Jaleel: I made a mistake, don't know who DC will be

Wow. The only person that needs to apologize is Iowa fans. He is a 17 or 18 yr old kid and we are acting like "He should know better". WE should know better than to assume something based off of something in social media. Regardless of who says it. But noooo, we see a kid say something on Facebook and run with it like we're chasing down an ice cream truck. Not taking a second to think if maybe, just maybe, he was speculating like the rest of us. And now it comes out that he doesnt really know anything and instead of saying "yeah we, like usual, overreacted about some possible news" we blame it on the kid and label him the next DJK.
Welcome to the second coming of DJK. I have said it before, this kid and KF are going to have a problem co-existing. The whole DJK-Kf thing was pretty transparent to anyone who followed ia football. Please Jaleel do yourself a favor and forget how to tweet for the next 4-5 years.
Wow. The only person that needs to apologize is Iowa fans. He is a 17 or 18 yr old kid and we are acting like "He should know better". WE should know better than to assume something based off of something in social media. Regardless of who says it. But noooo, we see a kid say something on Facebook and run with it like we're chasing down an ice cream truck. Not taking a second to think if maybe, just maybe, he was speculating like the rest of us. And now it comes out that he doesnt really know anything and instead of saying "yeah we, like usual, overreacted about some possible news" we blame it on the kid and label him the next DJK.

Wow you are missing the point. Loose lips sink ships. Its not the fact that he is wrong or right. He should not be saying who he thinks it is.

Plus the fact that he took it back show that someone on the staff also thought he should keep his mouth shut. Kurt will let us know when its time.
Funny, as Fran sort of seems to encourage it as he attempts to rebuild the basketball program. Matt, Dev, Bryce, Andrew, Coach Francis, Drew Speraw among others regularly tweet about upcoming games and occasionally their thoughts on the past game.

I think Fran has some guidelines on what you can't tweet. I think Kirk feels players couldn't be trusted to follow the guidelines all the time so why allow them to do it.
Welcome to the second coming of DJK. I have said it before, this kid and KF are going to have a problem co-existing. The whole DJK-Kf thing was pretty transparent to anyone who followed ia football. Please Jaleel do yourself a favor and forget how to tweet for the next 4-5 years.

Lucky I don't run this site because you would be banned in my book. What a uneducated post and individual you must be.
Wow you are missing the point. Loose lips sink ships. Its not the fact that he is wrong or right. He should not be saying who he thinks it is.

Plus the fact that he took it back show that someone on the staff also thought he should keep his mouth shut. Kurt will let us know when its time.

You missed my point. My point is that he is a kid and we arent treating him like one. Regardless of if he is right or wrong. He made a mistake and saying he's on the bad side of Ferentz like DJK is too much. WE as fans jump the gun far too much when it comes to social media.

He may have gotten a call to retract his statement from a staff member. But just because he signed his LOI doesn't mean he got an immediate crash course on PR. Pretty sure that is all done when they step on campus and the social media guidelines are implemented.

So everybody needs to chill on what these kids say because they are in fact kids.
Then again, maybe if everything at Fort Kinnick wasn't treated with Area 51 level secrecy, it wouldn't raise such a stir when a high school kid tweets the name of a coordinator hire that's been in the works for months.
Lucky I don't run this site because you would be banned in my book. What a uneducated post and individual you must be.

What exactly is uneducated about his post? I have a masters in education by the way, what is your degree in? Why take such offense to what I wrote? Was it not transparent that KF did not like the way DJK handeled the media. So what is the problem? Christ I can't write anything without someone going crazy anymore.
Bunch of pathetic old farts on this site. Get over it already. He's in highschool.

Well he is got learn how to responsibly use social media sometime, now is as good of time as any. Anyone with an ounce of reflection would realize attempting to leak the defensive coordinator for the team you are committed to play for is a bad idea.

He seems to be young, impulsive and not yet appreciate the amount of attention he is going to get. I'm sure he will learn.
What exactly is uneducated about his post? I have a masters in education by the way, what is your degree in? Why take such offense to what I wrote? Was it not transparent that KF did not like the way DJK handeled the media. So what is the problem? Christ I can't write anything without someone going crazy anymore.

As exhibited by you going crazy about what someone else wrote. Where did you get your master's degree? International waters?
What exactly is uneducated about his post? I have a masters in education by the way, what is your degree in? Why take such offense to what I wrote? Was it not transparent that KF did not like the way DJK handeled the media. So what is the problem? Christ I can't write anything without someone going crazy anymore.

I would think that people with masters degrees would recognize that when posting your opinions on a public forum there is a chance that someone would, you know, respond to them.
You missed my point. My point is that he is a kid and we arent treating him like one. Regardless of if he is right or wrong. He made a mistake and saying he's on the bad side of Ferentz like DJK is too much. WE as fans jump the gun far too much when it comes to social media.

He may have gotten a call to retract his statement from a staff member. But just because he signed his LOI doesn't mean he got an immediate crash course on PR. Pretty sure that is all done when they step on campus and the social media guidelines are implemented.

So everybody needs to chill on what these kids say because they are in fact kids.

I think you're confusing the "welcome to the doghouse" crowd with "he's going to be there for eternity and get busted in a drug house".

Do I think Johnson will see his career path follow that of DJK's? No, certainly not based on something like this. But he will definitely start out in the doghouse because of this. Unlike DJK, Johnson may work himself out of there. But this is EXACTLY the sort of thing that will draw the ire of Ferentz.
What exactly is uneducated about his post? I have a masters in education by the way, what is your degree in? Why take such offense to what I wrote? Was it not transparent that KF did not like the way DJK handeled the media. So what is the problem? Christ I can't write anything without someone going crazy anymore.

Masters in education really then your a sorry *** individual for labeling Jaleel being the same as DJK. Your Pathetic dude for saying what you said..

Just in case you forgot here is your sorry *** post.
Originally Posted by Hawkcrush
Welcome to the second coming of DJK. I have said it before, this kid and KF are going to have a problem co-existing.
Christ I can't write anything without someone going crazy anymore.

Don't worry you are not alone, for whatever reason people just want to yell and scream at each other here. Jon has done a pretty good job covering the Hawks and its a shame most people on his board just flame and antagonize each other, you could always save yourself a migraine read all the OP's and ignore just about all replies. I got on Jon a while back about bans and how quick they are handed out but maybe they need to be longer. Why fans of the same team/school act like they do towards each other here is beyond ignorant. I wouldnt want to watch a Hawkeye game with well over 85% of the people who post on here they would certainly take all the fun out of it.

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