Iowa vs ISU Recruiting in Iowa

I love Paul Rhoads and think he is great for ISU, but lets see how he does without Chizik's recruits. Seriously, he found what looks to be a good QB in Barnett, but he is losing a lot of his best players off this years team that finished 6 and 6 in the regular season. I'm interested to see if he can replace the guys he's losing and get back to a 6 and 6 or better record next year. That's when we will tell how good his recruiting has been.
The real issue isn't that Miller is going to make or break either program. It's that the football office isn't playing as nicely as ISU in its own back yard. The phone call to Miller's coach has become a bit of a legend in local circles. Coaching circles at the Iowa HS level are pretty small. The arrogance wafting through these circles from Johnson county isn't making things any easier to identify, relate to, and secure "lesser-known talent" within the borders of the state. Iowa football is highly dependent upon in-state talent every year. Our big names come from all over the country, but our depth and special teams come from Iowa.

Seriously…..something of a local legend……?! I’ll bet it is…...ISU fans are always desperate to spread stuff like this around in an attempt to lift themselves up. Honestly I haven’t been on cy-fanatic for some time, but I could literally quote from the company manual all the same.

Then we have snowcraig over here accusing Iowa fans of excuses. Honestly the tripe that gets bandied about by both fan bases makes me physically nauseous and I can’t believe I even read this thread. The majority of the Internet fan bases are so biased and “excuse” prone it’s difficult to believe human beings can even be so short-sighted and myopic.

A couple quick points……

CPR is a fine coach and we all thought he would be. He will make some nice instate grabs undoubtedly, but he has never been a “great” recruiter anywhere and Iowa will still continu to grab a lot of instate football players, regardless of the wonderful little anecdote our ISU friends gave us. I’ve been on the Iowa State board when their fans pooh-poohed Iowa kids and Daddy Mac over signing them. Of course I’ve also been over there when they waxed poetic about all the great Florida and Texas and Cali kids they get now and I listed the litany of Cali/TX/Florida kids they’ve always got under Dan as well……without a ton of success.

The truth is ISU fans like our very own, see what they want to see and really have very little perspective.

I have no doubt a kid who was a lifelong Iowa fan got upset he didn’t get any love. And I have no doubt Morgan may have called back and who knows where it went from there. At some point CPR will be trashed by a recruit as well….

But any ISU fan trying to lift their coach and program somehow above Iowa’s, ought to really look close. They’ve had plenty of their own “in-house” discipline instances that they used to whine about for us. They have had plenty of interesting play call choices and many, if not most didn’t like Tom Herman who suddenly is at tOSU. Now I find them on other boards bragging about how others schools want their coaches.

Their "brutal" schedule resulted in some absolute heinous blowouts to 7-5 and 6-6 teams and when looking at schedule rankings there were a lot of teams, Iowa included who played a very solid schedule and were much more competitive than they were in losses.

Let’s keep in mind both teams played 8 bowl opponents and a very good FCS opponent. Now I would never be so biased as to pretend Iowa played the same schedule as ISU, but it’s not like it was easy, as some of our own fans blindly try to suggest, because their mad at the coaches. As far as that goes ISU looks woeful unprepared in some games and goes from bad to worse.

I also think its worth noting that this past recruiting class, Iowa had 4, 2-star kids….

Johhny Lowdermilk from Ohio whose dad I think played for the Buckeyes…..contribute on special teams….

Damn Bullock….from Texas who played RB and special teams…..

Marcus Collins…..from Pennsylvania special teams

Jordan Canzeri from New York….RB and special teams….

So what’s the chance they were not loved up by the local teams…’re right, real good. It also shows Iowa’s identification skills are alive and well…..

I mean really, common guys...

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I'm a Hawkeye fan.
You raise good points.
Facts are facts, I know the situation well enough to be able to speak confidently about it.

Over time Iowa's approach will yield bigger fish on a national level. Let's just all remember that topic being discussed is recruiting within the borders of Iowa. I personally believe ISU is doing the better work instate.
I'm a Hawkeye fan.
You raise good points.
Facts are facts, I know the situation well enough to be able to speak confidently about it.

Over time Iowa's approach will yield bigger fish on a national level. Let's just all remember that topic being discussed is recruiting within the borders of Iowa. I personally believe ISU is doing the better work instate.

Fair enuff and I didn't mean to roust you. They are doing some nice things and CPR really is a fine coach, but you’d think he was Vince Lombardi by what you hear. I’m not trying to tear him or them down, but seriously I watched them a bunch and in fact I toggle between wanting them to win and being fine with them losing. One of my absolute closest family members (a uncle, only 6 years older than me) is an ISU alum and I love him dearly. As a result I rarely run them down and often pull for them. In fact if I avoid their fans and the hypocrisy they’ve become famous for, I do actually like them. With that said they got outscored by about 80 points on the year and they have the gull to criticize or make fun of Iowa?!?!Kansas was no better than Minne and that game was brutal….yes they won, but if they somehow picture themselves as having arrived, they’d better get a psychiatric evaluation. The play calling in that K-state down the stretch was quite poor and they looked completely and totally inept in multiple games.

They also had some talent left over from the Chizzer and CPR’s recruiting is not yet up to snuff with KF’s.

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