Iowa Media HAS To Admit Now That...

I am a season ticket holder for lots of years through a lot of coaches, beginning with Ralph Miller. This has been, for me, one of the most frustrating seasons I have experienced. If Fran cannot turn this around with the kids he has on board now and in the near future, I would hope he would resign, or if necessary, be fired. Our offense can be pretty impressive, which shows me that he has a lot of good athletes on this team. The fact that our defense is beyond terrible rests on his shoulders, for that very reason. If they were bad on both ends of the floor, I would simply admit that we don't have the talent necessary to be competitive in the BT. So be it. Still falls on Fran's shoulders.

You can check my posts over time. I enjoy discourse about the strengths and weaknesses of both our football and basketball programs. I enjoy learning from other posters who seem to have more technical knowledge of these sports than I do. What I will not do is make blatantly insulting unsubstantiated statements about the athletes. If you read the posts of the people I have "called out" as they profess, they consistently bash the programs and consistently hijack threads to spew their venom against coaches, administrators, and sadly, athletes. Apparently they think their constant negative attacks are fun or even worse, believe they will have an impact on anything by repeating the same tired arguments.
You're making blatantly insulting statements about other posters. That's a ban hammer offense. Is it not? In all seriousness. You're no better than the posters you want banned. Deal with that. This time, I'm not joking. If you had any moral fortitude, you'd voluntarily ban yourself.
Lol is this for real? What a sad, pathetic little person if so. Hopefully I don't get a call from his mommy too.

Someone who is pathetic would be a poster who would make the comments I have read in this thread about some of our players on the basketball team.
You're making blatantly insulting statements about other posters. That's a ban hammer offense. Is it not? In all seriousness. You're no better than the posters you want banned. Deal with that. This time, I'm not joking. If you had any moral fortitude, you'd voluntarily ban yourself.

If it was true that insulting statements about other posters is a banning offense, lets get together and plead with the HN staff to enforce this rule. If they do, I will be happy to include myself in the ban given what I have posted now and in the past. Want to join me?
If it was true that insulting statements about other posters is a banning offense, lets get together and plead with the HN staff to enforce this rule. If they do, I will be happy to include myself in the ban given what I have posted now and in the past. Want to join me?
Have the guts to hold yourself to the same standards you demand of others. It's that simple.
If it was true that insulting statements about other posters is a banning offense, lets get together and plead with the HN staff to enforce this rule. If they do, I will be happy to include myself in the ban given what I have posted now and in the past. Want to join me?
So much butthurt with you.

Would some A&D ointment help?

I’m not applying it for you, I draw the line there.
This has been entertaining. For some reason there is an unwritten rule that players are the reason Iowa loses in either sport and not as much on the coach. Granted, Iowa is lacking on talent. Calling out a cat for not being a dog is rather silly. The cat owner who tried to make cats be dogs is the real problem.

Both football and basketball coach's leave a lot to be desired. Part of the difference is that FM is stubborn and doesn't know how to coach. KF is stubborn and for the most part understands how to coach.

I still can't believe that anyone thought FM was going to be a good/great coach and someone count on. He to pull half baked rabbits out of a hat back when the Big was really really good (sarcasm).

This sums up this thread.
Ha, you were all already on "super secret probation" and Dean Wormer is all set to expel your sorry asses. I'm to the board late but man I got something to say about the play to start the game last night. If it wasn't lazy, what was it? If it wasn't indifference, what was it? Why is this team not playing as a team? You got guys on the floor that don't give two s#$%'s about defense or rebounding position. That put their head down and sulk when they turn over the ball. If I didn't know better I would think I was watching a YMCA pick-up game, except there one or two guys insist on playing defense. Kreiner deserves to start a game, period. Uhl deserves to play ahead of some of these guys that won't or can't play defense. I would serious think about playing Till and some of the scout team. Messages have to be sent to some of Iowa's players.
spoke my with it.
Someone who is pathetic would be a poster who would make the comments I have read in this thread about some of our players on the basketball team.

Now I think you're trolling me. You can't be this big of a Sally. I said 1/2 the team shouldn't be playing in the B1G. You gonna go cry to all other coaches who agree with me that didn't offer the vast majority of our players? Are you going pretend we didn't finish last in the conference and with one of the worst records in the last 50 years? Just gonna ignore those 9,10...hell I lost count, double digit waxings we rec'd from the majority of our conference foes in a very down year for the B1G? That's your perjogative. I'm gonna call a turd a turd. Not sorry if that hurts your sensitive little self.
This is a passionate fan base. What would Iowa be if it wasn't? Iowa fans understand losing to better athletes and the fact that Iowa may not be the first choice for African American players due to our lack of diversity in Iowa. What Iowa fans can't tolerate is players not giving 100% effort, poor fundamentals, and lack of team-first mentality. This team is guilty on all charges. The Big Ten Media picked Iowa to finish 5th. Think about that. There is coach of the year honors. Shouldn't worst coaching job of the year be acknowledged as well? Forget about trips to the Bahamas or Europe, this team should be locked in a high school gym for the summer and not released until the can play high school level defense. Hey, White got locked in the gym once, seemed to work for him.
Uh * have nothing to do with it. Offer lists and my own 2 eyes are enough to tell me that more than 1/2 the team are not power 5 guys. Have you watched any basketball this year? Bc it doesn't appear that you have.
you’ve moved The basket from a “full roster” to “1/2 the team” and from D1 quality to power 5 quality and now tell me I haven’t watched basketball this year.

Anyone can make their point when they change their point.

So now if your point is that 1/2 the team are power 5 players I can agree with that. Not much hyperbole there. does that mean I’ve watched basketball this year.
I'll bite, clintonIA would be gushing right now about luring the Big into a "false sense of security", and how Fran has got the team set for a deep run in the Big Tourney.........
you’ve moved The basket from a “full roster” to “1/2 the team” and from D1 quality to power 5 quality and now tell me I haven’t watched basketball this year.

Anyone can make their point when they change their point.

So now if your point is that 1/2 the team are power 5 players I can agree with that. Not much hyperbole there. does that mean I’ve watched basketball this year.

Semantics. I think you knew I didn't mean every single guy. I do believe more than 1/2 though.

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