Is Nebraska about to run our D's nightmare offense?

Ok, did you watch Coker flatten guys from Missery? Missery runs what kind of O and recruits to stop what kind of O? You honestly think Missery would have been ranked so high if they played in the B10?
Yes, it was a nice display put on by Iowa's O-line and Coker. But I saw Roy Helu Jr. put up 307 yards on that same Mizzou defense, fwiw.

The sec runs a bit different than Missery, I'll give you that but there is a reason people say the B10 plays smash mouth football, there is a reason announsers say when Iowa gts off the bus they are physical. You dont hear that about sec teams. Two differnet types off games, when you put all your eggs in one basket and that basket is in a smash mouth conf, the chances of said egg getting broke are greater than in a conf where things are not so rough. We recriut to play our style of ball and STILL have had troubles keeping RB's healthy, what do you think would happen to a team that recruits for a different, less physical type of ball?
I know what happens. It happened to Nebraska regularly in the 80's and early 90's. We were smash mouth, and we'd take our tough, midwestern, corn-eating team down to Miami or Tempe and get our butts handed to us by faster, more athletic southern teams like Miami and Florida St. And it happened to Ohio St. the last 2 times they played in the BCS MNC game.
Ok, did you watch Coker flatten guys from Missery? Missery runs what kind of O and recruits to stop what kind of O? You honestly think Missery would have been ranked so high if they played in the B10? The sec runs a bit different than Missery, I'll give you that but there is a reason people say the B10 plays smash mouth football, there is a reason announsers say when Iowa gts off the bus they are physical. You dont hear that about sec teams. Two differnet types off games, when you put all your eggs in one basket and that basket is in a smash mouth conf, the chances of said egg getting broke are greater than in a conf where things are not so rough. We recriut to play our style of ball and STILL have had troubles keeping RB's healthy, what do you think would happen to a team that recruits for a different, less physical type of ball?

Vice versa, Missouri is used to playing fast more spread out defense and it showed up in the passing stats column... Did you see how they held us to 200 passing yards? Did you see how we were 11-21 passing? Did you see how we threw 2 INT's?

If we played Missouri in a best of 5 series last year I think they'd win the series. Sorry.

Furthermore... You think Michigan State would have had only one loss playing in the Big 12 last year? I think Missouri would have done just fine in the Big 10 last year.

Finally... The announcers do to say the SEC is physical. You don't win the BCS title and not play physical football. Let alone win it 5 years in a row.

The SEC doesn't play smash-mouth? Ask Michigan State and they'll tell you that Alabama football is smash-mouth football.

Let's not confuse smash-mouth with mediocre WR talent. I'd say the SEC is just as smash mouth as the Big 10, but they appear more wide open because they have far, far, far superior WR talent most years.
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Ok, did you watch Coker flatten guys from Missery? Missery runs what kind of O and recruits to stop what kind of O? You honestly think Missery would have been ranked so high if they played in the B10? The sec runs a bit different than Missery, I'll give you that but there is a reason people say the B10 plays smash mouth football, there is a reason announsers say when Iowa gts off the bus they are physical. You dont hear that about sec teams. Two differnet types off games, when you put all your eggs in one basket and that basket is in a smash mouth conf, the chances of said egg getting broke are greater than in a conf where things are not so rough. We recriut to play our style of ball and STILL have had troubles keeping RB's healthy, what do you think would happen to a team that recruits for a different, less physical type of ball?

Missouri's defense is not as good as Bama, Auburn or LSU (or good SEC teams). Yeah we ran them over. But we also couldn't stop them too well either.

I really never hear that the SEC is a spread offense, no defense type of conference. I think that is pretty far from the truth. They have some spread offenses, but they also pound the ball and have some pretty good defenses. They also have some pretty potent running backs as we have seen in the likes of SC, Bama and others.

So your point is that teams like Auburn, Missouri, Alabama (and so on) come into the B10 and wouldn't win the league because they have to play Iowa and Wisky? Missouri wouldn't have won the B10 but Auburn sure would have. Say you send Iowa into the SEC with all these so called "spread offenses". Well we can't even stop the spread offenses in our own league let alone more talented ones in another league. But then again, I firmly believe that the SEC is not a spread offense type of conference. When you have an athlete like Tim Tebow and Cam Newton, you model your offense to make them the centerpiece. I would be upset if we had either one of those guys and stayed with our same offense.
You, sir, are either clueless, ignorant, or a troll. He was the probably the greatest college football quarterback of all time, and is regularly considered to be one of the top players of all time, period.

Frazier was good, but I wouldn't consider him the best of all time???
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Ok I am not going to do all your home work for you. I know Misserys red zone was ranked high. I know if Missery had to play Oh St, Wiskey, Iowa, Ill, Penn, they dont have as good of stats or record. I also think in a 5 game series, both teams starting healthy we would sweep the last two for sure (why?), and would most likely win atleast one more in the first 3. We played them so darn depleated it wasnt even funny. Yes they can shut down our pass, thats what they do, but they could not stop the run and frankly would end up pretty banged up trying to week in and week out. Thats my point, we are more balanced and play sound football. The sec is better balanced than the B12, but same goes. No way Oregon or Auburn could line up week after week in the B10 and make it that far, running that type of O.
We recruit and train for pro set and still end up 2 or 3 deep on RB's. Now those are big RB's trained and conditioned to run the ball. A qb trying to be a RB would not make it . Point blank, Northwestern and Mich have proven this. What do you not understand about who's top of the B10 and who's middle of the pack? No I am not comparing them to the sec, as you all are by bringing up bowl games and such. It's a well known fact Iowa is the only thing the B10 has had in bowls recently, everyone else really needs to step up.
These are two different types of O's. That we agree on. Which one is more of a punishing O is where you all are not understanding what I am saying.

Now for runnig qb's and such, our D's are capable of stopping the biggest and best running games in cfb, so if they are used to stopping 220 + pound backs, who are trying to run them over, what do you think they go, "oh this guy is smaller and a qb, so I wont hit him as hard"? I know if I were the parent of Bubba, I would tell him to play baseball, as being a running qb in the B10 is a good way to maybe get an education, but almost certainly, not a good way to get to the pros and it could be very hazardous to your long term physical being.
At this point either you get it or you dont. I am done arguing about this.
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Ok I am not going to do all your home work for you. I know Misserys red zone was ranked high. I know if Missery had to play Oh St, Wiskey, Iowa, Ill, Penn, they dont have as good of stats or record. I also think in a 5 game series, both teams starting healthy we would sweep the last two for sure (why?), and would most likely win atleast one more in the first 3. We played them so darn depleated it wasnt even funny. Yes they can shut down our pass, thats what they do, but they could not stop the run and frankly would end up pretty banged up trying to week in and week out. Thats my point, we are more balanced and play sound football. The sec is better balanced than the B12, but same goes. No way Oregon or Auburn could line up week after week in the B10 and make it that far, running that type of O.
We recruit and train for pro set and still end up 2 or 3 deep on RB's. Now those are big RB's trained and conditioned to run the ball. A qb trying to be a RB would not make it . Point blank, Northwestern and Mich have proven this. What do you not understand about who's top of the B10 and who's middle of the pack? No I am not comparing them to the sec, as you all are by bringing up bowl games and such. It's a well known fact Iowa is the only thing the B10 has had in bowls recently, everyone else really needs to step up.
These are two different types of O's. That we agree on. Which one is more of a punishing O is where you all are not understanding what I am saying.

Now for runnig qb's and such, our D's are capable of stopping the biggest and best running games in cfb, so if they are used to stopping 220 + pound backs, who are trying to run them over, what do you think they go, "oh this guy is smaller and a qb, so I wont hit him as hard"? I know if I were the parent of Bubba, I would tell him to play baseball, as being a running qb in the B10 is a good way to maybe get an education, but almost certainly, not a good way to get to the pros and it could be very hazardous to your long term physical being.
At this point either you get it or you dont. I am done arguing about this.

There is nothing for me to "get". Your points are ridiculous and asinine. Cam Newton is 6'6'', 250, btw. Not smaller. You really have no clue as to what you are talking about.
Nice to see this thread get totally de-railed. Oh well, guess the question can't really be answered until the season, anyway.
Iowa is 3-1 vs the SEC in Bowl games since 2004. The one game we lost we should not have so I think Iowa would do OK in the SEC.
Iowa is 3-1 vs the SEC in Bowl games since 2004. The one game we lost we should not have so I think Iowa would do OK in the SEC.

Once again, we have never played the top tier SEC teams in bowl games. Yes, we could compete and maybe do just as well in the SEC as in the B10 (consistently top half). But if you think that we can beat the top tier SEC teams - teams that have and continue to win NC's - on a consistent basis (we aren't even beating OSU), you are drinking entirely too much kool-aid.
Once again, we have never played the top tier SEC teams in bowl games. Yes, we could compete and maybe do just as well in the SEC as in the B10 (consistently top half). But if you think that we can beat the top tier SEC teams - teams that have and continue to win NC's - on a consistent basis (we aren't even beating OSU), you are drinking entirely too much kool-aid.

You are so right. Beating bottom feeders like Florida and LSU is nothing to boast about. Get a clue. Perhaps you aren't drinking enough kool-aid smart guy.
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Really? Florida and LSU were at the top of the SEC when we played them? Really? Yeah, good wins. Sure. But beating the top teams in the SEC is a little different. Get a clue. They were COMPLETELY different teams than they were when they won their NC's. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose.

Florida was 8-4 and 5th in the SEC when we beat them.
LSU was probably the best team in the SEC we beat, and they were 4th in the conference.
South Carolina was 7-5 before we played them. 5th or 6th in the SEC.

Iowa is a good football team and will make a run at a BCS game every few years. But we are not a power that could win the SEC consistently. We have a MUCH better chance of winning the B10, and it's not close (and we don't even do that consistently). TBH, I am OK with that. But some of you seem to think that we are this force that the rest of the country should be scared of. We are pretty good in bowl games, and have a BCS win under our belts. That's great. We can compete with the best of them...but we are not good enough to get over that hump to beat the best. If we start beating teams like OSU consistently, then maybe you can talk me into thinking that we can beat the SEC's best.
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Once again, we have never played the top tier SEC teams in bowl games. Yes, we could compete and maybe do just as well in the SEC as in the B10 (consistently top half). But if you think that we can beat the top tier SEC teams - teams that have and continue to win NC's - on a consistent basis (we aren't even beating OSU), you are drinking entirely too much kool-aid.

That's what you said. Not me. Feel free to backtrack at anytime (you already have)...but seriously...Iowa has had just as much success as anybody in the Big Ten over the last 10 seasons outside of Ohio State. Would you care to disagree? If so, would you care to provide substantial supportive analysis of how Iowa hasn't? Call me ******* crazy but what is it...3 top ten finishes? Since 2002? 2 conference championships? How many wins are we talking about? Bowl wins? Bowl appearances? BCS bowls? BCS wins? 10 win seasons? a 9-0 start as recently as 2 seasons ago? Guys in Heisman discussions. I guess I don't know what your gripe is...but whatever it isn't a very good one. Have there been disappointing seasons? Certainly. Has Iowa been competitive with nearly every team that has lined up across from them? Nearly all of the time. Are the Hawks ever going to win a national championship? (if that is what you are bitter about) Who knows...would I wager that Iowa is closer now then they have been for the last 20 years? Absolutely. I just don't get what there is to be pissy about...why is it so crazy to think Iowa would compete just as well in the SEC as they do in the Big Ten?
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Oh, and that Florida team that Iowa dismantled was 8-5 with wins over both divisions champions. Their 5 losses were to Miami (finished the season ranked 5th), Tennessee (who finished 15th), Ole Miss (who finished 13th), Florida State (who finished 11th) and Iowa (who finished 8th). So wouldn't it be fair to say, that Florida was in fact part of the class of the SEC? I suppose you could argue the LSU team Iowa beat in the CapOne miracle game was better than Florida, but I could make the argument Florida had a better team than LSU did in the Outback that Iowa won. Nevermind the fact Iowa was the 2nd highest rated team at season's end that defeated Florida...Again...Florida, who was division co-champ that year, defeated both division champions, and thus, the SEC champion, on way to a very impressive 8-4...honestly if there is such a thing as best 8-4 team ever, that year's Florida could make a pretty solid case...and Iowa destroyed them. Say what you want, "ignorance is bliss".....whatever.
You, sir, are either clueless, ignorant, or a troll. He was the probably the greatest college football quarterback of all time, and is regularly considered to be one of the top players of all time, period.

Ha I love delusional Nebraska fans and their irrational love of Tommie Frazier. How many Heisman's does the greatest college QB of all time have? You would think the greatest QB of all time wouldn't get benched in a bowl game either.
Ha I love delusional Nebraska fans and their irrational love of Tommie Frazier. How many Heisman's does the greatest college QB of all time have? You would think the greatest QB of all time wouldn't get benched in a bowl game either.
It's purely subjective, I know. But we do have a qb who won the Heisman, and if we had a team made of our all-time greats, he would be 2nd or 3rd team. The Heisman is a joke, if it were voted on after the bowl season, Tommie likely would have one.

Since you are pretty clueless on this topic, you may want to read this article. It may be pre-Tebow, but it might give you some perspective: Tuesday Question - All-Time Greatest QBs
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Ha I love delusional Nebraska fans and their irrational love of Tommie Frazier. How many Heisman's does the greatest college QB of all time have? You would think the greatest QB of all time wouldn't get benched in a bowl game either.
There might be some bias in Husker fans love of Tommie, but he is in the top ten no question about it.
That's what you said. Not me. Feel free to backtrack at anytime (you already have)...but seriously...Iowa has had just as much success as anybody in the Big Ten over the last 10 seasons outside of Ohio State. Would you care to disagree? If so, would you care to provide substantial supportive analysis of how Iowa hasn't? Call me ******* crazy but what is it...3 top ten finishes? Since 2002? 2 conference championships? How many wins are we talking about? Bowl wins? Bowl appearances? BCS bowls? BCS wins? 10 win seasons? a 9-0 start as recently as 2 seasons ago? Guys in Heisman discussions. I guess I don't know what your gripe is...but whatever it isn't a very good one. Have there been disappointing seasons? Certainly. Has Iowa been competitive with nearly every team that has lined up across from them? Nearly all of the time. Are the Hawks ever going to win a national championship? (if that is what you are bitter about) Who knows...would I wager that Iowa is closer now then they have been for the last 20 years? Absolutely. I just don't get what there is to be pissy about...why is it so crazy to think Iowa would compete just as well in the SEC as they do in the Big Ten?

Yeah, it meant that the teams that are winning the NC's (THE YEAR THEY ARE WINNING THEM) are teams we aren't beating. What have I backtracked on? No need to. Just because you can't understand what I am saying doesn't mean I am backtracking.

Nope, wouldn't disagree with that. But if you think the B10 is on the same level as the SEC, show ME some supportive analysis of that. My point is, and always has been, that we are NOT going to win the SEC - a conference that has won nearly every NC in recent memory.

They can compete. Just like I said. They would be in the top half of the conference, just like in the B10 (just like I said). They just would NOT have won it in the last 5 years (or maybe at all in the last 10) in the SEC. That conference is better. I'm sorry if you can't see that. It just is. I was arguing with olddude about the "toughness" of the B10. I agree it is a smashmouth type of football...but it certainly doesn't make it better than the SEC, because it's just not true. He said Auburn would have "gotten hurt" because the B10 style is SO much more rough and tough than the SEC. And that is a bunch of bull****.

And if your argument is "we are closer to a NC than they have been in the last 20 years"....well, duh. Never said they weren't. That's a pretty easy statement to make. Closest they have been since '90.
It's purely subjective, I know. But we do have a qb who won the Heisman, and if we had a team made of our all-time greats, he would be 2nd or 3rd team. The Heisman is a joke, if it were voted on after the bowl season, Tommie likely would have one.

Since you are pretty clueless on this topic, you may want to read this article. It may be pre-Tebow, but it might give you some perspective: Tuesday Question - All-Time Greatest QBs

I know all about Fraizer. He was a running back playing qb. Basically just a system qb playing behind a great offensive line and with great rbs. His backup led Nebraska to an undefeated regular season when he was out. You could plug any decent running back in at qb and they would have been successful. I know theres not much to do in Nebraska and you probably spend a lot of time jacking off to his run against Florida but he was not an all time great qb.
Oh, and that Florida team that Iowa dismantled was 8-5 with wins over both divisions champions. Their 5 losses were to Miami (finished the season ranked 5th), Tennessee (who finished 15th), Ole Miss (who finished 13th), Florida State (who finished 11th) and Iowa (who finished 8th). So wouldn't it be fair to say, that Florida was in fact part of the class of the SEC? I suppose you could argue the LSU team Iowa beat in the CapOne miracle game was better than Florida, but I could make the argument Florida had a better team than LSU did in the Outback that Iowa won. Nevermind the fact Iowa was the 2nd highest rated team at season's end that defeated Florida...Again...Florida, who was division co-champ that year, defeated both division champions, and thus, the SEC champion, on way to a very impressive 8-4...honestly if there is such a thing as best 8-4 team ever, that year's Florida could make a pretty solid case...and Iowa destroyed them. Say what you want, "ignorance is bliss".....whatever.

But....but..but...the SEC isn't tough and it would much more difficult to go through a schedule of


Ole Miss

That's what I was arguing about earlier when you jumped in. So which is it? That team was amazing because nearly 3/4 of the SEC was really good? OR they weren't very good because the SEC plays a less tough style of football and they should have won more games in that conference?

The class of the SEC lost 1 game that year. Yes it was to Florida. But it's the SEC and it's not easy to go undefeated. Too many good teams. It just so happened that Florida was the one to jump up and beat them. Florida lost 4 games. Yes, they were to ranked opponents & they also beat 2 ranked opponents. LSU had to the the same thing and only lost once including beating Georgia for a 2nd time in the CCG. Just because Florida beat the top teams doesn't make them the class of the SEC. They lost 4 games. Top half team, yes. Just like we would have been in the SEC.
I know all about Fraizer. He was a running back playing qb. Basically just a system qb playing behind a great offensive line and with great rbs. His backup led Nebraska to an undefeated regular season when he was out. You could plug any decent running back in at qb and they would have been successful. I know theres not much to do in Nebraska and you probably spend a lot of time jacking off to his run against Florida but he was not an all time great qb.
I guess you really have no clue about what a QUARTERBACK'S job is and what his responsibilities are, especially in that offense. Even Tom Osborne said that Frazier was the most important piece to that puzzle, the player that took the progam to the next level, but what would he know, right? I guess Osborne isn't one of the greatest coaches of all time because he had great players, will that be your take?

So, journalist and broadcaster who have watched tons of college football, many average fans, one of the greatest coaches of all time, and his own team mates who have drawers full of rings say that he is one of the best, but YOU, (and pretty much only you) who apparently is the all-knowing expert of all things college football say he is not.

Let me think about that for a minute, and I'll get back to you.

On second thought, just go away.
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