ISU Golfer Found Murdered Yesterday

How many of those cases were dismissed and why?
Looking through it he had a bunch of assault stuff, displaying a dangerous weapon/intimidation, domestics...

Two of them I see he got 60 days in the clink but the judge suspended 58 both time with credit for time served. Since the doucher probably couldn't afford bail I'm thinking he probably already had the 2 days done and never had to come back to serve time.
How many of those cases were dismissed and why?

Looks like he got popped for attempted burglary and 3rd degree theft in September 2016 and they tacked on some probation violation charges and he was sentenced to 2 years. Probably got out early on that. Looks like his first arrest after getting out was in June 2017.
Unfortunately no amount of jail would have kept this guy from killing someone unless you locked him up for life. Which we can’t do.

Stay away from the dope man, foilies ain’t the answer to anything.
Let's keep your shitty, amateur pedantry off this thread. This girl died and if you want to start another one of your goddamn "I'm smarter than you and here are some shitty googled statistics to prove it" then start another thread.

Honestly, F off with your garbage. Take it somewhere else.

Can't both things be simultaneously true? This is a horrible tragedy, and violent crime is on a downward trend across the board and in Iowa.

I certainly don't always agree with @HawkGold , but he responded directly to a question about trends with information to help answer that question. His post was no more inappropriate than the one he responded to that raised the question. There is nothing here to object to.
Can't both things be simultaneously true? This is a horrible tragedy, and violent crime is on a downward trend across the board and in Iowa.

I certainly don't always agree with @HawkGold , but he responded directly to a question about trends with information to help answer that question. His post was no more inappropriate than the one he responded to that raised the question. There is nothing here to object to.
Other than his incessant google snapshots trying to prove one of his multitude of PhDs strictly for the sake of letting people know he's "smart."

If you said grass is green he'd come with some googled image of a chart (no sources, mind you) showing that it's actually on average a pale straw color by world volume according to satellite data. His stuff is pedantic bullshit that serves only to try seeking attention and a sense of "I'm smart and look, everyone, I can prove it." It serves no purpose other than to stir up shit. Most of the time it's totally ignorable, but he's purposely starting his typical useless charts and graphs in a thread about a dead girl murdered the other day. I simply asked him to start another thread on crime statistics and leave this one alone. I may be wrong, but I doubt he will because he knows the participation would be nil. If he's offended by swear word pixels on a computer screen, well...I don't think there's anything I can do to help that.

It's a shame, really. The guy apparently likes to google and quote statistics, but he can't seem to do it when it comes to sports. The one area where an appreciation for statistics helps convey and prove your points. Either that or sports is the one area he doesn't know much about....... I'll leave that to you to decide.
Can't both things be simultaneously true? This is a horrible tragedy, and violent crime is on a downward trend across the board and in Iowa.

I certainly don't always agree with @HawkGold , but he responded directly to a question about trends with information to help answer that question. His post was no more inappropriate than the one he responded to that raised the question. There is nothing here to object to.

Thx. I wasn't trying to be smart and I shouldn't have responded the way I did to his comment. I've had 2 cousins murdered (one in a drug deal gone bad and the other when they put the hit on the wrong brother, a junior high teacher that I loved dearly from IC, 2 former soccer players I coached murdered. As tragic as the murder is, one doesn't make Iowa unsafe more than in the past. Coverage is better. Maybe there is more random stuff, but I don't know. Back in the day, Mt. Pleasant of all places was the hotbed for murder and some kids who lost their mother ended up at our school to live with relatives. Mt. Pleasant is probably one of the nicest communities in Iowa today. I think a young hs student was randomly murdered in her home while her dad was asleep back then.

Where I think some get irritated with me is that I truly believe psychology is a huge overlooked component in sports and can overshadow talent and game strategy. It's an area that I think KF and FM struggle from several angles including in game momentum or lack of it as well as messages they are sending players.

I know very well that Iowa is not paradise. It is changing as is every place else. That in and of it'self is not a bad thing. There are a lot of good things about being from Iowa. My guess is that beyond the opportunity, KF really doesn't like Iowa all that well as a place to live and work, football program aside. Iowa has been very good to him.
Other than his incessant google snapshots trying to prove one of his multitude of PhDs strictly for the sake of letting people know he's "smart."

If you said grass is green he'd come with some googled image of a chart (no sources, mind you) showing that it's actually on average a pale straw color by world volume according to satellite data. His stuff is pedantic bullshit that serves only to try seeking attention and a sense of "I'm smart and look, everyone, I can prove it." It serves no purpose other than to stir up shit. Most of the time it's totally ignorable, but he's purposely starting his typical useless charts and graphs in a thread about a dead girl murdered the other day. I simply asked him to start another thread on crime statistics and leave this one alone. I may be wrong, but I doubt he will because he knows the participation would be nil. If he's offended by swear word pixels on a computer screen, well...I don't think there's anything I can do to help that.

It's a shame, really. The guy apparently likes to google and quote statistics, but he can't seem to do it when it comes to sports. The one area where an appreciation for statistics helps convey and prove your points. Either that or sports is the one area he doesn't know much about....... I'll leave that to you to decide.

Probably have coached a lot more than you at higher levels especially. But that doesn't make me smarter or dumber about sports, but I do know sports. About sports and stats, you're just spouting off there.

You've also made the murder already about dope...seriously? None of us have any idea. Don't remember if you were involved but several on here thought the Iowa student murderer was the pig farmer.
Probably have coached a lot more than you at higher levels especially.
More of your "I'm better, know more, done more, and have more expertise." I swear you can't go a whole post without it. I could respond to that but know one cares how much I've "coached" or where. Including me.

Knock yourself out.
More of your "I'm better, know more, done more, and have more expertise." I swear you can't go a whole post without it. I could respond to that but know one cares how much I've "coached" or where. Including me.

Knock yourself out.
Terrible fucking thing, man.
F off
I am being an asshole to you.
your shit
Honestly, F off

Only one other person uses that type of language on here anywhere close to you.(and he's cleaned it up. Keep showing your concern for the victim.
Oh, and here we go, Fryowa wins the thread:

Count 01 Charge
Offense Date: 02/23/2015 Arrest Date: Against Type:
DPS Number:
DISMISSED BY COURT Adj.Date: 04/10/2015
Sentence Date:
04/10/2015 Sentence: DISMISSED
Facility Type:
N Drug: N Extradition: N
N DDS: N Batterer:
Fine Amount:

there needs to be a law that judges like this can only dismiss charges of a-holes like this if the a-holes live on the same block as these judges.
Locally a judge released an 19 year old with a long history of gun violence to boot camp including a sho
Yeah lots of bleeding heart judges out there more worried about overpopulating prisons than keeping the public safe... That dude wasn't safe to be letting walk around free. I think I'm over stating the obvious with that.

The law can be pretty complicated in sentencing. Wonder if we have any criminal attorneys on here?

There was a lot of concern early on about mistakes already in the Tibbett's case. The guy is going to prison, but there were concerns about how long that would take due to mistakes by a number of parties involved. Would be interesting to know more about his past and legalities.
What kind of person walks around and says, "I've got the urge to rape and murder someone today"? Apparently said that to a homeless buddy of his the day he killed her.

I've got a daughter that's 23, out on her own, and knowing there are psychos like that out there keeps me awake some nights...
This is heartbreaking. I feel very sorry for the friends and family. This needs to stop and I wish I had the answer.
Two weeks ago I went to a local small town to use their track (the school is a few miles away, so they don't use it for PE class, and the track is in the middle of no-where surrounded by corn fields.) As I was jogging a woman pulled into the parking lot and sat in her vehicle for a few minutes watching me (we were the only two there.) I could see her looking at me, she then moved her car to the area where the gate was to walk out onto the track, but she didn't get out. She then pulled back over to the original spot she was at when she pulled in, got out and instead of coming onto the track (she was wearing workout clothing) She then went to the sidewalk and took off walking down the road. About 20 minutes later she returned and got back in her car and she sat there for a few minutes watching me before driving off. My gut feeling is that she was afraid to come onto the track with me not knowing who I was and that no one else was around. It made me feel awkward, it was a weird feeling that she would be afraid of me, but she must be a local since she drove off headed back towards town and I am not from that area. Either that, or she was just too intimidated by my good looks:) But, this did happen, and I felt bad if she really was afraid to use the track when I was there for fear that she may thought that I would try to harm her. It was both a weird and bad feeling.