Iowa vs Pea Soup Green Spartans GAME THREAD

Pretty disappointing game from Cook. When the game was still competitive.

And they should have dunked it on us at the end.
First of all Barta will never fire Fran, especially in the middle of his sons' careers so at least 5 more years. 6 if they redshirt Patrick.
I am a 53 year old, born n bred Iowan who grew up living and dying on Zabel & Podalakk in the fall and Mac McCausland & Larry Morgan in the winter (when every Hawk basketball game pre-empted normal network TV). I’m so F-ING TIRED of Iowa sports! :mad: I know no one cares about that but does ANYONE have any F-ING pride in Iowa City?

THEE WORST AD in Iowa history perpetuates the utmost culture of mediocrity to flat-out BAD in football and basketball, respectively. I’m writing this having not watched a single second of the 2nd half - knowing full-well the outcome- ONCE AGAIN, as I watch recorded programming on the Travel channel.

At least the Vikings and the Ghost Guys have some intensity and knowledge of their craft!

F IOWA. I’m more confident in ISU beating Washington St than Iowa winning the West or making the NCAA in the near future. Tyler Cook bringing the ball up and clanking another jump shot...ERRRR, I mean showing the Des Moines Wolves how he’s ready to be their 8th man....McCafuck peddling out another jacked up lineup ... just another embarrassment, to be followed by another on Thursday and about 10 or 12 more times in conference play, with another on New Year’s Day.

Just F the whole damn lot of ‘em as long as Smarmy Barta, Ferentz and McCaffuckthree are around!