Iowa Corn responds via twitter


Well-Known Member
Mindy Willamson- (Communications and PR Director)

"We think it is a good trophy and we are proud of it. Worked with ISU and U of I the whole way."


Looks like someone at Iowa and ISU need to share in the blame.
If I were sexist, I would ask why more dudes weren't assigned to this thing. I'm not sexist, I won't ask.
I wonder what the AD's think of this? I pray they did not approve this eyesore of a trophy.

Iowa Corn and whomever else were in on this should be ashamed.

Maybe the basketball team can play for a painting this season?
Mindy Willamson- (Communications and PR Director)

"We think it is a good trophy and we are proud of it. Worked with ISU and U of I the whole way."

What are the odds that Ms. Williamson collects decorative figurines in her spare time?
Never good when you have to issue a press release hours after unveiling the "new" anything. Wonder what is really going on at the Iowa Corn Board offices right now?

My guess is a lot of people are fingerpointing and looking for cover because when public opinion is running 90+% negative then this is a colossial failure. No matter how much you jump up and down and scream that this is a "good trophy and we are proud of it" if the public does not like an award then you failed.
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I wonder what the AD's think of this? I pray they did not approve this eyesore of a trophy.

It seems unlikely that they had no say in the matter, but it was probably mostly based on the sponsored wishes. That's the problem with prostituting the athletic department out to various entities. You end up with crap like this and the heroes game, etc.
It seems unlikely that they had no say in the matter, but it was probably mostly based on the sponsored wishes. That's the problem with prostituting the athletic department out to various entities. You end up with crap like this and the heroes game, etc.

I like the heroes game but I will defer final judgement until I see the trophy. If it is anywhere close to this then obviously that will change things.
The Iowa Corn growers is made up of a bunch of Iowa farmers. Do you think they came up with this? It was probably some outside group that came up with the design, and then when they brought it to the Iowa Corn growers, they were like ok sure. Some members are women, which I assume they like this, and not all farmers are football fans so they thought hey, it's family oriented.

My point mostly is that it was unlikely thought up by the ICGA but more so approved, which isn't much better.
Well, that should end all the criticism.
Never good when you have to issue a press release hours after unveiling the "new" anything. Wonder what is really going on at the Iowa Corn Board offices right now?

My guess is a lot of people are fingerpointing and looking for cover because when public opinion is running 90+% negative then this is a colossial failure. No matter how much you jump up and down and scream that this is a "good trophy and we are proud of it" if the public does not like an award then you failed.

You have to wonder if they did any polling or focus group stuff, sorry but when both Iowa and ISU fans hate it at the % that they do, regardless of who came up with the design it was a major FAIL that they didn't see this coming before they made it public.

How easy would it have been to ask 100 or so people their thoughts on the design?
I'd be willing to bet there's a made in Taiwan sticker on the bottom. Those bastards sure do have a sense of humor.
"My guess is a lot of people are fingerpointing and looking for cover because when public opinion is running 90+% negative then this is a colossial failure."

After 20+ minutes of reading and chuckling the only positive response I've seen so far is Mindy's.
OK, Iowa Corn... let's think this through. You have two options. (1) Stick with the current design of the trophy; or (2) Change the design to something more palatable to both fan bases.

Upside under scenario (1): You don't have to admit that you messed up and you don't have to incur any additional expense in a re-design. Perhaps you don't have to hurt the feelings of the CEO's wife/daughter who design this trophy (that the CEO's wife/daughter designed this is the only possible conclusion that can be drawn).

Downside under scenario (1): You have two entire fan bases that hate your organization and desire to kick Captain Corn straight in the cornhole. The players are too ashamed to hoist the trophy after victory and perhaps leave it "accidentally" at the other team's stadium after road victories. Further, you appear stubborn and concerned more about some politically-correct statement than the fanbase. Essentially, everybody sees the trophy for what it is--a celebration of your organization and not the fan bases, the schools, or the games. People come to view you with contempt, when they otherwise would have viewed you with indifference or benevolence.

Upside under scenario (2): You have second chance to create a trophy that the fan bases and players deem worthy of hoisting after victory. You avoid all of the ill-will that is described in the downside to scenario (1).

Downside under scenario (2): Additional expense and you have to admit you messed up (and maybe hurt some feelings).

This really is not a difficult decision.

Here, let me draft the press release for you.

On Friday, August 19, Iowa Corn unveiled to the general public a new design for the Cy-Hawk Trophy, the trophy awarded to the victor of the annual football game between the University of Iowa and Iowa State University, to replace the original design of the Cy-Hawk Trophy which had been in use since [insert date of year of first use]. Although much thought, time, and effort went into the original re-design of the Cy-Hawk Trophy, as a result of concerns expressed by the fan bases of both universities we have decided to abandon the original re-design and create a contest open to the general public for a new design for the Cy-Hawk Trophy. It was a very difficult decision to abandon the original re-design, because we believe that it embodied the best of the State of Iowa--dedication to family and the State's leading industry, agriculture. However, because we recognize the annual Cy-Hawk football game is a celebration of the the universities, the players, and the fan bases, we have decided to allow the fans to submit their own ideas for the Cy-Hawk Trophy. Iowa Corn will select the top ten proposals submitted by fans and post them on our website at [insert page address]. All fans will then have an opportunity to view the various proposals on our website and vote for their favorite. Iowa Corn is proud to sponsor this excellent football rivalry and is excited to present this opportunity to the fans.
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