Iowa Will Beat Michigan, Here's Why?

History tells us Iowa will win and everyone will forget about Iowas last couple of horrible losses. Handful of big wins has kept Kirk around

He has a knack for knowing when he needs to give the fans some hope. This win buys him this year. Next year he's good as we lose CJ and King so blah blah rebuilding. Next 2 years will be brutal. The key is if he rebuilds the program a 4th time starting in 2019.
I don't think it has to be about giving fans some hope. I think most fans know with KF we are going to get 2-3 mediocre seasons followed by a good/great season and then back to mediocrity. I think the fans that want change are the ones that realize that he's proven over time that those "great" seasons are shorty lived as we fall back to mediocrity and seldom continue that greatness from season to season. I've been a KF supporter and while at times he drives me crazy (most recently with his stubbornness to change and recent recruiting issues), I appreciate what he's done as a coach, but realize that a change in leadership is needed if we are going to compete to win the west year in and year out.
Hey Seepig, Iowa covered the +42 line you gave it. Where my money at?
Show me the post where I said I'd bet you? Knowing that's how they CAN play even makes the .500 record more maddening. And GD offense is still deplorable at best. But anytime I can beat that douche Harbaugh I'm happy.
I don't think it has to be about giving fans some hope. I think most fans know with KF we are going to get 2-3 mediocre seasons followed by a good/great season and then back to mediocrity. I think the fans that want change are the ones that realize that he's proven over time that those "great" seasons are shorty lived as we fall back to mediocrity and seldom continue that greatness from season to season. I've been a KF supporter and while at times he drives me crazy (most recently with his stubbornness to change and recent recruiting issues), I appreciate what he's done as a coach, but realize that a change in leadership is needed if we are going to compete to win the west year in and year out.
I'm not even asking for greatness season after about just beat your FCS cupcake you schedule every year or the mighty MAC midget you schedule every year geesh.
I don't think it has to be about giving fans some hope. I think most fans know with KF we are going to get 2-3 mediocre seasons followed by a good/great season and then back to mediocrity. I think the fans that want change are the ones that realize that he's proven over time that those "great" seasons are shorty lived as we fall back to mediocrity and seldom continue that greatness from season to season. I've been a KF supporter and while at times he drives me crazy (most recently with his stubbornness to change and recent recruiting issues), I appreciate what he's done as a coach, but realize that a change in leadership is needed if we are going to compete to win the west year in and year out.

I think Iowa is 8-4 next year, the drop off to Stanley from CJB is not going to be as dramatic as I feared.
I don't see a dramatic drop off next season either, but historically we always have fallen back to the 7 and 8 win seasons either immediately after or shortly after great seasons. Average is average, but if we want to be considered a top 25 program then we have to find someone who will consistently win 9+ wins a year with the occasional 7 or 8 win seasons sprinkled in along the way. Historically KF has been unable to achieve that level of success.