I've said it time and time again.

OP is correct... KF will always have an average-good team. KF program has more downside potential every year than it does have upside potential. In other words the margin for error is not good to prevent .500 seasons
This team has talent, it just seems that questionable coaching costs them more losses than it should.
Why is everyone jumping over the poster for the original post? You geniuses think that losses to PSU where we don't score a TD, or losses to ISU by tucking our sacks back is going to attract quality talent? The fact of the matter is that when you have chances to win (especially at a place like Iowa) you pin your ears back and get the damn job done. Otherwise you start losing good prospects and you are constantly in a 'rebuilding' period. I can't believe how many people are so happy with being mediocre. "Hey...it's okay if we only win 6 games....we're Iowa...we don't deserve to win more...blah blah...at least we won the Car Care Bowl two years ago....blah blah....we were better than Michigan for two years...blah blah." You all sound ridiculous. To compare how many BCS games we've been in to ISU is silly...tell me...how much does ISU pay their head coach...how good are the facilities at ISU compared to that of Iowa? Let's take some responsibility for our program...WE DESERVE BETTER!
That pretty well says it.

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