Other than his incessant google snapshots trying to prove one of his multitude of PhDs strictly for the sake of letting people know he's "smart."
If you said grass is green he'd come with some googled image of a chart (no sources, mind you) showing that it's actually on average a pale straw color by world volume according to satellite data. His stuff is pedantic bullshit that serves only to try seeking attention and a sense of "I'm smart and look, everyone, I can prove it." It serves no purpose other than to stir up shit. Most of the time it's totally ignorable, but he's purposely starting his typical useless charts and graphs in a thread about a dead girl murdered the other day. I simply asked him to start another thread on crime statistics and leave this one alone. I may be wrong, but I doubt he will because he knows the participation would be nil. If he's offended by swear word pixels on a computer screen, well...I don't think there's anything I can do to help that.
It's a shame, really. The guy apparently likes to google and quote statistics, but he can't seem to do it when it comes to sports. The one area where an appreciation for statistics helps convey and prove your points. Either that or sports is the one area he doesn't know much about....... I'll leave that to you to decide.