I'm at Linn-Mar game

Chris, any members of the Iowa coaching staff there today?

And am I gathering that the high school association put Roy at a table on the floor?
Chris, any members of the Iowa coaching staff there today?

And am I gathering that the high school association put Roy at a table on the floor?

I did not see anyone from Iowa there, but that does not mean they weren't there. Ben Jacobson was there, and I never saw him either.

As for how Roy got to the seat right next to me, I have no idea. I do know that the head of the IAHSAA, Bud Legg, was not happy about it. He actually came over to me and asked if "Roy came in with me?"

I, of course, said "no." Haha.

But apparently one security guy told Roy he could not come down to the floor level, but another overruled him. Coaches are not supposed to be on the floor though.

I actually had a chance to talk to Roy quite a bit today as we were both just enjoying the game.

He asked me "Where Oglesby ended up signing?"

I told him Iowa, and I asked him about Fran, and how he thinks Fran will do.

He said, "Well, I think he will be OK, but it is hard to turn a program around these days because as a first-year coach you have to really start with the sophomore class or below because kids are committing so much earlier these days."

I said, so you're saying Fran never had a chance with Paige?

He answered, "No, not at all."

He went on to tell me all about how Marcus will fit their style of play perfectly, and everything. He would not go "on record" saying this stuff, because he can't. But we talked about a lot of different things.

Overall, he was a nice guy.

And thanks to all the new followers I have. Hope you guys enjoyed the tweets. I try to stay on top of it! OK, back to writing my Hoover story...
Did you ever think to ask him if he thought it might be appropriate to lay off one of the less populated states in the nation for a while? I mean there are 49 others.;)

Also, did you ask him what he thought about Ogelsby? There where did he end up signing comment is a little telling, but did he give up any more info?
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Did you ever think to ask him if he thought it might be appropriate to lay off one of the less populated states in the nation for a while? I mean there are 49 others.;)

Also, did you ask him what he thought about Ogelsby? There where did he end up signing comment is a little telling, but did he give up any more info?

When asked about Oglesby, Roy said, "Nice player, we really wanted him to walk on with us."

Oh wait, that was Hayden's line.
I have a huge concern about a player who can't beat any and all Iowa basketball defenses being able to deal with Big Ten defenses. Big Ten recruits need to be basically unstoppable at the high school level.

I agree and this is HUGE problem facing Iowa hoops. A large portion of the fanbase thinks the Iowa coach (insert name) needs to load up on this "great in state talent". IMO, it simply doesn't translate to the big ten. Sure there will be a Paige or Barnes every few years, but any kid with offers KU or UNC is going to pick them over Iowa. The rest of the players simply don't have the 1:1 skills to make it in high D1 ball. It's either a wide open jumper or nothing with these kids.
I agree and this is HUGE problem facing Iowa hoops. A large portion of the fanbase thinks the Iowa coach (insert name) needs to load up on this "great in state talent". IMO, it simply doesn't translate to the big ten. Sure there will be a Paige or Barnes every few years, but any kid with offers KU or UNC is going to pick them over Iowa. The rest of the players simply don't have the 1:1 skills to make it in high D1 ball. It's either a wide open jumper or nothing with these kids.

Stupid generalization.
Greg Brunner- 1st Team All Big Ten
Adam Haluska-1st Team All Big Ten
Kyle Korver- MVC POY,twice, Chicago Bull,scored 20 points last nite.
Jeff Horner- all time Iowa Assist and 3 pt shot leader.

Each and every player is an individual,not stamped with an Iowa label on his forehead,dooming him to mediocrity.
Just the mere fact that Iowa has produced the #1 player in the nation as recently as last year,makes your statement ridiculous. UNI beat #1 seed Kansas last year with a number of Iowa kids.

It is totally unfair to rule out any Iowa prep who has not been offered by KU or UNC.
It is also not smart to take any Iowa prep who is not an elite talent becauses they are local.
That is why rating services are helpful,as they objectively assess players,mainly in summer AAU tournys vs other top talent.
Oglesby is a top 110 player on Rivals.
Woodbury is also a top 105 player on Rivals and #74 on Scout.
These players have earned these ratings from objective outside observers just like Harrison Barnes ...and Jared Sullinger,and Chasson Randle,ect..so they should be penalized because they are from Iowa? No.

Fran is smarter than you,clearly,and will go after the best talent he can get,instate or not.
My wife went to high school with Kenyon Murray's wife. They are friends on dumb book. Kenyon's wife posted a dumb book photo of Coach Williams with Kenyon's kids. The caption said Coach Williams just offered them a full ride to NC. She was kidding obviously, but it still made me cringe. The two boys are probably 10 or so.
Tell Roy how happy you were that you got Marcus Paige's autograph for free last year because this year he's been charging $50 bucks a pop for them.

FOllow it up with-".............but that isn't so bad compared to the c-note that Barnes was charging in his senior year.It seemed like he could get money for anything."

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