Indiana's backer than we are.

Duff, your auto-correct is for sh!t.
"Indiana is blacker than we are" makes a ton more sense and I applaud you for noticing.
Pls get a new SmartPhone(TM) at once.
he has more talent in his state to recruit from than Fran has in Iowa
pointed this out in another thread
12 top 100 players to Iowa's 2
2 of which are Top 20 recruits
Jealousy from me has ensued. I hate watching these good college games that our team isn't involved in.
I believe the correct term is "backery".

Indiana's level of backery is far superior to Iowa at this point and time.
he has more talent in his state to recruit from than Fran has in Iowa
pointed this out in another thread
12 top 100 players to Iowa's 2
2 of which are Top 20 recruits

All that Indiana talent accounted for 22 of Indiana's 73 points today.
Its funny because IU fans was calling for Creans head last year. Crean built that program in a similar way that Fran is doing. It takes 3 to 4 yrs of getting good / great talent before you can put the finished product on the floor. IU flat out sucked the past few years and now they are going from the bottom to the top.
I am sure once we get into Big 10 season, the other teams will let us win out of respect for our good recruiting class next year.
Cody Zeller and Christian tandem big guys in the BIG...Verdell Jones is pretty solid and understands his role like the rest of the roster...they will be an interesting team if they stay healthy.
Crean is 8-51 vs Big Ten teams the last three years,so Crean is definitely using the slow-build approach. Now,finally,in year 4,he has the critical mass of necessary talent with Zeller as the key addition,along with some experience with Jones,Watford,Hull,Sheehey and Olipido. If Creek had stayed healthy,they could have made a real move. They will be tough at home this year. Zeller is the best of the Zeller bros. They have a top 5 class coming in,so next year they might hit some real paydirt.
Fun game to watch tho. Big Ten is back. IU is picked 7th in the league,and beat #1 KU....that is back.
Crean is 8-51 vs Big Ten teams the last three years,so Crean is definitely using the slow-build approach. Now,finally,in year 4,he has the critical mass of necessary talent with Zeller as the key addition,along with some experience with Jones,Watford,Hull,Sheehey and Olipido. If Creek had stayed healthy,they could have made a real move. They will be tough at home this year. Zeller is the best of the Zeller bros. They have a top 5 class coming in,so next year they might hit some real paydirt.
Fun game to watch tho. Big Ten is back. IU is picked 7th in the league,and beat #1 KU....that is back.

Sometimes reality sucks, however if Fran can recruit as well as Crean better days are ahead.

This...We do need to stay the course and it is very odd that we are comparing Iowa's program to the program that is 2 years ahead of us in the rebuild mode and an inherent advantage of talent in the state...

Fran is trying his best to utilize the left over baggage while trying to mix in the young guys. We have all seen the struggles of this and the frustration that Fran is feeling.

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