James Franklin - Yikes

Could be, but it could also be a doctor and his attorney not wanting to violate HIPAA by saying "on November 3, 2018, while ignoring medical advice, Coach Franklin ordered that KiJana Carter, the starting running back on the PSU team, be cleared to play despite suffering a subdermal hemorrhoid tear during the prior game."
Time will tell
You're gonna have a hard time finding anyone on this board dismissing anything PSU does. You didn't think that statement through before you posted it.

Kicker22 in the 5th post in this thread said he expects nothing to happen to PSU. I may have stated it incorrectly as I meant that some people on the board are expecting nothing to come of it even if true.
Kicker22 in the 5th post in this thread said he expects nothing to happen to PSU. I may have stated it incorrectly as I meant that some people on the board are expecting nothing to come of it even if true.
In that case you’re correct.


People here saying nothing will come of it has no relation at all to people here wanting heads to roll because of rhabdo. The two have no correlation because when people say nothing will happen at PSU, it’s not because they don’t think it’s justified. It’s because we all know what happens to the B1G dons.

And that’s nothing.
Could be, but it could also be a doctor and his attorney not wanting to violate HIPAA by saying "on November 3, 2018, while ignoring medical advice, Coach Franklin ordered that KiJana Carter, the starting running back on the PSU team, be cleared to play despite suffering a subdermal hemorrhoid tear during the prior game."

Bingo. Without a release he can't comment on a specific patient's condition or treatment.
Tim Boeckman was accused of similiar abuse at Illinois and it helped cost him his job.

It didn't help that he couldn't coach either. Franklin can coach-a little- and football is the bell cow at that University.

I would never let a child play for a coach at any level who overruled doctor's decisions. That's what the doctors are there for. And I have never talked to a coach personally who didn't appreciate having the availability of that doctor or trainer around to make those calls so the coach could worry about their many other duties.

But this is Penn State football. It will be business as usual once the season starts.
Kicker22 in the 5th post in this thread said he expects nothing to happen to PSU. I may have stated it incorrectly as I meant that some people on the board are expecting nothing to come of it even if true.
In that case you’re correct.


People here saying nothing will come of it has no relation at all to people here wanting heads to roll because of rhabdo. The two have no correlation because when people say nothing will happen at PSU, it’s not because they don’t think it’s justified. It’s because we all know what happens to the B1G dons.

And that’s nothing.

Thank you for clarifying the intent in my previous post. As I had stated, from both an administrative and NCAA viewpoint I totally see both sides trying to sweep this under the rug doing whatever possible to save face for the university. As someone who has coached at the youth level and the varsity level for 20 years, if these allegations are true, Franklin should be out of a job. But as I said in the previous post and Fry touched on "it's not because I don't think it's justified. It's because we all know what happens to the BIG dons". PSU could have been hammered for the Sandusky scandal, but didn't. I see this turning out the same way.
Tim Boeckman was accused of similiar abuse at Illinois and it helped cost him his job.

It didn't help that he couldn't coach either. Franklin can coach-a little- and football is the bell cow at that University.

I would never let a child play for a coach at any level who overruled doctor's decisions. That's what the doctors are there for. And I have never talked to a coach personally who didn't appreciate having the availability of that doctor or trainer around to make those calls so the coach could worry about their many other duties.

But this is Penn State football. It will be business as usual once the season starts.
The difference was the complaints came from actual players at Illinois.

Good luck ever getting a player to say anything bad about Franklin or the team. He'd get excommunicated and trashed in every PSU media format and every fan's social media. At PSU if you ever said anything remotely negative, true or not, you'd be an instant Bill Buckner and I guarantee you no one wants to be that guy.

Without student-athletes backing up the doctor's story, Franklin has plausible deniability and that's all he needs.
The difference was the complaints came from actual players at Illinois.

Good luck ever getting a player to say anything bad about Franklin or the team. He'd get excommunicated and trashed in every PSU media format and every fan's social media. At PSU if you ever said anything remotely negative, true or not, you'd be an instant Bill Buckner and I guarantee you no one wants to be that guy.

Without student-athletes backing up the doctor's story, Franklin has plausible deniability and that's all he needs.

True. We've already seen once how the PSU community stands behind their own.
The difference was the complaints came from actual players at Illinois.

Good luck ever getting a player to say anything bad about Franklin or the team. He'd get excommunicated and trashed in every PSU media format and every fan's social media. At PSU if you ever said anything remotely negative, true or not, you'd be an instant Bill Buckner and I guarantee you no one wants to be that guy.

Without student-athletes backing up the doctor's story, Franklin has plausible deniability and that's all he needs.

I believe PSU had a few kids transfer out over the offseason. They'll most certainly be asked about this at some point. Whether or not they back up the Dr's story will be interesting.

But you said it best earlier. Nothing is going to happen to Franklin. This is a university and community that harbored a child rapist and the NCAA let them get anyway with a handslap
The difference was the complaints came from actual players at Illinois.

Good luck ever getting a player to say anything bad about Franklin or the team. He'd get excommunicated and trashed in every PSU media format and every fan's social media. At PSU if you ever said anything remotely negative, true or not, you'd be an instant Bill Buckner and I guarantee you no one wants to be that guy.

Without student-athletes backing up the doctor's story, Franklin has plausible deniability and that's all he needs.

One problem with this though is if a kid wants to play he doesn’t necessarily agree with the doctor anyway and I don’t think you can take any disagreement with a grain of salt. How many players go against a doctors advice and play or try to play it happens all the time.

For him being a doctor he is in a role where his say does carry a lot of weight. Whether the coach or player decides to listen to him is one thing. If Franklin was given reports and professional recommendations and went against them that is a big problem especially when the school is paying the doctor to do the job as it helps remove a little liability from them but also is the right way to treat their student athletes.

What will be interesting is if names start to come out where student athletes were given the recommendation to not play and Franklin went against that recommendation and they end up getting hurt again then the case in my opinion is much more clear. It is all going to come down to specific evidence
I believe PSU had a few kids transfer out over the offseason. They'll most certainly be asked about this at some point. Whether or not they back up the Dr's story will be interesting.

But you said it best earlier. Nothing is going to happen to Franklin. This is a university and community that harbored a child rapist and the NCAA let them get anyway with a handslap

Not only harbored a child rapist but completely tried to ruin the individual that went public with it. Ironically the witch hunt wasn't looking for guilty parties, but rather anyone that spoke out against the university and their beloved coaches. You know, because football is much more important that ruined lives.
I really lost respect for Franklin and down right thought he has some temper issues when he tried attacking a PSU fan after they lost to OSU last year. It's where the fan who was near the tunnel exit by the field & he just said he didn't agree with Franklin's call as he was walking off the field and Franklin tried to go at the kid in an a aggressive manner like he wanted to fight this PSU student and some people next to Franklin had to grab him and hold him back. The kid said nothing terrible and used no foul language.

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Not only harbored a child rapist but completely tried to ruin the individual that went public with it. Ironically the witch hunt wasn't looking for guilty parties, but rather anyone that spoke out against the university and their beloved coaches. You know, because football is much more important that ruined lives.
I agree with your premise, but McQueary is a subhuman piece of amphibian shit and should have had his life ruined.

He told Paterno about it, and when Paterno did nothing he kept on going about his business even knowing Sandusky was still around campus like nothing happened. He didn't go to the cops like he should have because he was scared of getting fired.

How many kids got raped between when McQueary told Paterno and when the whole thing went public?? McQueary should be doing prison time for not following up as a mandatory reporter.
I’m not going to make a judgment until evidence is presented.

Cuz we would all want that benefit for us.
Don't you think the odds are pretty high that over the years KF and/or his staff (or any long serving head coach) or someone representing them has put some "pressure" on the medical staff to clear a critical player or two so they can get back on the field? I would think it is more common the longer a head coach is in position, years to build his base of support, and easier put some subtle screws to those holding up success.
Don't you think the odds are pretty high that over the years KF and/or his staff (or any long serving head coach) or someone representing them has put some "pressure" on the medical staff to clear a critical player or two so they can get back on the field? I would think it is more common the longer a head coach is in position, years to build his base of support, and easier put some subtle screws to those holding up success.

I doubt the doctor was stoked about clearing Ott to play when his arm was attached by the skin.

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