Iowa-ISU sucks game thread

Wanna know why isu is getting better athletes? They don't whiz down their legs and play conservative stupid football on national tv.
Welp. This isn't little brother fired up for their Super Bowl, or a fluky result. Iowa State is better at every position on the field. Oh yeah...they also have a better coach, a better stadium and better fan support.

Other than that, great job, Gary. Great job, Kirk.
Is Roades happy because they're ahead, because they stopped the fake fg, or because Slipknot is playing in the Super Bowl Halftime Show now?
Seriously, the game passed by Kirk about 5 years ago. He needs to do the respectable thing and retire.
But....but he ran a fake. That's not conservative. See he has changed. That was great coaching. Not conservative. See? See? He has changed. You guys are all wrong. KF is the bees knees. He is nifty. And we have black uniforms coming.
What the heck is going on. You drain the clock to 1 second to fake a 40 yard FG. What a JOKE!!!! Yet you have 2nd and 2 with 40 seconds and run 2 running plays.. Iowa left 5 maybe 6 plays on the field. This is a D1 coaching staff??? Pinch me when this **** show is over!!
Welp. This isn't little brother fired up for their Super Bowl, or a fluky result. Iowa State is better at every position on the field. Oh yeah...they also have a better coach, a better stadium and better fan support.

Other than that, great job, Gary. Great job, Kirk.
I could argue the stadium point.
Troll or stupid? Explain your logic, please.

ISU will look good against Toledo, UNI, and KU. I would put Iowa just a bit better than those 3 teams. Sorry it hurts but getting to a bowl game by beating ball state, Indiana, Illinois, etc. doesn't mean your good.
ISU will look good against Toledo, UNI, and KU. I would put Iowa just a bit better than those 3 teams. Sorry it hurts but getting to a bowl game by beating ball state, Indiana, Illinois, etc. doesn't mean your good.

You guys looked real good against KU last year, you're going to lose to Toledo too.
They have blown their load for the rest of the year...... 2 fake fg(s) in 2 games already the element of surprise is gone
Nah, do a FG fake in 2nd half. No one would expect 2 in one game. Wait until a 4th and 12 though.
ISU will look good against Toledo, UNI, and KU. I would put Iowa just a bit better than those 3 teams. Sorry it hurts but getting to a bowl game by beating ball state, Indiana, Illinois, etc. doesn't mean your good.

What does almost never getting to a bowl game mean?
Seriously, the game passed by Kirk about 5 years ago. He needs to do the respectable thing and retire.

Kurt is coaching's equivalent of the old guy who always drives 5 mph below the posted speed limit and whose right turn signal is always blinking.
ISU will look good against Toledo, UNI, and KU. I would put Iowa just a bit better than those 3 teams. Sorry it hurts but getting to a bowl game by beating ball state, Indiana, Illinois, etc. doesn't mean your good.

congrats, you have a 4-8/5-7 football team
We're down one score and only have one less total yard than them. You nancys need to go back to knitting. Good God the negativity gets old...

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