Iowa does not want Forbes,the 2nd.asst.

once again, I keep seeing where he is ranked #8 in assistant coaches, The key is we are not hiring a assistant coach we are hiring a head coach. Where does he rank among ALL coaches(head and assistant)?

UI is hiring a person to fill the position of Head Coach. Do you need a list of assistant coaches that filled the position of Head Coach somewhere? You likely will be surprised.

There are busts when previous Head Coaches are hired, for goodness sakes, one being replaced now. A National Coach of the year, and I think everybody on this board would say we should have hired Butler's assistant Brad Stevens instead. Watch him today in the Elite 8.
once again, I keep seeing where he is ranked #8 in assistant coaches, The key is we are not hiring a assistant coach we are hiring a head coach. Where does he rank among ALL coaches(head and assistant)?

I don't understand why we are using this list that Foxsports (as far as I understand) came up with as an authority on anything.
This has really been eating at me. What the hell is a #2 assistant anyways? Does it mean he is not the associate head coach? I didn't know benches were ranked like the military. Is their a coaching heirarchy, where if Forbes tells a player one thing, the heralded #1 assitant can come over and over rule him?

Answer; No.

ANyone with a lick of sense knows there is not a heirarchy of assistant coaches. Each coach has a specific role on the bench, not a rank. Just because Forbes is not associate head coach does not mean he lacks the talent or skills to be a head coach. In the coaching community, the title of associate head coach is known as just meaningless window dressing, meant to make a certain assistant look good.

It doesn't mean the AHC is better, more in charge, or ready to take over. The reason Tony Jones is the AHC at UT is because he has been on Pearl's staff since his Milwaukee days.

Which leads me back to the idiots who keep spouting off this #2 assitant garbage as a reason not to hire Forbes. I don't really care on way or another for Forbes, but to go around here spouting this ignorant nonsense like it is gospel is really breathtaking; Both in the way you pretend you know what you're are talking about, and the way you completely distort reality to fit your point of view.

Plus 1,000,000. Nice post Ghost
This has really been eating at me. What the hell is a #2 assistant anyways? Does it mean he is not the associate head coach? I didn't know benches were ranked like the military. Is their a coaching heirarchy, where if Forbes tells a player one thing, the heralded #1 assitant can come over and over rule him?

Answer; No.

ANyone with a lick of sense knows there is not a heirarchy of assistant coaches. Each coach has a specific role on the bench, not a rank. Just because Forbes is not associate head coach does not mean he lacks the talent or skills to be a head coach. In the coaching community, the title of associate head coach is known as just meaningless window dressing, meant to make a certain assistant look good.

It doesn't mean the AHC is better, more in charge, or ready to take over. The reason Tony Jones is the AHC at UT is because he has been on Pearl's staff since his Milwaukee days.

Which leads me back to the idiots who keep spouting off this #2 assitant garbage as a reason not to hire Forbes. I don't really care on way or another for Forbes, but to go around here spouting this ignorant nonsense like it is gospel is really breathtaking; Both in the way you pretend you know what you're are talking about, and the way you completely distort reality to fit your point of view.

I would be willing to place bets there is a heirarchy between associate and assistant when it comes to pay.
UI is hiring a person to fill the position of Head Coach. Do you need a list of assistant coaches that filled the position of Head Coach somewhere? You likely will be surprised.

There are busts when previous Head Coaches are hired, for goodness sakes, one being replaced now. A National Coach of the year, and I think everybody on this board would say we should have hired Butler's assistant Brad Stevens instead. Watch him today in the Elite 8.

The 3 main things I have heard about Forbes is

1 He's a good recruiter
2 He's the #8 assistant in America
3 He was born here and wants the job

As for
1 George Raveling was a good recruiter but didn't seem to get the players to play to there potential. That took Tom Davis.
2 He may be a great assistant coach but that doesn't always translate into a great head coach. Also see 1. just because he's a good recruiter does not mean he will succeed on the court. No one knows because he as never been a HC in major college basketball
3 I like the fact that he was born here and thinks of Iowa as his dream Job but, just because you want the job doesn't mean you are experienced enough to get the job.

Now with this said, he is not my top choice but if he is our next HC that's great and I'll support him 100%. I just think there are other coaches out there with a realistic chance of coming here that would be better options.
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Now there is a good idea, let's hire a coach based on a Hawkeyenation pole a poster started...genius idea....that's exactly why Barta is the AD and you're not. He'll actually take the time to visit with credible people in the profession, interview the potential coaches and then make a decision.

He won't listen to a guy who runs a UK website, a Hawkeyenation pole or a few fans who email him based on a sales job done by a UK mod who is friends of Forbes.

I mean seriously, have you ever stopped to think why Forbes wasn't hired for the MANY SEC jobs that have been available over the last number of years? I'm sure all of the AD's are very well aware of him in the SEC! Ole Miss hired Andy Kennedy who was an assistant at Cinncy....There has been plenty of openings in the SEC and not one time have you ever heard Forbes's time to wake-up!!!

Kennedy was a head coach at Cincy before getting hired by Mississippi. He took over for a year after Huggy bear left.
My question, how closely have you followed all of the openings in the SEC? AS closely as openings at Iowa? If not you may not hear about as many candidates. Are you on their websites daily logging the rumors? I have no insight into this and no horse in the race, just a thought.

I do know this. I want a coach that WANTS to be at Iowa.
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I've already posted 100 times that I'm a Keno fan with Gregory & Wojcik being fine as well. I mean I'd love Pearl, Drew or Dixon, but I've never considered them realistic candidates.

I just wish someone within the Forbes camp could answer my question:

Why has Forbes not been considered or offered for the Auburn, Georgia, Arkansas, Ole Miss, Alabama or Kentucky openings? The AD's in the SEC keep passing on this guy....why?

Can anyone please answer that? Oh yeah, he's been offered all of those jobs, but he keeps passing them up because he's been waiting for the Iowa job to open.

He has never went after a job like he has this one....he has taken calls on jobs but never went as far to talk a contract.

Hi star has been on the rise since A&M. He gets calls every year about mid major and laterall moves.
Forbes or not Forbes . . . I just want a guy that wants to be at Iowa for something other than a pay raise. Mr. Davis wasn't about the money and that's the last time basketball was exciting. The last two jokers came from mid-majors and probably saw the job as a great financial step. Just my 2 cents. I just want to get some damn talent on the floor. When was the last time we saw a breakaway dunk? Seriously, answer that question. That's all I want . . . talent.

Jermain (sp?) Davis against Iowa State last year?
2 He may be a great assistant coach but that doesn't always translate into a great head coach. Also see 1. just because he's a good recruiter does not mean he will secede on the court. No one knows because he as never been a HC in major college basketball

Your opinion lost all credibility at this point.
I've already posted 100 times that I'm a Keno fan with Gregory & Wojcik being fine as well. I mean I'd love Pearl, Drew or Dixon, but I've never considered them realistic candidates.

I just wish someone within the Forbes camp could answer my question:

Why has Forbes not been considered or offered for the Auburn, Georgia, Arkansas, Ole Miss, Alabama or Kentucky openings? The AD's in the SEC keep passing on this guy....why?

Can anyone please answer that? Oh yeah, he's been offered all of those jobs, but he keeps passing them up because he's been waiting for the Iowa job to open.

Why did Kirk Ferentz get passed up by all those openings in NCAA divison football when he was an assistant in the NFL or head coach at little bitty Maine? How many schools missed the boat on that? A few years of head coaching in Maine is comparable to a few in the cutthroat world of JC basketball, in my opinion. You will be going after more talent in JC basketball compared to football recruiting wars in Maine. Maybe it was a good fit because he knew Iowa and wanted to be here. He was less then heralded, except for peers in the business, sound familiar? And I'm not saying Forbes is KF, but I don't think you can eliminate him based on this.

Playing Devil's advocate bro. Unless you are Forbes or an SEC AD you have no clue what sort of contact has ever been made. Maybe there was some, maybe there wasn't.

Your Kennedy comparison is quite funny. You do realize he got a head coaching opportunity because Huggy Bear got drunk and fired, right? He took over, had a good year and moved on to Mississippi. He may not be a head coach right now if it wasn't for Huggy Bear and his booze. We may never know....
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Lol. Good work, Bucket! You're probably right. I saw more fast break dunks at my high school this year than watching Iowa (with exception of the opponent). Who needs better talent? We need a proven system guy for sure that has 'coach of the year' credentials and a lot of head coaching experience. It always works. Please Gary . . . don't take a risk, it just may screw up our powerhouse program that great players are standing in line for. I'd loved to have played for a team that scores in the 50's in most games because I'm fat and slow but by golly I can set one hell of a ball screen!!!!!! I fully support Forbes, but I'm biased because I played for him, sorry. Good luck!
Forbes is not the "second assistant". There is no such thing. I've heard from a long-time coach and a recruiting analyst who are both laughing their a***s off at this thread.

We had at least one breakaway dunk this year: [ame=""]YouTube- Eric May dunk at Ohio St.[/ame] But yeah, pretty rare.
Ugh. This has been addressed at least 50 times this week. The only reason Forbes door doesn't say Associate Head Coach is because Tony has been with Pearl for a decade and Forbes didn't get their until 2006. They have the same amount of work and get paid the same.
That is a flat out lie,look it up. There is a difference in pay from the associate head coach and the Ask noodle at New Mexico!
asking noodle will prove what about pay at way any of us KNOW what Forbe or Jones are exactly paid. I know it is relatively close.
Hold it.....all of the Forbes camp claims he's been contacted several times about job openings, but unless I'm missing it, I have not seen one piece of evidence that supports this claim, except from his friend at UK. But even he doesn't mention one school.

Kennedy filled in for Huggins because of his problems. He did a nice job, but Cinncy didn't even want to keep him and he left for Ole Miss. I went to college with Andy and we're still friends, so I'm not speaking out of turn on this one.

If the only answer you can give that he didn't take any of those openings in the SEC is because he didn't want them and was waiting for the Iowa job to open, then your argument is incredibly naive and weak.

I'm not saying that Forbes might not end up being a great head coach, he may well be. But he's way too much of a risk for Barta at this time. I certainly don't expect Barta to make a move that every other AD in the SEC has passed on over the last 5 years.

I understand why so many like Forbes, because he makes us feel good that he wants to be the coach and we all like it when people like us.

I will give him credit for one thing. He certainly knows how to market the message boards and has friends that are willing to help promote him. I admire his desire and respect the fact that he really wants the job....good for him.

Unfortunately for him, he's not even on Barta's radar. I did feel a little sorry for him that he wanted the job so much, but wasn't going to get it, but after learning from many of you that he turns down big jobs all the time, I'm sure better opportunities will present itself very soon.
Nobody has said he turned down big jobs....Did you even know of him before?. People in the college basketball world did...and respect him.

He has a good record everywhere he has been and missed after he left..

Whether he gets the job or not he will be a HC sooner or later.

He turned down interveiws at 3 mid majors that I know of and several Asst jobs over the last 3 yrs.
Missouri St
Wichita st
and I know he was contacted by Drake...he wants better.

I wouldn't be suprised if He has some interest in Depaul if he does not get Iowa.

I really hopes he gets a chance...I know the odds are not in his favor.

Odd as it is I think he would have had a better chance if Lick would have stayed another year.
I saw Forbes running behind Pearl after the block of Turner with his hands in the air yelling...that alone is more passion than Lick showed here over three years combined.

I think I know what you are talking about. That is when Forbes then started having a conversation with the officials while Pearl ran the time out. Working officials is a large part of what a HC does during a game.

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