Iowa Football Coaching Staff Salaries

So it's fair to accept mediocrity in women's basketball as long as the coach has longevity but not in football. And KF is responsible for a much larger chunk of revenue generated than Bluder is.

In case you didn't notice, women's basketball isn't very high on the priority list when it comes to success. When the most dominant programs lose money like crazy every year, I'd say it ultimately doesn't matter.

Football, on the other hand, drives the bus. Which is why Ferentz gets paid 3.8 million for mediocrity, and Bluder gets less than 600k.
Soup Campbell on the list?

Hmm...apparently they "fixed the glitch."

Man that confirms it I wish my Dad had become a football coach! I wish I had that kind of nepotism connection, and Bobs your uncle.
Tom Brands should be making at least Five million a year compared to these overpaid under achievers.
Too bad the wrestling program doesn't make much if any money.

If they stopped with the hugging and started throwing chairs, they could make some serious money. Prolly enough to fire Kurt and hire a real coach like Tommy Tubberville or Steve Mariucci.
just to clarify, the iowa athletic department receives just over $500,000 in student fees. i figured that i would point that out before some cyclone does.
Which is why I'm arguing that she is overpaid. Thanks.

Again, she's paid market value for her worth. Geno ain't worth 1.6 million, either. But you don't pay a coach below her market value simply because you think the market is out of whack. You get what you pay for.

I agree women's coaches are paid too much. But that's not a battle for an individual AD (Barta) to fight by cutting back the pay for his coach. That's a good way to lose a solid coach and, instead of paying 500k for a solid coach, you're paying 250k for a bad one.
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I always laugh when a fan tosses out the thought that Brian Ferentz is going to be our next head coach. Too funny and not sure where people get this stuff. But then again, Jery Springer has somehow managed to stay on tv for 20 years or so because someone is watching him. Brian Ferentz is NOT going to be the next head coach at Iowa. Based on what? He was a tight end coach for a couple of years in the NFL? Maybe 10 years down the road he might become a head coach but he is not going to walk into the spot at Iowa in his early 30s-- with dad handing him the key. Too funny the people that keep spewing forth that concept.

As for the salaries ... Bluder is completely overpaid. But, it is women's bball and nobody really cares ... She is a "safe"coach but will never take Iowa to another level in women's basketball. Quite the drop off between Kirk and his assistants, huh? Nice to see Lick on there and that he is still drawing a salary from us ... Speaking of Lick ... This current time in Iowa football is slllooowwwlllyyy starting to remind me of the early years of Lick where fans started to divide over their support of the coach and if the program was headed in the right direction. Kirk and Todd -- apples and oranges, right? I get it ... But the slow fan divide and the apparent step backward are eerily similiar. At this point, hard to imagine a 5-win Iowa team(if we muster one more win) is going to all of a sudden be a contender next season -- especially with a first-year quarterback who can't seem to warrant any playing time-- even in a mop up role.
This current time in Iowa football is slllooowwwlllyyy starting to remind me of the early years of Lick where fans started to divide over their support of the coach and if the program was headed in the right direction.

What were the "early years" of Lick's tenure? He was only here 3 years.
Again, she's paid market value for her worth. Geno ain't worth 1.6 million, either. But you don't pay a coach below her market value simply because you think the market is out of whack. You get what you pay for.

I agree women's coaches are paid too much. But that's not a battle for an individual AD (Barta) to fight by cutting back the pay for his coach. That's a good way to lose a solid coach and, instead of paying 500k for a solid coach, you're paying 250k for a bad one.

Mix in an econ class with your journalism program, kid. When a potential buyer encounters an eff'd up market, the rational actor doesn't just open up his wallet. He gets the hell out of that market.

I'm sure tens and tens of people would be pizzed off that our coach walked and our WBB program went in the crapper, but so be it. Those tens of people should have ponied up the necessary cash if they wanted such an expensive product.
Mix in an econ class with your journalism program, kid. When a potential buyer encounters an eff'd up market, the rational actor doesn't just open up his wallet. He gets the hell out of that market.

I'm sure tens and tens of people would be pizzed off that our coach walked and our WBB program went in the crapper, but so be it. Those tens of people should have ponied up the necessary cash if they wanted such an expensive product.

Tell me, how does Iowa get the hell out of that market in this case? They're captive consumers. They can either overpay for solid/good results, or they can overpay for bad results. When faced with that choice, what would any rational actor do? Exactly what Iowa is doing.

WBB loses money. Not just here, but pretty much anywhere where the school actually tries to be successful at it. That's just how it is. If Iowa wants to keep a solid program, they're going to have to overpay for it. They'd be overpaying to get lesser results, too.

Should salaries come down? Sure. But if you want to have a successful program, you can't play Lone Ranger against the system and demand your coach to take less than what the market says they're worth.

The only other option would be to just cut the program entirely. That will NEVER happen, and only an idiot would question why.
Pat Summitt made $1.25 million. Geno is around 1.6.

Bluder ain't Summitt or Geno, but I'd say she's worth less than half of what those coaches make. They make the dance consistently, and are usually fun to watch (at least as much fun as reasonably possible, for those of you who don't care for women's basketball).

They also seem to get pretty solid attendance (better than Lickliter's teams, especially in his last year). They ranked 18th nationally in attendance last year, with an average of 4,846.

OMG Bluder has NO chance, 0, goose egg, nada chance of getting the Lady Hawks any further than the 1st round of the NCAAs. She certainly isn't worth a half a MIL.

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