***Iowa @ NW Game thread***

Im glad I decided to place my bets on Northwestern today. Looks like something good will come out of this debacle.
Dumb mistakes have led to two losses. I hope we are not looking at a trend. A vanilla D is not going to cut it against Persa today!
You guys need to relax a little. It's only the first quarter. Wait until we at least have a chance to run the offense with the wind.
I am starting to think that clayborn is just going through the motions trying to stay injury free. Then turn it back on at the combine and get drafted.
I'm no expert by any means, but it seems like Chaney would do better on kickreturns and DJK on punt returns.
One of my betting rules. NEVER bet Iowa games. Period.

I rarely bet Iowa games. Only when I think it is a good line for the Hawks. But never do I bet against them, no matter the spread. As a fan to do that in my opinion is a ****** move! Especially to then admit it on this board!

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