You know who are the union busters in this country and they sent jobs overseas to bust unions also.
Lulz, a Uniparty Team Blue member, I see. The Uniparty are union busters. Both sides. In 1992, there was one choice, the non Uniparty guy. You vote for Pappy Bush you got NAFTA. You vote for Bill Clinton you got NAFTA.
Are you old enough to remember when Democrats were against immigration? The old school guys in the labor movement understood the implications of low skilled immigration. When I was a kid a job at the packing house was a good union job that paid in nominal terms more than it pays now. In real terms it probably paid 6 figures on an inflation adjusted basis. You can only break a union if you have scabs who will work. We got them, the immigrants.
Hell, large elements of the left were against immigration on environmental grounds because if you want to slow down emissions globally, the best way is to curtail population growth in the cold ass northern hemisphere like the US and Europe. But now that is verboten to mention.
Both the Democrats and Republicans paid massive lip service to immigration for years and did nothing. The men who really run the country demand an ever growing consumer market and labor pool.
I said it on another thread, the massive inflation of the '70's probably never stopped, it went down a bit, but all that happened was production costs were slashed to the bone using immigrant labor or offshoring and we have picked the low hanging fruit, hence the inflation is back. At the end of the day, the American consumer voted with his wallet as well. They wanted cheap shit. They got it. Until they didn't.