My grandmother handwrote memoirs of her life. Great stuff. Stories about the Great Depression, World War II, how she felt during the Cuban Missile Crisis. After reading her life story, I'll be damned if I'm EVER going to surrender the traditions and fabric of this country over completely made up risks that the news puts on every day. And that especially includes Halloween. We live in a truly blessed time and we have a duty to imbue our children with a sense of trusting each other, not fearing our neighbors. Sure, if there's some creepy guy who you think has a dungeon in his basement, steer clear, but a blanket fear of people on this level is just absurd. Shit, I still remember in the early '80's having my mom refuse to let us eat Halloween candy until we took it to the hospital to have it x-rayed to make sure there were no needles or razor blades in it. It was absurd, there was no effin' way our neighbors were going to put razor blades in candy. But the news scared the ever living shit out of people. So maybe the world wasn't safer back then, maybe it was, but if you watched the news, it sure seemed dangerous.