Iowa v Nebraska Game Thread


If I were at this game, I would be starting fires and turning over cars. It is a testament to how far we've fallen that our fans just bend over and take it from Kurt like this.
Just a huge joke. Its almost like KF is just mocking the fanbase and school with his stupidity. It is unreal. The only and I mean ONLY reason the Hawks lost today was because of inept coaching. Even the extremely poor QB play didn't lose the game today.
Can't believe nub didn't get called for 12 men on the field on defense all day long. The refs blew it. Every play they had their 11 defenders plus Greg Davis playing. I hope we protest the B1G.
Isn't it great how the announcers say things like, "how can you take 1:12 to gain 12 yards? shouldn't you hurry up a bit? why is it taking 20 seconds to get a play off?"?

I cheered more today than the entire season combined. I'm OK. Already vented everything there is to vent. Nothing left to say.

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