James Franklin - Yikes

Have you seen the movie North Dallas 40? It's about a fictional pro football team. It 's main focus is about the life of pro players and how hard they played and partied. But the jist is how hard the coaches pressured players to play with injuries. In the playoff game vs Chicago one player plays with a bad knee and in the game get's seriously injured. It's a decent football movie.
Don't you think the odds are pretty high that over the years KF and/or his staff (or any long serving head coach) or someone representing them has put some "pressure" on the medical staff to clear a critical player or two so they can get back on the field? I would think it is more common the longer a head coach is in position, years to build his base of support, and easier put some subtle screws to those holding up success.

This kind of speculation is not welcome. If you do not have some evidence to support this “odds are pretty high” nonsense, then just shut up.
Could be, but it could also be a doctor and his attorney not wanting to violate HIPAA by saying "on November 3, 2018, while ignoring medical advice, Coach Franklin ordered that KiJana Carter, the starting running back on the PSU team, be cleared to play despite suffering a subdermal hemorrhoid tear during the prior game."

Good point.

Also, this will be a bloodbath. Book it. :)
This kind of speculation is not welcome. If you do not have some evidence to support this “odds are pretty high” nonsense, then just shut up.
It isn't an accusation, merely stating what happens with long runs in power, with less and less oversight as the years go by, the system is in place and exerts more influence. Plus, throw in millions of dollars at stake and there are high odds that interference, whether overt or mere "suggestions" exist. Just the way it is - a mix of power, money, and the need to win. Sorry for not "shutting up." Plus, I don't think you are supposed to use those types of phrases directed at others on this board.
Have you seen the movie North Dallas 40? It's about a fictional pro football team. It 's main focus is about the life of pro players and how hard they played and partied. But the jist is how hard the coaches pressured players to play with injuries. In the playoff game vs Chicago one player plays with a bad knee and in the game get's seriously injured. It's a decent football movie.
It was a very good movie. And it sent the NFL into an uproar. They wanted the players in their league to be portrayed the way they came across in those sappy United Way ads. How dare a movie depicts professional football players as pill popping, booze swigling womanizers.

In some ways North Dallas Forty was to football as "Ball Four" was to baseball. Neither were well received by athletes and league officials who didn't appreciate peeks into the B sides of their worlds
Tim Boeckman was accused of similar abuse at Illinois and it helped cost him his job. It didn't help that he couldn't coach either.
Realistically, I cannot agree that this cost Tim Boeckman his job. The ONLY thing that costs coaches their jobs is not winning enough football games. If Boeckman had taken the Illini to the Rose Bowl, you would never have heard a word about that.

A number of years ago, when Nebraska fired the successor to Tom Osborne, Frank Solich, I started hearing about all this stuff that he had supposedly been doing. But it only came to light when one of Solich' teams went 7-6 or something like that. Then and only then did "this other stuff" matter.

In the same light, if James Franklin has a bad season and loses too many games, this will come up and you will hear about how this contributes to his firing. But I don't believe a word of it. Franklin wins, he stays - he loses, he goes - no matter what.

By the way, no I do not believe KFz pressures medical staff to get injured players to play. I'm sure he presses to get as much information as he can so he can know whether he will have that player or not. There are two things to watch there (at any school) - one is how coaches treat concussion sufferers (in the days before the concussion protocol) - the other is whether there are any "game-time" decisions regarding players. Iowa has had many players warm up but ultimately have the decision made to not play. There are some downright legendary coaches (especially in the pros) who were the worst of the worst in terms of making concussion sufferers play.
Realistically, I cannot agree that this cost Tim Boeckman his job. The ONLY thing that costs coaches their jobs is not winning enough football games. If Boeckman had taken the Illini to the Rose Bowl, you would never have heard a word about that.

A number of years ago, when Nebraska fired the successor to Tom Osborne, Frank Solich, I started hearing about all this stuff that he had supposedly been doing. But it only came to light when one of Solich' teams went 7-6 or something like that. Then and only then did "this other stuff" matter.

In the same light, if James Franklin has a bad season and loses too many games, this will come up and you will hear about how this contributes to his firing. But I don't believe a word of it. Franklin wins, he stays - he loses, he goes - no matter what.

By the way, no I do not believe KFz pressures medical staff to get injured players to play. I'm sure he presses to get as much information as he can so he can know whether he will have that player or not. There are two things to watch there (at any school) - one is how coaches treat concussion sufferers (in the days before the concussion protocol) - the other is whether there are any "game-time" decisions regarding players. Iowa has had many players warm up but ultimately have the decision made to not play. There are some downright legendary coaches (especially in the pros) who were the worst of the worst in terms of making concussion sufferers play.
Kirk said he "didn't know the rules" when he illegally hired his son in law to an Iowa football paid position? Correct? It is a sign that he flaunts the rules because of his long tenure and at times his ends justify the means way of thinking. Who is going to stop me? I call the shots here, got it! These are the risks of having a long tenured coach who gains more power the longer he stays.
Realistically, I cannot agree that this cost Tim Boeckman his job. The ONLY thing that costs coaches their jobs is not winning enough football games. If Boeckman had taken the Illini to the Rose Bowl, you would never have heard a word about that.

A number of years ago, when Nebraska fired the successor to Tom Osborne, Frank Solich, I started hearing about all this stuff that he had supposedly been doing. But it only came to light when one of Solich' teams went 7-6 or something like that. Then and only then did "this other stuff" matter.

In the same light, if James Franklin has a bad season and loses too many games, this will come up and you will hear about how this contributes to his firing. But I don't believe a word of it. Franklin wins, he stays - he loses, he goes - no matter what.

By the way, no I do not believe KFz pressures medical staff to get injured players to play. I'm sure he presses to get as much information as he can so he can know whether he will have that player or not. There are two things to watch there (at any school) - one is how coaches treat concussion sufferers (in the days before the concussion protocol) - the other is whether there are any "game-time" decisions regarding players. Iowa has had many players warm up but ultimately have the decision made to not play. There are some downright legendary coaches (especially in the pros) who were the worst of the worst in terms of making concussion sufferers play.
Look at the two sentences of my post that you copied. The key word in the first sentence is "helped". The second sentence has nothing to do with forcing injured players to play and everything to do with your point.

Never did I insinuate that overruling doctors outright cost him his job.
It was a very good movie. And it sent the NFL into an uproar. They wanted the players in their league to be portrayed the way they came across in those sappy United Way ads. How dare a movie depicts professional football players as pill popping, booze swigling womanizers.

In some ways North Dallas Forty was to football as "Ball Four" was to baseball. Neither were well received by athletes and league officials who didn't appreciate peeks into the B sides of their worlds

Great movie...a young Nick Nolte in one of his best roles.
I will wager $20 that Franklin is still head coach at the end of the football season.

Loser donates $20 to the Children's Hospital here.

How I predict this thing plays out is they will find some evidence that Franklin did do what he was accused of but it will be deemed not excessive enough so he will be suspended for one game NEXT YEAR because the case will drag on until close to the end of the season. For him to lose his job over this there will need to be some pretty egregious evidence and I don't think they will be able to provide that. I hope I am wrong and they can nail him to the wall because I think he is a POS but too much money is involved.
Would they just pull that football program already? It sickens me every time I see Pedo State being celebrated and how their fans continue to support a football program with those disgusting ties.
Would they just pull that football program already? It sickens me every time I see Pedo State being celebrated and how their fans continue to support a football program with those disgusting ties.
Never happen. They make the B1G and NCAA too much money in ad revenue and merchandise licensing fees.

Will never, ever happen.
He will either resign and take an NFL job if the situation gets bad enough, or he will get slapped on the wrist with a 2 or 3 game suspension to be served during the most meaningless games on the schedule next season. Whichever path of least resistance is most palatable for him. Either way, it is crystal clear now that Franklin is bad news.
I agree with your premise, but McQueary is a subhuman piece of amphibian shit and should have had his life ruined.

He told Paterno about it, and when Paterno did nothing he kept on going about his business even knowing Sandusky was still around campus like nothing happened. He didn't go to the cops like he should have because he was scared of getting fired.

How many kids got raped between when McQueary told Paterno and when the whole thing went public?? McQueary should be doing prison time for not following up as a mandatory reporter.

Very well put. By no means did I mean it as McQueary being a hero. Simply the fact that he was villianized when the story came out by the community and fan base, rather than them turning on the other monsters that were involved they turned on him because regardless of what was brought to the surface, it's football first in State College and how dare anyone attack or say anything about JoePa.

But you're absolutely right. The guy is a piece of shit and should be in prison.
Don't you think the odds are pretty high that over the years KF and/or his staff (or any long serving head coach) or someone representing them has put some "pressure" on the medical staff to clear a critical player or two so they can get back on the field? I would think it is more common the longer a head coach is in position, years to build his base of support, and easier put some subtle screws to those holding up success.

It was definitely common practice at West Caanan High during the Bud Kilmer days. If it wasn't for Johnny Moxon, Charlie Tweeter, Lance Harbor and co. taking a stand and running him out of the locker room, it'd still be going on to this day.

Disclaimer: My apologies, but couldn't resist the Varsity Blues reference. Great movie.
It isn't an accusation, merely stating what happens with long runs in power, with less and less oversight as the years go by, the system is in place and exerts more influence. Plus, throw in millions of dollars at stake and there are high odds that interference, whether overt or mere "suggestions" exist. Just the way it is - a mix of power, money, and the need to win. Sorry for not "shutting up." Plus, I don't think you are supposed to use those types of phrases directed at others on this board.

You are right. I should have left out the shut up remark.

Your statement that “long runs in power with less and less oversight...exerts more influence” and assigning this unfounded statement to Iowa and its coaches is absolutely out of the bounds of reason. If you have an opinion, fine. But you state that view as a fact which has not been substantiated. I do not like it when people hide behind innuendo to spark controversy. We have more than enough of that nonsense in other realms of our society.
You are right. I should have left out the shut up remark.

Your statement that “long runs in power with less and less oversight...exerts more influence” and assigning this unfounded statement to Iowa and its coaches is absolutely out of the bounds of reason. If you have an opinion, fine. But you state that view as a fact which has not been substantiated. I do not like it when people hide behind innuendo to spark controversy. We have more than enough of that nonsense in other realms of our society.
My point is, college coaches, college presidents, CEOs, U.S. Presidents, Senators, presidents of the Red Hatters, who tend to have long tenures, tend to drift towards power and independence without much oversight. Does it happen all the time? No. Is that the case with KF? I don't know, but his tenure and certain ways he operates tend to fit the window of that scenario. Is there solid oversight for Kirk and his machine? You tell me. Hiring his son in law outside of the proper channels is an indication to me that he knows his power and pressed the window. Of course, he played the "dumb" card. Not much is done accidentally or spontaneously by Kirk. And in a broader sense, in a situation where the AD and HC have nearly unchallenged power, do you think they will keep around a medical staff that keeps the talent off the field as a first choice default setting? I doubt it. And Kirk and his staff don't leave for other positions for a reason. They have the power and resistance is futile. Why leave?
I really lost respect for Franklin and down right thought he has some temper issues when he tried attacking a PSU fan after they lost to OSU last year. It's where the fan who was near the tunnel exit by the field & he just said he didn't agree with Franklin's call as he was walking off the field and Franklin tried to go at the kid in an a aggressive manner like he wanted to fight this PSU student and some people next to Franklin had to grab him and hold him back. The kid said nothing terrible and used no foul language.

Typical behavior by a grandstanding, arrogant, puffed-up-Punk

His head is on the block and should be lopped off


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