Iowa does not want Forbes,the 2nd.asst.

Off the top of my head in the SEC, Auburn, Ole Miss, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas & Kentucky have ALL had head coaching positions available within the last few years.

Why hasn't Forbes been considered or hired for those? I mean the AD's in the SEC would know him better than anyone.

He has been in the prime of his career (age wise) the last 3 years, but yet NOT ONE of those schools offered him the head job or as far as I know, even interviewed him.

I'm really enjoying how so many of you have bought into a UK mod who is friends with Forbes, instead of actually asking real questions like "why is the guy never had a head coaching gig by the time he is 45 years old?" I seriously doubt everyone has been just missing on the guy....

Oh, I'm sure the reason he "passed" on all of those jobs is because he was holding out and waiting for the Iowa job. Everyone would pass up opportunities where you would make more than $1 MILLION per year to be a head coach than an assistant.

Come on guys, you have taken the self promotion by Forbes and his UK mod friend hook, line and sinker.

He likes us, he really, really likes us!
I guess Butler should have went and got a 'Big Name" Head Coach after their national coach of the year left 3 years ago.

Fortunately for them, they took Stevens, an assistant. They may be in the Final 4.

But hey, roll the dice on a name to come rebuild a program not named Kentucky, Louisville, UCLA, etc.

Anybody know who is Coach of the Year this year? Go get em. Maybe he will even know how to get to Iowa City.
He stated Iowa was his dream Job, born here. I doubt he is out shopping himself around as a head coach right now for every job available. If he was though, he could go to Toledo or Stetson, or somewhere to get some great experience.
Off the top of my head in the SEC, Auburn, Ole Miss, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas & Kentucky have ALL had head coaching positions available within the last few years.

Why hasn't Forbes been considered or hired for those? I mean the AD's in the SEC would know him better than anyone.

He has been in the prime of his career (age wise) the last 3 years, but yet NOT ONE of those schools offered him the head job or as far as I know, even interviewed him.

I'm really enjoying how so many of you have bought into a UK mod who is friends with Forbes, instead of actually asking real questions like "why is the guy never had a head coaching gig by the time he is 45 years old?" I seriously doubt everyone has been just missing on the guy....

Oh, I'm sure the reason he "passed" on all of those jobs is because he was holding out and waiting for the Iowa job. Everyone would pass up opportunities where you would make more than $1 MILLION per year to be a head coach than an assistant.

Come on guys, you have taken the self promotion by Forbes and his UK mod friend hook, line and sinker.

He likes us, he really, really likes us!

Clearly you are not on board the Forbes bandwagon. Your preference is who exactly? it ''anybody but Forbes?''

I am up for :
Pearl- longshot
Drew- longshot
Gillispie- longshot
after that, I put Forbes,Gregory,and maybe Wojick in the next tier.

Hire the guy that can bring in the best talent the fastest.
Whoever that is...but they have to be able to show they know how to do that.
If we bring in a Brownell or Kennedy...Carver will probably be a ghosttown again next year, further complicating our recruiting efforts.
See lick...hired a flavor of the month mid-major under the radar guy and our attendance dropped with the despised SA out of town?
Why? Because fans knew the guy they wanted to pay money to see was not on the sideline, he had transferred to Tenn...

If you make the same hire again, the hole only gets deeper.
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I've already posted 100 times that I'm a Keno fan with Gregory & Wojcik being fine as well. I mean I'd love Pearl, Drew or Dixon, but I've never considered them realistic candidates.

I just wish someone within the Forbes camp could answer my question:

Why has Forbes not been considered or offered for the Auburn, Georgia, Arkansas, Ole Miss, Alabama or Kentucky openings? The AD's in the SEC keep passing on this guy....why?

Can anyone please answer that? Oh yeah, he's been offered all of those jobs, but he keeps passing them up because he's been waiting for the Iowa job to open.



I've already posted 100 times that I'm a Keno fan with Gregory & Wojcik being fine as well. I mean I'd love Pearl, Drew or Dixon, but I've never considered them realistic candidates.

I just wish someone within the Forbes camp could answer my question:

Why has Forbes not been considered or offered for the Auburn, Georgia, Arkansas, Ole Miss, Alabama or Kentucky openings? The AD's in the SEC keep passing on this guy....why?

Can anyone please answer that? Oh yeah, he's been offered all of those jobs, but he keeps passing them up because he's been waiting for the Iowa job to open.

I just did above. He may not be looking. The whole staff at UT has an Iowa tie in somewhere. He said he is just fine at UT, except this is the Iowa job, his home state. I think there are still a handful of people that care about something like that, instead of $, resumes and their next stop.
Off the top of my head in the SEC, Auburn, Ole Miss, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas & Kentucky have ALL had head coaching positions available within the last few years.

Why hasn't Forbes been considered or hired for those? I mean the AD's in the SEC would know him better than anyone.

He has been in the prime of his career (age wise) the last 3 years, but yet NOT ONE of those schools offered him the head job or as far as I know, even interviewed him.

I'm really enjoying how so many of you have bought into a UK mod who is friends with Forbes, instead of actually asking real questions like "why is the guy never had a head coaching gig by the time he is 45 years old?" I seriously doubt everyone has been just missing on the guy....

Oh, I'm sure the reason he "passed" on all of those jobs is because he was holding out and waiting for the Iowa job. Everyone would pass up opportunities where you would make more than $1 MILLION per year to be a head coach than an assistant.

Come on guys, you have taken the self promotion by Forbes and his UK mod friend hook, line and sinker.

He likes us, he really, really likes us!

First let me make this clear: Forbes is not my top choice..he isn't even in my top 3. That being said:

What makes you think Forbes applied for those jobs? Or even expressed an interest? Because a man doesn't have schools beating down his door making job offers means he would not be a good head coach?

Self promotion by Forbes? Heaven forbid the man have a dream job (Iowa) and openly express his desire for it! Shame on him! Besides...why should Iowa hire a guy who WANTS to be here? We should pay 2-3x that amount Barta has to convince to come here...and who would likely turn around and bolt for another school should he have some success.

Support from his UK friend? Why, that's terrible that he has friends that support him. And his boss...Bruce Pearl. Pearl probably only says good things about him because he wants to get rid of him...because he's too kindhearted to fire him.

So he's the (so-called) #3 assistant. If you had done some research you would know that the (so-called) #2 assistant was ALREADY at Tennessee when Forbes was hired.

Iowa needs to get talented players to have any chance at being competitive on a regular basis. Forbes has proven he can get those players. Not only at Tennessee, but at other basketball "powerhouses" like Texas A & M, LaTech and Idaho.

Tell me something: how many schools are clamoring for Keno Davis right now?
Tell me, why would Dixon, Drew, Pearl want this job? Gillispie was tossed out of Kentucky. he needs a job, of course at about $3 mill per year.

So you are saying, you want a candidate that is going to leave a good situation only because of the scenery of Iowa and big bucks? Look at why people want the job.
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8) Steve Forbes, Tennessee The Iowa native has been with Bruce Pearl and the Vols for the past two seasons after spending two at Texas A&M under Billy Gillispie. Forbes, 43, had a 68-28 mark in three years as the head coach at Barton County Community College and has also been a D-1 assistant at Idaho, Louisiana Tech and Illinois State.
#8 assistant in America - #2 assistant in Tennessee......hmmmmm

This has really been eating at me. What the hell is a #2 assistant anyways? Does it mean he is not the associate head coach? I didn't know benches were ranked like the military. Is their a coaching heirarchy, where if Forbes tells a player one thing, the heralded #1 assitant can come over and over rule him?

Answer; No.

ANyone with a lick of sense knows there is not a heirarchy of assistant coaches. Each coach has a specific role on the bench, not a rank. Just because Forbes is not associate head coach does not mean he lacks the talent or skills to be a head coach. In the coaching community, the title of associate head coach is known as just meaningless window dressing, meant to make a certain assistant look good.

It doesn't mean the AHC is better, more in charge, or ready to take over. The reason Tony Jones is the AHC at UT is because he has been on Pearl's staff since his Milwaukee days.

Which leads me back to the idiots who keep spouting off this #2 assitant garbage as a reason not to hire Forbes. I don't really care on way or another for Forbes, but to go around here spouting this ignorant nonsense like it is gospel is really breathtaking; Both in the way you pretend you know what you're are talking about, and the way you completely distort reality to fit your point of view.
Both in the way you pretend you know what you're are talking about, and the way you completely distort reality to fit your point of view.
Sounds like someone else we know . . . but at least he knows how to roll w/ Crocs & Army Socks!

Hopefully this is correct,because I sure do not want him. If he is hired,I will support him,but can anyone truly believe that we would not want the 2nd asst.from Tennessee? Did you watch the game last night,he does nothing on the time outs. He isn't doing any talking.We are a better program then to want or expect the 2nd.asst.from any school. If you think TL got a big raise when he came to Iowa,what do you suppose this guy makes?

you gotta be kidding...what do you expect him to do? take over the dang timeout?? use common sense man seriously. If you have even been on here reading what he would bring to the program you would feel like an idiot for saying this. There is no such thing as "2nd assistant" and who the heck did you hear it from that he has a rank among the assistants? he is the 8th ranked assistant in the nation...who do you suggest we get? let me are a guy that still thinks we can get pearl or has hopes of landing jay wright or a huge name head coach?
Now there is a good idea, let's hire a coach based on a Hawkeyenation pole a poster started...genius idea....that's exactly why Barta is the AD and you're not. He'll actually take the time to visit with credible people in the profession, interview the potential coaches and then make a decision.

He won't listen to a guy who runs a UK website, a Hawkeyenation pole or a few fans who email him based on a sales job done by a UK mod who is friends of Forbes.

I mean seriously, have you ever stopped to think why Forbes wasn't hired for the MANY SEC jobs that have been available over the last number of years? I'm sure all of the AD's are very well aware of him in the SEC! Ole Miss hired Andy Kennedy who was an assistant at Cinncy....There has been plenty of openings in the SEC and not one time have you ever heard Forbes's time to wake-up!!!

When you are an assistant at a top program in a conference like the SEC you don't just take any job that comes along given your current situation...sometimes I really feel like the people on this board don't understand the profession at all. You expect an assistant to jump at any opportunity that comes along or something?
once again, I keep seeing where he is ranked #8 in assistant coaches, The key is we are not hiring a assistant coach we are hiring a head coach. Where does he rank among ALL coaches(head and assistant)?
I've already posted 100 times that I'm a Keno fan with Gregory & Wojcik being fine as well. I mean I'd love Pearl, Drew or Dixon, but I've never considered them realistic candidates.

I just wish someone within the Forbes camp could answer my question:

Why has Forbes not been considered or offered for the Auburn, Georgia, Arkansas, Ole Miss, Alabama or Kentucky openings? The AD's in the SEC keep passing on this guy....why?

Can anyone please answer that? Oh yeah, he's been offered all of those jobs, but he keeps passing them up because he's been waiting for the Iowa job to open.

So you are going with :
Keno- has already denied any interest,but I suppose that could change.
I am not opposed to him,but I just assume he is off the table. If not, he might be acceptable.

Gregory: I could live with him,but if he demands a 14 million dollar deal,with a 2 million dollar buyout to Dayton that we must pick up...that means we would have committed to spending:( 6 million to Lick, 2 million to Dayton,and 14 million to Gregory = 22 million/10 years) an enormous amount of money in a recession,while we are investing 43 million in a facility and looking to build a new football facility also...

I would rather have the new football facility than fork out that much for Gregory...if his price is less...then re-consider.

Wojcik would be cheaper ,I presume.
Not ruling him out, but when was last time he recruited the midwest?
IS he the guy that can fire up the fanbase, and recruits? I hear he is a button down type who mumbles his way thru press conferences...we just had that guy.

Why did Iowa pass on Josh Pastner last time? Maybe the same reason the SEC guys pass on Forbes....he is a gamble. Is it time to gamble a bit for Iowa bb? Or go with another lick-type,safe pick? I know that is not really fair to paint all mid-major guys with the same broad brush,but I still think Barta should interview a broad spectrum,including the gambling choices like Forbes and Gillispie. What do we have to lose? Will the fans abandon the progam if they hire one of those guys? Will the students stop coming?
They are already gone....time to bring them back with a hire that excites recruits and fans and most important...students.
I've already posted 100 times that I'm a Keno fan with Gregory & Wojcik being fine as well. I mean I'd love Pearl, Drew or Dixon, but I've never considered them realistic candidates.

I just wish someone within the Forbes camp could answer my question:

Why has Forbes not been considered or offered for the Auburn, Georgia, Arkansas, Ole Miss, Alabama or Kentucky openings? The AD's in the SEC keep passing on this guy....why?

Can anyone please answer that? Oh yeah, he's been offered all of those jobs, but he keeps passing them up because he's been waiting for the Iowa job to open.

So you are going with :
Keno- has already denied any interest,but I suppose that could change.
I am not opposed to him,but I just assume he is off the table. If not, he might be acceptable.

Gregory: I could live with him,but if he demands a 14 million dollar deal,with a 2 million dollar buyout to Dayton that we must pick up...that means we would have committed to spending:( 6 million to Lick, 2 million to Dayton,and 14 million to Gregory = 22 million/10 years) an enormous amount of money in a recession,while we are investing 43 million in a facility and looking to build a new football facility also...

I would rather have the new football facility than fork out that much for Gregory...if his price is less...then re-consider.

Wojcik would be cheaper ,I presume.
Not ruling him out, but when was last time he recruited the midwest?
IS he the guy that can fire up the fanbase, and recruits? I hear he is a button down type who mumbles his way thru press conferences...we just had that guy.

Why did Iowa pass on Josh Pastner last time? Maybe the same reason the SEC guys pass on Forbes....he is a gamble. Is it time to gamble a bit for Iowa bb? Or go with another lick-type,safe pick? I know that is not really fair to paint all mid-major guys with the same broad brush,but I still think Barta should interview a broad spectrum,including the gambling choices like Forbes and Gillispie. What do we have to lose? Will the fans abandon the progam if they hire one of those guys? Will the students stop coming?
They are already gone....time to bring them back with a hire that excites recruits and fans and most important...students.
people need to stop bringing up the #2 and #3 assistant doesnt mean a thing at all! There are numerous people that are close to the situation that have said he would be a homerun hire and would bring kids in immediately. He got a top 10 recruiting class at Louisians Tech for crying out loud. The guy can obviously bring in talent, and at this point that is exactly what Iowa needs.

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