Iowa will never get to the next level........

After watching this staff since 1999, yes, it seems we've peaked in terms of level-of-attainment if you will.

What we do have is with this current staff is: stability, credibility, good role modeling, a product which wins more than it loses, and excellent developer of talent.

What we don't have with this staff is: on-the-field execution at a sustainable high level, ability to not play down to our level of competition, college-level clock management, and the ability to push the program into the "elite" rarified air.

Does #2 outweigh #1 or vice-versa? Dunno. That's a personal judgement call of everyone on here.

My problem is I, despite my avatar, drank the koolaid before the season. My bad.
Captain Kurt just needs another raise for a bit more motivation. It helped him turn the program around in 2009 going into 2010. We can afford it... just give him another bump to get us to the next level.

It's KIRK, not Kurt. Get it right.
I can vividly remember our great Iowa fans saying that our coach would never get us to "the next level" and became so critical of the coach that he ended up leaving town and winning a national title. One would hope that the Iowa fans would learn from their past criticisms of great coaches but it appears not. I do hope that Kirk Ferentz doesn't start looking seriously at other job offers and, unlike what happened with Lute Olsen, we can keep him in Iowa City.

I know that everyone is entitled to an opinion but, in all honesty, is there a single one of you folks who feel entitled to question every single play call and coaching move who have ever coached a down? Do you think that playing high school football somehow gives you the knowledge to question how KF does his job or even give you an educated opinion? If you really want to know what's wrong with our fans, it's this.....we're classless, spoiled with 8-10 win seasons, and somehow think we're entitled to more...much more, and we blame the coaches when it doesn't happen. Grow up and just support the players and coaches and the jobs they do. Slinging barbs at the coaches and players is not productive and will not improve the situation. I feel confident in saying that no one on this board is qualified to be a Division I head coach or offensive coordinator and, while you're entitled to express your opinions, I, for one, will consider the source and not take your uneducated opinions seriously.
After watching this staff since 1999, yes, it seems we've peaked in terms of level-of-attainment if you will.

What we do have is with this current staff is: stability, credibility, good role modeling, a product which wins more than it loses, and excellent developer of talent.

What we don't have with this staff is: on-the-field execution at a sustainable high level, ability to not play down to our level of competition, college-level clock management, and the ability to push the program into the "elite" rarified air.

Does #2 outweigh #1 or vice-versa? Dunno. That's a personal judgement call of everyone on here.

My problem is I, despite my avatar, drank the koolaid before the season. My bad.


I drank the kool-aid also, and it tasted pretty good. I have accepted what this program is the good and bad.....goes with the coaching staff as well...

Hopefully, they win the next 3 games get to 10 wins and finish in the top 15.
I agree that changes need to be made. Not necessarily the coaching but some of our philosophies. We are what we are. This is a year we should have rolled Northwestern and Indiana but we don't put teams away and play conervatively on D. If KF is happy with 8-4 seasons and an occassional 10 win season then that is where we r, but if he wants to be the best he has to drop the hammer on lesser opponents so we don't end up losing to one of them each year.

That is correct this is why OSU wins 9 or 10 every year must win when you have superior talent and we do this season.

I drank the kool-aid also, and it tasted pretty good. I have accepted what this program is the good and bad.....goes with the coaching staff as well...

Hopefully, they win the next 3 games get to 10 wins and finish in the top 15.

TRJ I drank as well really thought we would finally over come our problems when we have high expectations we have not. We are a 8 win program with a few bursts of greatness. Just frustrating we have the talent.
The coaching staff that does more with less and less with more. That is Ferentz, KOK, and Parker in a nutshell. Will be a bridesmaid, but never the bride.
It's obvious that the 17 points Iowa put on the board yesterday surpasses the ACT scores of most posters here.
Thanks for proving my point.

And what, pray tell, is your point? That you only needed 3 posts to prove you're just another troll who's only interest is to claim you're a better fan than the rest of us?

We're uneducated morons? Great. While you're at it, feel free to point out the rest of our inadequacies if it makes you feel all high and mighty. :rolleyes:
I agree with the post 100%

The big games its easy for the players to get up for but when we are playing lesser opponents and there is no emotion from the coaching staff, then the players aren't going to get up for it.

Another thing I would like to add is that everything these days is based on style points (at least in human vote polls). Iowa plays to the level of the competition. They let these lesser opponents hang around and that is a big reason we get shafted in the polls year in and year out. If we would just let the hammer down and win like we are suppose to (not like Wisc putting up 83, thats just a d**k move) we would get more respect in the polls.

But I agree KF will not change his ways. ten more years of Outback bowls for Iowa!

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