson have been let out of their LOI, meaning they are free to be wooed by other suitors as long as it's not during the no contact period.

Tampering happens all the time in basketball, though, not a thing anyone is going to do about it. Sort of how there's a rumor of Basabe to Iowa even though he is signed to Siena...

Hey Stormin, he's asking if Fran is limited in how much contact he can have with them, even though they're signed and wondering if maybe since they've been released from their LOI Fran can have more they can actually get to know him better before resigning.
Hey Stormin, he's asking if Fran is limited in how much contact he can have with them, even though they're signed and wondering if maybe since they've been released from their LOI Fran can have more they can actually get to know him better before resigning.

Oh, sorry, I get the question now.

Once the player is signed, there aren't any rules really to follow anymore in regards to contact with a signed player.

Long story short, Fran isn't getting to talk to Brust or Larson more now that they have been released. Being released doesn't help Iowa's chances with them. IN Brust's case, however, as I said the last couple days on several occasions, he is just doing his due-diligence in the matter. He's making sure Iowa is the right program.
Could someone summarize where Iowa is with open scholarships? Isn't there a maximum number of scholarships you can offer in one year? To my knowledge there are five open as of now, but it seems there are more.
Could someone summarize where Iowa is with open scholarships? Isn't there a maximum number of scholarships you can offer in one year? To my knowledge there are five open as of now, but it seems there are more.

There is no limit to the # of scholarships in a year anymore.

Iowa has 4 open right now.

Whatever happen to Tucker? Is he still enrolled at Iowa or is he back up in the Twin Cities? Is there a chance he could be "re-recruited" or invited to still be on the team with the new coaching staff or has Iowa as a whole decided to move beyond Tucker?
Whatever happen to Tucker? Is he still enrolled at Iowa or is he back up in the Twin Cities? Is there a chance he could be "re-recruited" or invited to still be on the team with the new coaching staff or has Iowa as a whole decided to move beyond Tucker?
I think Fran would like to move on. Also i think he enrolled/committed to play for Mankato St. idk some college in Minn, I believe that is where Jermaine Davis transferred to as well.
Whatever happen to Tucker? Is he still enrolled at Iowa or is he back up in the Twin Cities? Is there a chance he could be "re-recruited" or invited to still be on the team with the new coaching staff or has Iowa as a whole decided to move beyond Tucker?

I think Fran would like to move on. Also i think he enrolled/committed to play for Mankato St. idk some college in Minn, I believe that is where Jermaine Davis transferred to as well.

Tucker will finish up, then head to play at Winona State with former Iowa Mr. Basketball Clayton Vette. He'll also meet back up with his HS teammate, CJ Erickson.
Iowa is allowed three off-campus contacts during a prospect's senior year. This includes a prospect that has signed a letter-of-intent.

Iowa might not be allowed anymore off-campus contacts with Brust & Larson. Remember, contacts made by Lick & his staff count against the three off-campus visits.

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