iowa coaches


Well-Known Member
there has been a lot of critisism of the iowa coaching staff this year and I am not exempt from that. i believe norm's health has severely & directly affected iowa's current record & poor performance running alongside KF's inability to be aggressive. with that being said, i think its time to give a pat on the back to one of iowa's coaches: erik campbell. we have been lucky enough to have campbell on the sidelines and since he's been in IC he has produced receivers that have excelled. DJK & McNutt both breaking all-time iowa records and in consecutive years and how he has helped mcnutt transform into a nfl player undervalued. he also coached moeaki.
Thank you Mr. Campbell for your hard work and i hope you are rewarded for your efforts and continue to be on the sidelines for years to come.
there has been a lot of critisism of the iowa coaching staff this year and I am not exempt from that. i believe norm's health has severely & directly affected iowa's current record & poor performance running alongside KF's inability to be aggressive. with that being said, i think its time to give a pat on the back to one of iowa's coaches: erik campbell. we have been lucky enough to have campbell on the sidelines and since he's been in IC he has produced receivers that have excelled. DJK & McNutt both breaking all-time iowa records and in consecutive years and how he has helped mcnutt transform into a nfl player undervalued. he also coached moeaki.
Thank you Mr. Campbell for your hard work and i hope you are rewarded for your efforts and continue to be on the sidelines for years to come.

Very good post.

Wouldn't Soups Hire be looked at as a "change" in coaching? Looking at what has happened after his hire, who could be upset with that?

I was hoping he would be the heir apparent for KOK.

Could you imagine? Kirk, Soup, & Stoops? Wow, I just got a football boner
Agree all we need now is another coach of his cliber to get canned who would be willing to do the same thing for our defense.
I wish Iowa would act like they're actually trying to win.
Signing classes at or below 20 is outright telling us they're content with mediocrity.
Not advocating oversigning but the track record with attrition justifies signing 23-25 players per year, most years.
We, as fans, shouldn't be surprised by the mediocrity because that's how they're operating. Hearing KF say this week that they plan to sign between 18-20 players this next class did it for me. Iowa is an average program, thats what they are & they're content with it.
there has been a lot of critisism of the iowa coaching staff this year and I am not exempt from that. i believe norm's health has severely & directly affected iowa's current record & poor performance running alongside KF's inability to be aggressive. with that being said, i think its time to give a pat on the back to one of iowa's coaches: erik campbell. we have been lucky enough to have campbell on the sidelines and since he's been in IC he has produced receivers that have excelled. DJK & McNutt both breaking all-time iowa records and in consecutive years and how he has helped mcnutt transform into a nfl player undervalued. he also coached moeaki.
Thank you Mr. Campbell for your hard work and i hope you are rewarded for your efforts and continue to be on the sidelines for years to come.

I wish Iowa would act
like they're actually trying to win.Signing classes at or below 20 is outright telling us they're content with mediocrity.Not advocating oversigning but the track record with attrition justifies signing 23-25 players per year, most years.We, as fans, shouldn't be surprised by the mediocrity because that's how they're operating. Hearing KF say this week that they plan to sign between 18-20 players this next class did it for me. Iowa is an average program, thats what they are & they're content with it.

i believe this is to allow for walk-ons. iowa & neb both have a strong history of walk-ons. what we need is a flashy recruit, a 5* athlete without a big ego/blue collar 5* with flash to commit and stay committed unlike what couldve been with chris leak
i believe this is to allow for walk-ons. iowa & neb both have a strong history of walk-ons. what we need is a flashy recruit, a 5* athlete without a big ego/blue collar 5* with flash to commit and stay committed unlike what could've been with chris leak

Look for a yeti while you're looking for that guy.
i believe this is to allow for walk-ons. iowa & neb both have a strong history of walk-ons. what we need is a flashy recruit, a 5* athlete without a big ego/blue collar 5* with flash to commit and stay committed unlike what couldve been with chris leak

I'm ok with a couple of deserving walk-ons getting scholarships.
But I'm not ok with 10 walk-ons on the two deep.

I'm no longer going to get upset by anything this program does because they're telling us straight up that they're content with being average. So I'm going to expect average results.

Sign classes of 20 and if you're lucky 15 make it to senior day.
Iowa is average, content to be average & will continue to be average with this philosophy.
Unfortunately Soup belongs on a superior coaching staff and we should be counting our blessings he hasnt left yet but mark my words he will be moving soon and that isn't the kind of coaching change Iowa needs. Great post by the way.. I think Soup is the best coach on this staff and he deserves some props.

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