In all seriousness, though, this is what Iowa football is like:
Letting your CEO trash your company's image (Iowa=boring nationally), treat the local community with disrespect (pulling press credentials), treat the employees with disrespect (CJB injury), refuse to listen to input from a diverse range of sources (same philosophy since 1999), generally make bad decisions for the future of the company (conservative decisions), refuse to recruit the best academic talent from top universities (focus on 2* and 3* rural Iowans), let the company's best talent and future moneymakers go for magically "not fitting in" with the company image (pulling 5* Texas recruits' offers), not coming prepared for shareholder and board meetings (month to prepare for bowls and 5 straight losses), lining up a de facto successor with the exact same archaic philosophy (BF)...
And letting it go on because the company as a whole makes a profit despite vehement shareholder opposition.