Iowa total offense ranking

But that's just it. The defense is the priority of the program so it'll never be as dysfunctional as the offense. The system is built around letting the defense do its thing and either get the offense a short field to work with or force a TO and give them a short field to work with. The offense is bad because there's never been a time when our offense was expected to win games.
You would think somewhere along the line that someone would say after 17 years of not winning a conference “Maybe we should try something else?”

Nope, there just a worn pathway from KF home to mailbox to bank.
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It is pretty simple. With offensive performance at what appears to be the lowest and consistently lowest from our current offensive coaching staff, Iowa should be looking at how to improve this and take action to do it. I never imagined that under BF that we would be worse than Greg Davis. This is disheartening and should be addressed. If this was our defense, this was the performance of a specialist coach, the strength coach, or any other person coaching the offense, action would be taken to address it. It would not continue like this without a major action. Greg had 5 years of better ball than current and that was enough thank goodness.
Quit being sensible.
If we had a top twenty-five offense with the consistency of our defense we could possibly win our division at least two out of four years and once every four years be in for consideration for the playoffs. Of course we have to win our conference but that is NEVER a possibility if we can’t even win our conference. First it was, we can’t ever expect to compete against Ohio State and expect to win our division. Now it’s a wish list to win our division.

If the PAC ten and ACC come on board and we are one of four teams in a four division conference, I wonder what excuses there will be then? If Iowa, Illinois, Rutgers, and Indiana and we some how would find a way to mess that up.

I am not calling for KF’s head but just for him to finally find a offensive coordinator that plays an exciting wide open offense. Seriously what would it hurt? It’s not like his job would be on the line. We know he has tenure as long as he wants it. So why not try? The defense is there to keep the game close.

It would be interesting to know where Kirk’s stubbornness DNA stems from. Sometimes that can be a huge hindrance to a persons ability to learn and grow. Fear of the unknown is a hindrance to the fan base, that is for sure.

After 17 years of not winning a conference, fear should not be a factor for this fan base nor for the coaching staff. Like the famous old saying goes. “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” I am not much at history, but I believe that is a Churchhill quote.
I’ve been saying this for years. Another thing I have been saying is if our defense ranked as poor as our offense then our program would be totally effed.
yea, I don't think Iowa in the KF era has ever been a team to chase a lot of points. They've never been constructed that way.