Iowa v Ohio St


Well-Known Member
I can't wait for the "real" competition to see if the Hawks are more than ready to get after it! I hate predictions but I'm starting to get the shakes without Iowa competing as of late...

25 McD major Triggas 4-0 Hopefully Triggas doesn't lay on the mat like many do against Superman.

33 Ramos dec Stieber 7-0. Yep Tony has figured out Futrell, then Oliver and finally Stieber. Logan is a man child but Ramos is a take down MACHINE. Ramos in a nail biter 4-3

41 Stieber wins this nail biter but Ballweg will keep it within 1. 7-3

49 Tessari dec Kelly (although I wish Brody will go) 7-6

57 DSJ major but let's hope for more 11-6

65 Moore dec 14-6

74 Evans 174 coming out party! He beats Heflin....seriously, other than Ramos, Evans has impressed me with his focus and determination to dominate. 17-6

84 EL dec Courts in an unfortunate close one. 20-6

97 Camp major Burak 20-10

HWT Bobby sends Ohio St back east with a dec over Capone 23-10

Ok well 33, 41, 49, 65 and 74 will all determine this meet. Can't wait to have the Hawks back in Carver!!!!
125- Triggas has strong hands and will tie up McD like Precin did. 3-0
133- Just can't pull the trigger on this. I can even imagine Stieber getting close to a major, he's that good, not a knock on Ramos. I just see Ramos getting to amped and paying for it. 3-3
141- Steiber start hot and Ballweg wakes up the crowd with a late comeback... but falls short. 3-6
149- Never in doubt for OSU. 3-9
157- DSJ all day. 7-9
165- Moore with a typical WTF showing. 7-12
174- Agree, Evans' annoucement to the world that he's a player at this weight. 10-12
184- EL, in a snoozer. 13-12
197- Camp to athletic for Burak. 13-16
HWT- BT starts hot, fades, and holds on. 16-16

OSU wins on criteria 3 with big points from 141, 149, and 197.
Agree with your picks pumpdog. Should be a great meet. Just hope that Evans comes through at 174 and that Ramos can pull off the upset. Wish McD could get a MD but have a feeling Triggas will keep it close.
125- Triggas has strong hands and will tie up McD like Precin did. 3-0
133- Just can't pull the trigger on this. I can even imagine Stieber getting close to a major, he's that good, not a knock on Ramos. I just see Ramos getting to amped and paying for it. 3-3
141- Steiber start hot and Ballweg wakes up the crowd with a late comeback... but falls short. 3-6
149- Never in doubt for OSU. 3-9
157- DSJ all day. 7-9
165- Moore with a typical WTF showing. 7-12
174- Agree, Evans' annoucement to the world that he's a player at this weight. 10-12
184- EL, in a snoozer. 13-12
197- Camp to athletic for Burak. 13-16
HWT- BT starts hot, fades, and holds on. 16-16

OSU wins on criteria 3 with big points from 141, 149, and 197.

have some faith i think we get more wins than you think
[FONT=Lucida Grande, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]125: MCD wins by major 4-0
133: Ramos pushes the action in the matchup of the night but steiber wins this one setting up for a great big tens 4-3
141: Ballweg loses 4-6
149: Kelly loses 4-9
157: DSJ opens up and gets a major 8-9
165: Moore shows up get the decision crowd goes crazy! 11-9
174: Evans is a player like pump says and gets the win 14-9
184: Lofty gets a dec but could go either way I think. 17-9
197: Burak lays around with Iowa all but having it locked up 17-12
HWT: Telford is wrestling great this year and think his head is on straight Iowa wins 20-12
"I don't know how he feels about me, but I don't like anyone that is at my weight, and I don't like anyone from a different team," Ramos said. "Yes, there is respect, but do I like him? No. I'm going to go out there and try and put my will on him and break him, so that's the relationship I see between us."
Taking the family down, but riding down with another family from our Leclere Cougar Club. Going to be a great dual!
125: MCD wins by major 4-0
133: Ramos pushes the action in the matchup of the night but steiber wins this one setting up for a great big tens 4-3
141: Ballweg loses 4-6
149: Kelly loses 4-9
157: DSJ opens up and gets a major 8-9
165: Moore shows up get the decision crowd goes crazy! 11-9
174: Evans is a player like pump says and gets the win 14-9
184: Lofty gets a dec but could go either way I think. 17-9
197: Burak lays around with Iowa all but having it locked up 17-12
HWT: Telford is wrestling great this year and think his head is on straight Iowa wins 20-12

BINGO This is going to be a really good dual.
125: MCD wins by major 4-0
133: Ramos pushes the action in the matchup of the night but steiber wins this one setting up for a great big tens 4-3
141: Ballweg loses 4-6
149: Kelly loses 4-9
157: DSJ opens up and gets a major 8-9
165: Moore shows up get the decision crowd goes crazy! 11-9
174: Evans is a player like pump says and gets the win 14-9
184: Lofty gets a dec but could go either way I think. 17-9
197: Burak lays around with Iowa all but having it locked up 17-12
HWT: Telford is wrestling great this year and think his head is on straight Iowa wins 20-12

I don't see iowa winning all 3 from 65-84. i think they lose one of those and then i think Burak gets majored which would bring it to 17-16 hawks. gonna be a great dual. can't wait to go.
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I don't see iowa winning all 3 from 65-84. i think they lose of of those and then i think Burak gets majored which would bring it to 17-16 hawks. gonna be a great dual. can't wait to go.

Agree. Also hope that Kelly and/or Ballweg do not give up Majors. Carver should be Rockin tonight!!
I would love to see this dual start at 133 so ramos would be the final match. Tony dumped oliver last and this year he dumps steiber. Hawks win this dual but only by 1, but that is all it takes

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