Iowa only a 17 pt dog against Buckeyes?

If tOSU had an offensive style like MSU, (pro-style, run first) Iowa's D would keep the game close and low scoring. Since tOSU's offense is a quality spread offense with heavy doses of running, I expect tOSU to have approximately 24 points of offense. If the opponent's offense had a quality spread offense with heavy doses of passing (like Pedo State), the score would be much higher, in the 30s range. The score of the Pedo State game was an aberration since Pedo State couldn't punch the ball in from the less than 10 yard line on numerous occasions. They left, at least, 10 points on the field in that game from the less than 10 yard line.

I know, I buried the lead, which is: Iowa doesn't have an outstanding defense and also limits Iowa's offensive possessions with the bend but don't break defense.

So you're going to call the PSU score an aberration when Iowa has the 12th best scoring defense in the country? And PSU has the 14th best scoring offense? Brother, it's only an aberration if it doesn't fit the pattern of the season, and outside of the ISU game (which now looks a lot better than we thought considering) that has been the pattern.
So you're going to call the PSU score an aberration when Iowa has the 12th best scoring defense in the country? And PSU has the 14th best scoring offense? Brother, it's only an aberration if it doesn't fit the pattern of the season, and outside of the ISU game (which now looks a lot better than we thought considering) that has been the pattern.
The aberration is that, at least, Pedo State had the ball on Iowa's less than ten yard line three times and couldn't score a TD. Some of those trips into the 'ultra-red zone' came up empty with points for Pedo State.

No. Iowa's defense isn't dominant nor excellent. For crying out loud, get Wisky's defense. Doesn't have to be 3-4 but should be as dominant as Wisky's.
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The aberration is that, at least, Pedo State had the ball on Iowa's less than ten yard line three times and couldn't score a TD.

Which has been a constant this season. The defense just simply isn't allowing TDs in the red zone. Through the whole season, Iowa is averaging allowing 1.9 TDs per game. Consistently stopping a team from a TD inside the 10 means that PSU's inability to punch one in that close is not an aberration but a continuation of the trend.
I see Ohio State scoring on lots of deep passes. Gonna need to hang in there all day to give us a shot at the end. Will be nice to have Butler back but I think the offense will have lots of trouble, not to mention we have no one who can punt the ball. My prediction is 27-10 OSU. Go Hawks!
Which has been a constant this season. The defense just simply isn't allowing TDs in the red zone. Through the whole season, Iowa is averaging allowing 1.9 TDs per game. Consistently stopping a team from a TD inside the 10 means that PSU's inability to punch one in that close is not an aberration but a continuation of the trend.
How many times is Iowa's defense allowing the other team into the red zone? The lower the number, there, the more dominant the defense and the more series the Iowa offense has.

Of course, a lower number than average for the number of times a defense allows the other into the red zone could also mean a defense allows a HIGHER than average number of TDs of 20 or more yards. I think last year's defense had that problem.
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How many times is Iowa's defense allowing the other team into the red zone? The lower the number, there, the more dominant the defense and the more series the Iowa offense has.

The Hawks are allowing teams to score 80% of the time when they enter the red zone (44% TD and 36% FG). This is ranked 50th in the nation. What they are doing is keeping the opponent out of the endzone. The 44% TD rate in the red zone and that is ranked 13th in the nation.
The Hawks are allowing teams to score 80% of the time when they enter the red zone (44% TD and 36% FG). This is ranked 50th in the nation. What they are doing is keeping the opponent out of the endzone. The 44% TD rate in the red zone and that is ranked 13th in the nation.

And that is how the Penn State game was not an aberration. Thanks Deano
Per Chris Hassel on Twitter... Iowa has only lost 8 of its last 115 home games by 1 score and only 4 losses have been by more than 2 scores.

Since 1999 Iowa is 3-1 against top 5 teams at Kinnick.

Give me the Hawks to cover!
I think Iowa will cover. Defense is too good, and OSU is just coming off an extraordinary win in a game with huge implications. Iowa will be extra dialed in from watching the film, and OSU will be patting themselves on the back.

Our defense is not good. The offenses we have faced have sucked except for PSU, and they moved the ball at will against us. So did ISU. Illinois even moved the ball on us. OSU has gotten much better, they have much better athletes, and they run an offense we have fits defending anyway, even when our defense is good.
I just hope its not a bloodbath. Maybe down 10 at half then lose by 17-24? I think I could live with that....sadly
How many times is Iowa's defense allowing the other team into the red zone? The lower the number, there, the more dominant the defense and the more series the Iowa offense has.

Of course, a lower number than average for the number of times a defense allows the other into the red zone could also mean a defense allows a HIGHER than average number of TDs of 20 or more yards. I think last year's defense had that problem.

Iowa's scoring defense in 2016 was 13th in the nation
Scoring offense was 95th
The problem wasn't the defense. It rarely is.
Iowa's scoring defense in 2016 was 13th in the nation
Scoring offense was 95th
The problem wasn't the defense. It rarely is.
All of Iowa's offense goes through KF. You blame him or the OC? That's what I thought.

Iowa's defense isn't dominant yet you still blame the offense for Iowa's loses. BTW if the defense was dominant, why would you worry so much about getting a 'higher powered' offense? For example, teams like Wisky and the Steelers don't worry about a higher powered offense because they win with a dominant's 'KF-powered' Iowa offense would be sufficient with a dominant defense...didn't I just type that? Your post is spoken like a true genius of Iowa offense and defense.:rolleyes:

EDIT: do you suppose Iowa's defensive line could get some pressure on the opponent's QB every once in a while?
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Actually, the Steelers do have a pretty good offense these days. And I wouldn't call their D dominant.
I watched Pitt's defense against, for example, THE CHIEFS (one of the best offenses in the league) and their defense shut down K.C.'s Pitt shut down Dallas' offense.

These sidebars of yours to the topic you're attempting to reply are not true but yet they also show how the Pittsburgh defense is a similar defense to Iowa's in which both are zone defenses and bend but don't break type defenses but Pitt has athletes on their defense (their linebackers are even athletes to cover running backs and tight ends in passing situations) and uses their athleticism and puts pressure on the QB.

Against the pass, Pitt has a dominant defense while Iowa has not. Against the run, Iowa could be more favorably compared to Pitt's run defense unless the opponent's runner is in space.

On offense, Pitt has the same pro-style running offense as Iowa's but has a stronger and more elusive feature back. On the pass, Pitt is better than Iowa (who isn't).

Like I posted in my last on this thread, KF has ultimate control of Iowa's offense and that's a stumbling block in itself since KF knows so much about offense:rolleyes:.
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Iowa's scoring defense in 2016 was 13th in the nation
Scoring offense was 95th
The problem wasn't the defense. It rarely is.
Scoring defense has no relation to points allowed. I’m surprised that with your encyclopedic knowledge of the game you didn’t think of that.
Scoring defense has no relation to points allowed. I’m surprised that with your encyclopedic knowledge of the game you didn’t think of that.
I sense this post is tongue in cheek. Maybe you, like J.Brown, think nothing needs to be changed with Iowa's defense and everything needs to be changed with the defense? You know, this thought is laughable..and pitiful.

I wonder, for example, how many minutes of offense the bend but don't break Iowa defense forfeits while waiting for the other's offense to peter out?
I sense this post is tongue in cheek. Maybe you, like J.Brown, think nothing needs to be changed with Iowa's defense and everything needs to be changed with the defense? You know, this thought is laughable..and pitiful.

It's not like I usually agree with joshbrown an co., but in all three losses this season, the offense only needed to score 21 or more to win... and they are only allowing 17.4 per game... so I think that it's pretty safe to say that the offense is the low-hanging fruit here.
It's not like I usually agree with joshbrown an co., but in all three losses this season, the offense only needed to score 21 or more to win... and they are only allowing 17.4 per game... so I think that it's pretty safe to say that the offense is the low-hanging fruit here.
For example, Iowa's offense won the game against State. Or does the State win not matter? Sticking with this original thread topic, how well do you think Iowa's D will fare against tOSU? I say tOSU has, at least, 28 points by the end of the game. Of course, you'll find some way to blame the offense...
It's not like I usually agree with joshbrown an co., but in all three losses this season, the offense only needed to score 21 or more to win... and they are only allowing 17.4 per game... so I think that it's pretty safe to say that the offense is the low-hanging fruit here.
It's also safe to say the Iowa defense has great room for improvement.

Until you can admit Iowa's defense has great room for improvement can Iowa have a dominant defense like Wisky and have Iowa football be as successful as Wisky (since pretty much everything else about the two programs is the same).
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For example, Iowa's offense won the game against State. Or does the State win not matter? Sticking with this original thread topic, how well do you think Iowa's D will fare against tOSU? I say tOSU has, at least, 28 points by the end of the game.

Perhaps you should look at how much PSU usually scores per game and what Iowa held them to. Or maybe look at the fact that ISU put 38 on #3 Oklahoma in regulation. But if you need to look at the aberration in Iowa's defensive scoring stats and rely only on anecdotal evidence, that's totally your prerogative.

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