Iowa vs Pea Soup Green Spartans GAME THREAD

What in the actual F happened?? It was a 3 point game when I turned my car off. Then I checked at halftime and it was a 10 point game. Now it’s a 30 point game?!?!? What.The.F.
Could be a record for earliest season peak, yet, under FrannyMac.

Say, PC, I know u like to tout ow only 2 teams have tanked, late season, under Fran....what’s the explanation for this...just suck at the beginning so it doesn’t count as a melt down?

Well the only reason I say we only tanked twice is because we've only tanked twice. The explanation of this is a one game ass whoopin against a team way better than us at a place we will never get a call.
How would you like to be one of those rich Kool Aid drinkers like that idiot anesthesiologist from CR who watch their six figure donations circle the toilet bowl.
Fran ... just FYI-ing ya’

Skinny Iowa player playing behind DT44 in the lane is not working.