Purdue=Scrubs+Hummel. Can't believe what a difference a year makes in regards to talent mismatches. We can't lose twice to the worst team we've played so far, so here is to a strong 2nd half!
Cart before horse

No doubt. Even talking about winning tonight's game is cart before the horse. Still 20 minutes to play in a road game. I'm on pins & needles here.

But if, and I say IF, Iowa wins this game tonight, then I might start entertaining the idea of this team POSSIBLY playing its way into a lower NCAA seed. But yes, cart before the horse indeed.
I feel like Iowa should have been up 10. Strange end to the first half. Hopefully the Hawks come out strong early in the second and build a comfortable lead.
It's just annoying because I have never once seen that play not called. Not one time. Painter isn't that scary refs.

Exactly, the pump fake is used in that situation to either a)drive by the player or b)go to the FT line after creating the foul. It was a smart move by Cartwright and he wasn't rewarded for it. Kobe would have b____d to the ref and got a T on that one. lol
Iowa 7-12 from the stripe
Purdue 11-16 from the stripe
this from the worst ft shooting team in the BT and one that does not go to the ft line all that often

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