iowa state has reached a new level of d bag

Wow, just wow. And to think we all thought a few years ago that that ISU marketing department was better than Iowa's......Now it is like everything Iowa puts out is gold, and ISU is putting out these complete turd videos.
Wow. Really love the director brains that said "ok, let's have each of the coaches leave the room one at a time down the line, then have the head coach put his head down and go to sleep." Spielberg in lAmes? This was so bad that I didn't even laugh, it was just kind of gross and sad. Well done Ronald McDonald. A storm is definetly brewing.
Clown town is playing it off like it was meant to be a funny video during downtime. I watched it again, this was absolutely not meant to be a funny video for big state. This was intended to be this behind the scenes look at this new clown coach that is grinding away day and night to bring greatness to title town. The shot of the airport beacon, arriving in the morning while it's still dark, the every play saying they pan over in the beginning, etc. Make no mistake, this was not a funny ha ha video. But yea, it was really really bad for what they intended it to be. Wowsers. Storm brewin
It is a new level of desperation. Iowa reached a spectacular level this year and now Iowa State is starting over. I really wonder sometimes why we even play them. Ohio State doesn't play Ohio U. every year or Toledo. Why in the heck do we even play Iowa State?
When I first saw that I couldn't stop crying/laughing/puking all at the same time. The best part is towards the end when he gets into that ghetto *** twin propeller "airplane". like where are you recruiting out of...boone and marshalltown?
The desperation is how some Hawk fans key on ISU all the time. That's funny. It wouldn't be a rivalry if you had no thought for them.
Seriously, might as well put these ****** bags in affliction shirts and white sunglasses. We're tough, tractor tire lifting, grinding coaches. Right up there with Rhodes senior picture sitting on his Harley at the dump, err stadium.
And their airplane needs a new pilot.....

They are really a pathetic group of people up there. I almost feel sorry for them.....almost but not really.
Wow. Really love the director brains that said "ok, let's have each of the coaches leave the room one at a time down the line, then have the head coach put his head down and go to sleep." Spielberg in lAmes? This was so bad that I didn't even laugh, it was just kind of gross and sad. Well done Ronald McDonald. A storm is definetly brewing.
The only part of this I disagree with is that I laughed. Did anyone over there along the continuum of the making of this stop and look at it and think, hmm, maybe not?

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