^^^^^^ Iowa at MSU - Game Thread ^^^^^^

Basabe is playing with more energy then I have ever seen with him. if this *** whooping is what it takes to get him playing like that then its well worth it
Originally Posted by dwh5er
01-10-2012 06:48 PMderekforhawks
Iowa needs to start get a little rougher with MSU because the refs a clearly letting a lot of things go!

No joke! Did the refs hand out Vaseline to go with this physical assault they are allowing?
I just wish one game we wouldn't complain about the refs...our fans do it, our players do it, our coaches do it....You're just getting BEAT. It doesn't matter what the refs do because you're down by TWENTY FOUR POINTS in the first half. Thats it

Of course. You are right. How a game is called can have no bearing on how a team plays or the outcome of a game. (sorry no emoticon on my iPad.)
i don't recall anybody anywhere saying this was a good team let alone great; since you don't approve go follow ISU and the Warden with his team of hired guns