Iowa does not want Forbes,the 2nd.asst.

I've already posted 100 times that I'm a Keno fan with Gregory & Wojcik being fine as well. I mean I'd love Pearl, Drew or Dixon, but I've never considered them realistic candidates.

I just wish someone within the Forbes camp could answer my question:

Why has Forbes not been considered or offered for the Auburn, Georgia, Arkansas, Ole Miss, Alabama or Kentucky openings? The AD's in the SEC keep passing on this guy....why?

Can anyone please answer that? Oh yeah, he's been offered all of those jobs, but he keeps passing them up because he's been waiting for the Iowa job to open.

Gillespie wanted to Forbes to come to UK as #1 asst. but Forbes turned him down to stay with Pearl. Pretty smart move if you ask me.
I agree, Forbes made a great decision to pass on that. It still doesn't answer my question on what head coaching jobs he's passed on and why the AD's in the SEC (who know him better than we do) keep passing him up for other coaches?
Hold it.....all of the Forbes camp claims he's been contacted several times about job openings, but unless I'm missing it, I have not seen one piece of evidence that supports this claim, except from his friend at UK. But even he doesn't mention one school.

Kennedy filled in for Huggins because of his problems. He did a nice job, but Cinncy didn't even want to keep him and he left for Ole Miss. I went to college with Andy and we're still friends, so I'm not speaking out of turn on this one.

If the only answer you can give that he didn't take any of those openings in the SEC is because he didn't want them and was waiting for the Iowa job to open, then your argument is incredibly naive and weak.

I'm not saying that Forbes might not end up being a great head coach, he may well be. But he's way too much of a risk for Barta at this time. I certainly don't expect Barta to make a move that every other AD in the SEC has passed on over the last 5 years.

I understand why so many like Forbes, because he makes us feel good that he wants to be the coach and we all like it when people like us.

I will give him credit for one thing. He certainly knows how to market the message boards and has friends that are willing to help promote him. I admire his desire and respect the fact that he really wants the job....good for him.

Unfortunately for him, he's not even on Barta's radar. I did feel a little sorry for him that he wanted the job so much, but wasn't going to get it, but after learning from many of you that he turns down big jobs all the time, I'm sure better opportunities will present itself very soon.

Once again, Kennedy has nothing to do with this, totally different situation as you have outlined also. Was he brought up just so you could name drop?

No one has said he has been contacted by all these SEC schools but you seem to be CERTAIN that he has not been contacted by anyone without giving any sort of proof yourself, pot meet kettle.
I agree, Forbes made a great decision to pass on that. It still doesn't answer my question on what head coaching jobs he's passed on and why the AD's in the SEC (who know him better than we do) keep passing him up for other coaches?

Why did Roy Williams get passed over as an assistant 100's of times before being picked up by KU?

Izzo was an assistant at N Michigan for 4 years, assistant at MSU for 4 or 5 years before getting the head gig, never a head coach except 1 year in high school ball.

I'm just trying to point out that no one formula is fool proof. Some seasoned head coached won't get it done, some will. Some former assistants may get it done, some won't. Can't be so rigid in your thinking.
I wasn't the one who brought up that he had passed on many coaching positions. All I did was ask for any sort of proof that this was true. I simply pointed out that many SEC jobs have come available since his time at UT and if he was such a hot commodity, then why didn't he interview or ultimately land one of those jobs? I still think that is a fair question.

I also said he may indeed end up being a great head coach and for his sake, I hope he does. My point was that he is too big of a risk for Barta right now and I think that is an accurate statement. Plus, since Bobby is on the search committee, I'm sure he'd want to talk with him if he thought Forbes credentials were worthy of an interview.

I agree completely with you that no one formula is fool proof and I don't believe I've been rigid in my thinking at all. I've supported anyone from Keno, Gregory to Wojcik, so I don't think that is rigid.

However, I'm not going to swallow the Forbes hype hook, line and sinker just because a friend of his who is a UK mod comes on the board and says we should hire him.

If by some miracle he becomes the next coach at Iowa, I will support him 100% and hope he has tremendous success at Iowa for many, many years.
You people that keep arguing about the whole 2nd assistant thing do know that titles don't always give the whole picture don't you. The "top" assistant at Tennessee has been with Pearl for about a decade. Forbes has been there for 4 years I believe. If a guy in the Associate Head Coach, you don't bring someone in and give him that title and demote the other guy. He has seniority. Their pay is very close if not the same.

Another example is at my workplace. We have a Director of Instruction who has been there for about 10 years. Another instructor and I have been there for less time, 5 years and 4 years respectively. I've been given 4 national awards for my teaching. And I give more lessons than any of the other instructors. The other guy teaches one of the top 50 players in the world as well as multiple other players on the PGA Tour. But neither of us are Director of Instruction even though we give more lessons and have earned more awards. He's the Director of Instruction cause he's been there the longest.

Also to those that say he just sat there during the game. You do know that assistants aren't allowed to be up and standing during the games. Only the head coach can get up off the bench for more than "cheering" purposes. Can you imagine if there were 5 guys up on the sidelines yelling instructions.

For those that say he's never been a head coach. How do you think Brad Stevens is doing in his first head coaching position at any level? How about Tom Izzo? Or Frank Martin? All are the the school that gave them their first head coaching position. At least one of them is going to be in the Final Four if not 2 of them.
They do not call coaches in football as I am sure you know associate coaches. The offensive coordinator is next in line after the head coach. Next would be the defensive coordinator. Thats your lesson for today. I think it's right but I could be wrong. This is March Madness.
They do not call coaches in football as I am sure you know associate coaches. The offensive coordinator is next in line after the head coach. Next would be the defensive coordinator. Thats your lesson for today. I think it's right but I could be wrong. This is March Madness.
Something something something. It's TRUE! But not really!
They do not call coaches in football as I am sure you know associate coaches. The offensive coordinator is next in line after the head coach. Next would be the defensive coordinator. Thats your lesson for today. I think it's right but I could be wrong. This is March Madness.

So at Alabama, the Offensive Coordinator is ahead of the Defensive Coordinator? Heck, even at Iowa that is the same? You sure about that because both defenses definitely carried their teams last year.
They do not call coaches in football as I am sure you know associate coaches. The offensive coordinator is next in line after the head coach. Next would be the defensive coordinator. Thats your lesson for today. I think it's right but I could be wrong. This is March Madness.

According to a theory put forth on this board that means that since defensive coordinators aren't even the #1 assistant they never get hired to be a HC at a school other than the one they are at. How's that working out in the real world?

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