Iowa Media HAS To Admit Now That...

One thing is for certain. Every single person who posts on this board loves Iowa Basketball. A lot of the people on here want Fran gone because they have higher expectations. They have every right to express that opinion and be extremely disgusted with Fran, the media who defends him and the players who get a FREE ride to school and consistently hang their heads and refuse to show hustle. Just because you, yes you Huck, disagree and don’t have the balls to speak out when something is terribly wrong here..doesn’t mean you go crying to the moderators and ask they be gone. That’s 3rd grade shit man. Sorry if that offends you. Not really tho.

I have spoken out clearly about two issues. First, I have said repeatedly that Fran should go unless we see marked improvement next year. Secondly, I have said clearly that personal attacks on players is not something that I believe should be allowed on this board. That is my choice, and I spoke my piece to the moderators. If you don't like it, as my good friend FRY says to me all the time, "then don't read it."
I have spoken out clearly about two issues. First, I have said repeatedly that Fran should go unless we see marked improvement next year. Secondly, I have said clearly that personal attacks on players is not something that I believe should be allowed on this board. That is my choice, and I spoke my piece to the moderators. If you don't like it, as my good friend FRY says to me all the time, "then don't read it."

Basically agree. It gets to be a fine line between critiquing a player which I think is fair as opposed to blasting them. Sometimes the difference is a bit gray. Sometimes it's quite obvious.

There is no issue with saying that a specific player doesn't seem to be Big caliber. How it is said is the issue.
I have spoken out clearly about two issues. First, I have said repeatedly that Fran should go unless we see marked improvement next year. Secondly, I have said clearly that personal attacks on players is not something that I believe should be allowed on this board. That is my choice, and I spoke my piece to the moderators. If you don't like it, as my good friend FRY says to me all the time, "then don't read it."

Take your own advice and don’t read what people are saying about the players. When half of them give up every game and stop trying they deserved to be bashed. When they NEVER knock a guy on their ass driving to the hoop or dive for a loose ball when they get to go to school for free to play the game, they deserve to be bashed. Tattle tailing as an adult is fucking ridiculous man.
Take your own advice and don’t read what people are saying about the players. When half of them give up every game and stop trying they deserved to be bashed. When they NEVER knock a guy on their ass driving to the hoop or dive for a loose ball when they get to go to school for free to play the game, they deserve to be bashed. Tattle tailing as an adult is fucking ridiculous man.

Tattle? Really? If you think taking a stand against something you believe is wrong is tattling, I actually feel sorry for you. Re-read some of the personal attacks.
They are way over the top. Go follow pro sports and bash highly paid players...that is the apprpriate forum. And, since these kids, between school work, living on their own, and preparing for their sport 12 months out of the year, work more hours a week than you do, you do not seem to understand your own definition of a free ride.
All I know is if I get banned for saying Dailey didn't hustle back on defense, I'm gunna be back with an alt with a vengeance. I'll be worse than 5656.
Tattle? Really? If you think taking a stand against something you believe is wrong is tattling, I actually feel sorry for you. Re-read some of the personal attacks.
They are way over the top. Go follow pro sports and bash highly paid players...that is the apprpriate forum. And, since these kids, between school work, living on their own, and preparing for their sport 12 months out of the year, work more hours a week than you do, you do not seem to understand your own definition of a free ride.

I don’t disagree with taking a stand for what you believe in. If it’s your religious beliefs, your stance on gun control, your political choice, that’s totally cool. But making a stand on a message board on the Internet is 3rd grade material man. Pretty sure 99.9% of everyone else on this site wouldn’t go to the moderators privately because they don’t like what you say. Because that’s just stupid and childish
Also, these guys on the team will never pay a dime back for a school loan. Some people in their 50’s are still paying it back. The players get catered to everyday from food vendors, they get to travel to play a game they love. They’ve put in hard work to get to this point yes, but to just roll over and quit the way they have at times this year is a disgrace. They showed heart against Indiana and Minnesota the last 2 games. Hopefully that continues through the offseason. I’d love nothing more than for them to surprise everyone next year and be successful. But they deserve criticism and bashing for some of their performances and efforts this year. As mean as it might be to these young adults. I don’t feel sorry for them
Also, these guys on the team will never pay a dime back for a school loan. Some people in their 50’s are still paying it back. The players get catered to everyday from food vendors, they get to travel to play a game they love. They’ve put in hard work to get to this point yes, but to just roll over and quit the way they have at times this year is a disgrace. They showed heart against Indiana and Minnesota the last 2 games. Hopefully that continues through the offseason. I’d love nothing more than for them to surprise everyone next year and be successful. But they deserve criticism and bashing for some of their performances and efforts this year. As mean as it might be to these young adults. I don’t feel sorry for them

Sorry to hear you may have become so cynical, as I surmise from your views about the players.

There was in fact nothing private about my post. I will be the first to tell you that I am, as a lifetime Iowa fan, perplexed by the over the top, repetitive negativism by a number of regular posters. Its like, "OK. I have heard this same thing from you about a dozen times. I get it."

Respect for others is a highly regarded value for most people. I am content to comment, negatively or positively, on another person's actions. They can take it or leave it. That is not personal; its a comment on what someone does or says. I coached football for many years, worked in schools for 40 years, and raised three kids. I made no excuses for anyone; but my critiques were about actions and deeds, not personal slams.

Finally, I guess if you think taking a stand on a message board is third grade behavior, I am curious about why you would justify any views being expressed?

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