You serious, Clark? They got absolutely shit-housed by ASU. That was the worst beating they've taken in a long time.
It most definitely is, WAY more than Iowa's.
Google "CyTown." $250 million dollars so far and climbing just on that one project. It's absolutely insane what they're building there. Private condos, retail shopping, bars, restaurants, a plaza, a freakin 3 story medical clinic, an ampitheater, and more. All smack dab right between Hilton and Trice where the tent city used to be. They also have three basketball players ranked towards the top of the NIL value lists. They're getting paid bank. This whole thing is being done with no debt.
Just because Iowa is the supposed bigger school doesn't have anything to do with the donor base. Their fans and biggest donors are forking it over hand over fist.
ISU fans and donors are sick of being little brother and they're fronting enough money to make us little brother. And if you think about it, what is ISU primarily? It's an agricultural school. How many farmers do you know who went to ISU rather than Iowa? I know way more who went there than I do to Iowa. Now who's the most wealthy demographic as a whole in Iowa? Crop ground where I'm at averages over $20K/acre at auction. Now take that $20K times say 400 acres. Then take 400 acres times 220 bushels per acre times $4.85 per bushel. And that's before you even start talking hog and cattle operations.
tldr; there's a whole lot of money available from ISU donors. Sure, Iowa puts out a lot of doctors, lawyers, and other businessfolk, but the real money in this state comes from the ground.