Jaleel: I made a mistake, don't know who DC will be

Don't worry you are not alone, for whatever reason people just want to yell and scream at each other here. Jon has done a pretty good job covering the Hawks and its a shame most people on his board just flame and antagonize each other, you could always save yourself a migraine read all the OP's and ignore just about all replies. I got on Jon a while back about bans and how quick they are handed out but maybe they need to be longer. Why fans of the same team/school act like they do towards each other here is beyond ignorant. I wouldnt want to watch a Hawkeye game with well over 85% of the people who post on here they would certainly take all the fun out of it.

Yeah, the guy who flamed a high school kid is the victim.
Masters in education really then your a sorry *** individual for labeling Jaleel being the same as DJK. Your Pathetic dude for saying what you said..

Just in case you forgot here is your sorry *** post.
Originally Posted by Hawkcrush
Welcome to the second coming of DJK. I have said it before, this kid and KF are going to have a problem co-existing.

Yes, that is what I wrote. I had not idea you would take such offense to a comparison to a record breaking receiver. Is it a falsehood that KF and DJK had a run in with using twitter and such. Honestly, I loved DJK right up to the drughouse happening. Even now I remember his playing days fondly. If you took something more negative than that from the post then you are the one with the problem. The masters is from Capella, and I teach engineering design. So if you think you know me you're probably wrong.

P.S. The main point of the first post, before it was hi-jacked, was JJ needs to put down the twitter.
Don't worry you are not alone, for whatever reason people just want to yell and scream at each other here. Jon has done a pretty good job covering the Hawks and its a shame most people on his board just flame and antagonize each other, you could always save yourself a migraine read all the OP's and ignore just about all replies. I got on Jon a while back about bans and how quick they are handed out but maybe they need to be longer. Why fans of the same team/school act like they do towards each other here is beyond ignorant. I wouldnt want to watch a Hawkeye game with well over 85% of the people who post on here they would certainly take all the fun out of it.


I'm no Saint, but I will never understand the personal b.s. I guess it is easy to be a tough guy behind a computer screen.
Wow. I read through this stuff, and I'm amazed. I think I've actually participated in some of this. I'm going to make an effort to never do that again.

People been around a long time, and apparently know exactly what Kirk is going to do I guess.
As exhibited by you going crazy about what someone else wrote. Where did you get your master's degree? International waters?

Go ahead and respond, but is it really necessary to call names and such. I think we can all respond to each other without calling each other stuid or uneducated etc.
He posted a rumor he had heard, no different than anything that has been posted here.
Exactly what I think. If KF is all over this he needs to grow up a little himself.
But just like alot of the BS that goes around we aren't sure if KF even said something to him.
Yes, that is what I wrote. I had not idea you would take such offense to a comparison to a record breaking receiver. Is it a falsehood that KF and DJK had a run in with using twitter and such. Honestly, I loved DJK right up to the drughouse happening. Even now I remember his playing days fondly. If you took something more negative than that from the post then you are the one with the problem. The masters is from Capella, and I teach engineering design. So if you think you know me you're probably wrong.

P.S. The main point of the first post, before it was hi-jacked, was JJ needs to put down the twitter.

What you mean hi-jacked you said something pretty offensive to me and I took exception to it. Just say that he needs to stop twittering, instead of saying he is the second coming and will have a problem co-existing with KF, which is just stupid and flat out ridiculious statement. We have no idea that to be the case. IMO That isn't a very mature comment.

I will edit uneducated and say ridiculous for you Crush, since you take such offense to that word.
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Go ahead and respond, but is it really necessary to call names and such. I think we can all respond to each other without calling each other stuid or uneducated etc.

I'm not certain about this. It is a nice ideal however. Even if your post has something incorrect in it, the way some on here go about correcting you is amazing. If you should happen to disagree, or have a different perspective, it is very dangerous on here.
Yeah, the guy who flamed a high school kid is the victim.

Not really looking at in terms of victim....just no one can say anything on here without it being some huge issue. I am not defending anyone or saying I think anyone is more right then anyone else, its just plain stupid how people attack each other on here when "most" are here because they all love the Hawks, everyone has to be right 100% of the time apparently...maybe there are some "Trollie Awards" that are given to biggest **** suckers on message boards I am not aware of.
Wow. I read through this stuff, and I'm amazed. I think I've actually participated in some of this. I'm going to make an effort to never do that again.

People been around a long time, and apparently know exactly what Kirk is going to do I guess.

1. Kirk has a strong aversion to Twitter. That's no secret, he's said so publicly.
2. JJ "revealed" information of a sensitive nature that was either true or false.
3. If true, Kirk's not too fond of leaks in his ship.
4. If false, then Kirk likely would want the rumor mill to stop churning.
5. JJ backpedals.

This isn't exactly tough to work out. There isn't any wild leap of faith here.
What you mean hi-jacked you said something pretty offensive to me and I took exception to it. Just say that he needs to stop twittering, instead of saying he is the second coming and will have a problem co-existing with KF, which is just stupid and flat out ridiculious statement. We have no idea that to be the case. IMO That isn't a very mature comment.

I will edit uneducated and say ridiculous for you Crush, since you take such offense to that word.

You win. We can stop now. I'm sorry if I offended you, that was not the intent.
If this kid said that he is our new DC, he is probably right. he would know before us. and even if he is right, this kid is still in high school. he isnt playing for KF yet. so its not up to KF if he tweets or not. when he leaves high school, thats when he better put the twitter and facebook away.
1. Kirk has a strong aversion to Twitter. That's no secret, he's said so publicly.
2. JJ "revealed" information of a sensitive nature that was either true or false.
3. If true, Kirk's not too fond of leaks in his ship.
4. If false, then Kirk likely would want the rumor mill to stop churning.
5. JJ backpedals.

This isn't exactly tough to work out. There isn't any wild leap of faith here.

My post wasn't directed at you. Sorry if you took it that way. I'm commenting on people's responses on here (some of mine as well I'm afraid), and this attitude that if you've been around a while, it's ok to jump someone.

I get caught up in it too. I'm not going to do it any longer.
This kid isnt very bright if he thought it would be a good idea to break the news. Hopefully it can be a learning experience and not a glimpse of what is to come from this young man.
DJK and I go way back and all I can say about JJ is that I like the cut of his jib....... he's impulsive, he resists authority, and most importantly he appears to be a nearly bottomless pit for attention. We are gonna have some gooood times.
Bunch of pathetic old farts on this site. Get over it already. He's in highschool.

Right, keep it up and run Jaleel off too, if he let the cat out of the bag, so be it... it was about time someone at the university said something about the new coach, it's getting old, move on everyone.... I am positive this isn't how they wanted to announce it, but it happened lets work on winning some football games!!! Don't crucify the kid and lose a good commit... with new technology they need to be aware of how easy info can leak... go hawks!
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"Was it not transparent that KF did not like the way DJK handeled the media."

I'm not sure transparent is the right word for it...hmmm. DJK got his much anticipated chance to talk to the media at the beginning of his sophmore year. He arrived on media day barefoot decked out in a crazy yellow & black striped pair of farmers overalls with a wide brimmed straw hat and a corncob pipe. Tooting about plowing the farm & milking some cows & how he loved that country smell. KF ran interference before the media latched on and sent DJK packing. Pretty much walked into the doghouse with a supply of dog food. Colorful, spirited young man perhaps lacking focus. I think he has tremendous respect for KF and the Iowa program - never has dogged the program for someone who seemed to prefer the doghouse.
what is this, a state secret or something? the secrecy and security measures are ridiculous. micro-management to the extreme.
Why announce the defensive coordinator at all? If he (or she!) coaches from the press box or wears a dark cloak and sunglasses on the sideline, then the hiring can remain as furtive and secretive as the UI likes on a permanent basis.

There are programs with better winning traditions than Iowa that actually consider sharing information with their fans now and again--some newfangled nonsense about "energizing the fan base". Remarkably, it doesn't seem to prevent them from winning ball games or filling their stadiums.

I think Twitter is perhaps the dumbest social networking innovation in a long line of them, but there are a large number of programs where a coordinator hiring wouldn't take two months, where the entire process wouldn't unnecessarily be shrouded in cloak and dagger secrecy, and where a high school kid wouldn't be castigated for talking about it when the hiring appears eminent anyway.

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