It's going to be Forbes.....

I don't know if its going to be as Head Coach or as Associate Head Coach.

My personal preference would be as associate with a pretty stout salary. He's going to get his shot to be the HC at some point in the future and we need his recruiting more than anything at this point.

I could see him being tossed in as HC with Gillisipie as associate (they worked together at A&M) or as Associate with someone like Lavin or Penders from Houston. A guy like Lavin would probably be looking for a 3-5 year gig that allows him to show to the world that he can get it done. And a guy like Penders is looking for a nice golden parachute that he allows him to retire comfortably from but he still has some Paterno in him so he can't just walk away quite yet.

Just a gut feeling that I've gotten over the past 8 days. No sources. No outlets, I'm not in Atlanta and I don't care whether you agree with me or not.

Are you on ACID?

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