Iowa vs Tennessee Tip is 11:10am Sunday

Honest, non-sarcastic question...

We have the undisputed, absolute best in the business, strength coach on our football team in Chris Doyle. And that’s not hyperbole—he’s lauded by every other strength coach in the nation, and he’s gotten award after award from his peers. He can put 75 pounds of muscle on a college kid through diet and lifting without even breaking a sweat. Google Ike Boettger’s high school pictures vs his senior year at Iowa.

Do you guys honestly think if Fran went to his office and said he’s making a new commitment to size and strength on his basketball team, that Doyle wouldn’t work with him on an effective diet and lifting plan?

When I see Wisconsin’s players flexing in the weight room on Instagram, and this Tennessee team’s size and speed, it makes me want to fucking puke on my shoes to look at our bean pole JV squad that probably couldn’t deadlift two plates and likely not even bench the bar.

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